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Microsoft Thanked For Its "Significant Financial Donation" To OpenBSD Foundation 265

McGruber writes: Microsoft has donated a considerable amount of money to the OpenBSD Foundation, becoming its first-ever Gold level contributor in the process. From the OpenBSD Journal: "The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to announce that Microsoft has made a significant financial donation to the Foundation. This donation is in recognition of the role of the Foundation in supporting the OpenSSH project. This donation makes Microsoft the first Gold level contributor in the OpenBSD Foundation's 2015 fundraising campaign."
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Microsoft Thanked For Its "Significant Financial Donation" To OpenBSD Foundation

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  • Question (Score:5, Funny)

    by PNutts ( 199112 ) on Wednesday July 08, 2015 @07:41PM (#50073023)

    Can we start calling them M$ again?

    • Re:Question (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Sowelu ( 713889 ) on Wednesday July 08, 2015 @07:50PM (#50073057)

      As the evil empire of this decade, we really need a snarky nickname like that for Google.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Sorry but evil empire of this decade is definitely Apple, they just need to finish locking everyone in to their services on every industry (including financial), before they really turn the screws. They are like Google in the early 00's where they are only showing hints of their future evils.

        • Apple would never, ever, want to lock everyone in to their services. They seek to sell to the richest 20% of the people. Look at their product line: they never make anything at a price even close to the average for that classification of device type.

          Their whole marketing scheme involves letting people feel elite for buying their products. That's how cult deals work.

          • Apple would never, ever, want to lock everyone in to their services. They seek to sell to the richest 20% of the people. Look at their product line: they never make anything at a price even close to the average for that classification of device type.

            Their whole marketing scheme involves letting people feel elite for buying their products. That's how cult deals work.

            So it's not that Apple's stuff is easier to use and the top 20% can afford more, it's about feelings...

        • $pple

    • Can we start calling them M$ again?


    • Slashdot comment subjects are limited to 50 characters. Microsoft sells Visual Basic, which is the descendant of a language in which string variable names ended with a dollar sign: A$ or B$ or M$. Until these facts change, I'll keep referring to Microsoft as M$ in comment subjects. Think of it as variable interpolation analogous to "thank $DEITY".

  • ....why don't also stop trolling with their patents the companies that uses Android. []
    • maybe we could avoid all evil corporations by cowering in the closet

      have you done ethical investigations of your grocer? his supplier? how about the kid who mows your lawn? what about the people you buy gasoline from? do they pass your ethical test?

      • So we should just ignore patent abuse by large corporations because we haven't investigated our grocers. That's the gist of your comment?
  • by nyet ( 19118 )

    Not a dime to the FSF or EFF

    • by Trepidity ( 597 )

      Microsoft's a member of the Entertainment Software Association [], which doesn't get along with the EFF very well, making it pretty unlikely they'd donate to the EFF.

    • MS is a buisness built on propietary software. The FSF belives propietary software is unethical. MS donating to the FSF would be like an abortion clinic donating to a "pro life" organisation.

      • Microsoft is making billions and billions of dollars every year selling licenses for linux/android, they should be sending big checks to the FSF. Without the FSF and their license, Microsoft would not be making that money, because linux would not have happened.

  • by FranTaylor ( 164577 ) on Wednesday July 08, 2015 @10:02PM (#50073519)

    Microsoft at one point was the #1 vendor of Unix software. They wrote the Unix for a Radio Shack system that was the #1 selling Unix system in the whole world at the time.

    Microsoft inherited a huge BSD infrastructure when they bought Skype, they maintained it for years.

    Microsoft is the #1 vendor of software for the #1 selling Unix system in the whole world, OSX.

    • Microsoft at one point was the #1 vendor of Unix software. They wrote the Unix for a Radio Shack system that was the #1 selling Unix system in the whole world at the time.

      Apparently that was Xenix for the TRS-80 Model 16 []. I seem to remember Microsoft selling Xenix to SCO, with a lot of the code filtering into what became SCO OpenServer.

      • I seem to remember Microsoft selling Xenix to SCO, with a lot of the code filtering into what became SCO OpenServer.

        The copious Microsoft copyright notices that are printed out when you log into a SCO system should be your clue. Or maybe the Microsoft copyright notice that is printed when you run the SCO C compiler? If you've ever actually used SCO, you know where it came from.

    • by AJWM ( 19027 )

      "They ported the Unix for a Radio Shack system"


      Xenix was based on a source license from AT&T (the original, not the renamed Southern Bell) of Bell Labs' Version 7 Unix. Microsoft also made Xenix ports available for a number of other systems.

      Plenty of other companies also made licensed ports of V7, which they couldn't call Unix (or UNIX) because AT&T wouldn't license the trademark. For example, Amdahl made UTS which ran on their IBM 370 clones (as well as on IBM hardware).

  • Theo's masturbating monkeys with Bill Gates winged monkeys to produce monkeys who can both simultaneously fly and masturbate. No alternative operating system or newly washed car will be safe.

    • It's all an evil plot to cross-breed Theo's masturbating monkeys with Bill Gates winged monkeys to produce monkeys who can both simultaneously fly and masturbate.

      The last time they tried cross-breeding anything with Bill's winged monkeys they ended up with gargoyles that looked a lot like Steve Ballmer.

      Of course Steve Ballmer himself was an earlier result of cross-breeding Mr Blobby and Uncle Fester.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
