Daemonnews reviews Applixware 120
The folks over at DaemonNews are running a review of Applixware, the 'Office Productivity Suite'. Featuring all the standard components (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and so on), it's been available for Linux for a while now. However, this is the first time native binaries have been produced for FreeBSD. Read the review to find out whether it was worth waiting for.
Cloak and Dagger pricing (Score:1)
Wow, anti-freebsd comments (why?) (Score:1)
Applixware Question (Score:1)
Does the current version of Applixware support this capability?
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
I'll tell you what sucks more, after using word periodically at work (maybe 10 hours on it over the last year, compared to about 10 hours with other products) I pull up the newest wordperfect for linux and it feels down right primitive in comparison. It's not, wordperfect and word are both very similar in terms of features but there is something that makes word really nice to use. If your machine is fast enough, it's compelling.
MS has gotten where they are by delivering products quickly, usually shoddy, and then following up with solid products in version x + 1.
MSIE was that way, Office was that way, VC++ is that way. Even windows is that way. Not that it's solid but it has improved. If the competition makes any mistakes (like wordperfect did in committing to alternative platforms and then never delivering and then killing to projects and then rebirthing them after 3 changes in ownership...) then MS steps in and starts owning the market.
StarOffice would be my second favorite and it's a full tilt office clone, that's also what frustrates with it, they copied all the good stuff but it's a little rough. It still feels great and is nice to use but the need to do a little more to close the circle and fill it out.
Hopefully Abiword, KOffice, and GNOME catch up soon.. They will, I'm just impatient, we will beat them, it will just take a while. StarOffice too, but it sounds like they're focused on this java thing more than bulking up their native products... (opensource it sun!)
Re:WHAT and leave out ed?! ed! ed! ed! ed! ed! ed! (Score:3)
Or, as a wise man once said [wustl.edu]:
Re:Excuse my ignorance, but... (Score:2)
Re:Why you compile it yourself (Score:1)
Re: troff was *sigh* (Score:2)
is there a decent introduction/tutorial for troff
that can get someone up to speed enough to understand what the manpage is saying?
It is possible for a semi-intelligent person to
still be somewhat boggled by what troff is supposed to be and how it might be used.
To the thread,
As the independent, successful person that you are, you do not have the pleasure of working for someone who won't accept that there are modes of transferring text other than Office97 fast save files. This is a real showstopper in so many places.
Of course, that's the damage done by ignorance, in the general case.
Re: troff was *sigh* (Score:2)
expressed much of the same sentiment about troff and other tools.
}From the point of view of a touchtypist, and proficient vi user, troff seems to have a reputation for being the utilitarian yet superpowered tool for type and layout (like what vi is for brain-to-fingers efficiency and control).
Domo arigato, Mr. Christiansen
Shouldn't you compare size of .ps file on Windows? (Score:2)
Optimizing the size of a Postscript print stream sounds much easier to me than figuring out the undocumented portions of the Office 97 file formats.
Dave Aiello
Automation and File Format Compatibility (Score:2)
The $64,000 question has always been file format compatibility. A lot of people really want an alternative office suite to save documents in files that are indistinguishable from Excel 97 and Word 97. For my purposes, Excel 4.0 compatibility is more than enough, but not every potential user of Applixware (or StarOffice or Corel) is going to feel that way.
IMHO, discussion of file interchangeability with Office 97 would have made this review even better.
Finally, I read a report from Forrester Research the other day that said that Office 2000 would be a great Web publishing environment for non-technical people, because it is able to maintain formatting through the roundtrip between Office and the Web Server. The key to this, apparently, is the encapsulation of style information in XML.
If this is truly the case, then it is also going to get a lot easier for competing office suites like Applixware to exchange documents with Office. Similarly, it will make it easier for *nix users like us to get our work done with tools we like.
(Sorry for the lack of a link to the Forrester report. I think it is one of those that Fortune 500 companies pay big bucks to get access to.)
Dave Aiello
A good example of how reviews SHOULD be written... (Score:2)
My informed decision:
Given the size of the spool files, applix should probably give out vouchers for reductions if you need to buy a new hard drive...
Honest opinion (Score:1)
Re:I hope... (Score:1)
He hated it! I am trying to find the perfect application for my Red Hat system and I have decided thus far to go with Wordperfect.
Why did my friend hate Applix and what is wrong (or right) with Star Office or Wordperfect (aside from the latter not being a Suite.)
Just an opinion (Score:1)
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
That is FUD and bullshit. I run Office 97 on my Pentium (not Pro) 200 with 64Mb of RAM and it's very much usable (after you disable the paperclip, of course).
Re:Just an opinion (Score:1)
stated office 2k hardware requirements not true. (Score:1)
s/w installs are different with many users. (Score:1)
Re:Excuse my ignorance, but... (Score:1)
Re:Wow, anti-freebsd comments (why?) (Score:1)
Actually, I think Microsoft fears *BSD even more than Linux.
FreeBSD *IS* UNIX (Score:1)
Remember the "UNIX is a trademark of AT&T" at the bottom of technical papers? I have the impression that BSD Unix has generally been superior to AT&T Unix.
Re:Linuxes are threatening MS's existing customers (Score:1)
Good point on NFS mounted installations (Score:2)
Sometimes I argue about the everreturning issue of Windows/UN?X strengh/weaknesses and it is often said, that SMB/Shortcuts is stronger than NFS/symlinks. But anyone who has tried to manage an Office97 corporate solution knows that this isn't true. NFS mounts are transparent to the applications and symlinks open just like any other files.
I can see a lot of advantages in managing standard templates, standard doc-vaults, standard configuration with good UNIX praxis, rather than application specific menu hunt-downs and weird-fixes.
Not really usable IMHO (Score:1)
Application printing is also very well done
and then the reviewer goes on to describe a ~500k
Where I work, we have a lot of network printers. Those are being served by one of our servers, with queue limits of about 15MB per job. I haven't heard of a single complaint about the size of the queue before. So maybe although the memory requirements of ApplixWare seem modest, this is really unacceptable in our situation. In defense of the reviewer, he says it's "a complex, 10 page graphics-intensive document", but even then, most LaTeX files I've seen that include figures don't produce 100's of MB's of postscript.
Too bad, I'd really like to see a good Office suite for *nix (and no, StarOffice with its 1min+ startup time and 100MB memory requirements doesn't cut it for me either).
Excuse my ignorance, but... (Score:1)
This review contains the words "We have been ignored mainly because of the lack of an office suite with word processor and spreadsheet and presentation package." Am I wrong, or is this simply the first BSD-native Office Suite?
Stupid limitations in MS Office (Score:1)
Stupid limitations in VBA/VB (Score:1)
> everything that I needed to do quickly, easily, and reliably.
I guess, then, that you've never wanted a text box where the text gets auto-selected when you click on it. I've seen professional programmers resort to using SendKeys to overcome this.
_Select, not _Click (Score:1)
Re:Exaggeration? No exxageration. (Score:1)
> fine with 96 MB of RAM. I have noticed
> problems with 32 or even 64 MB
If you have enough swap space, it shouldn't even be able to tell the difference - it'd go slowly but it shouldn't be any more unstable.
Exaggeration? (Score:2)
You are exaggerating there, right? SO50 starts in about 15 sec on my 32MB Cyrix 200
Re:Excuse my ignorance, but... (Score:2)
Re:*sigh* (Score:2)
Re:*sigh* (Score:2)
I write letters, articles, resumes, and even books in troff. So do a lot of real programmers. Other people use Latex, and they're real programmers, too.
Since people use this stuff, and get plenty of real work done with them, they're hardly dead, much though you might wish this were the case, you cowardly bastard.
I think we should change "Anonymous Coward" to "Cowardly Bastard". If you haven't the testicular fortitude to place a name on a post, don't bother posting.
Just because the entry cost for power-tools like troff and latex is a double-digit IQ doesn't mean power-tools shouldn't exist. Yes, I realizethat half the populace doesn't measure up to that requirement. Oh well.
And yes, I remember the first winmenumouse systems. I used the Star system on Dandelions from Xerox long ago, back before Apple stole the interface from them, and before the Evil One stole the interface from Apple. It really pissed me off when I had to leave school and go work in industry and couldn't use the nice Xerox tools, but had to do everything in troff again instead. But I still got my job done.
And it's not just because I am a programmer. Even secretaries can do this if they have to. Remember that for many years, all the secretaries at Bell Labs used vi and troff for all the corporate documents. Don't underestimate a secretary.
I'm not saying one should do this. I'm merely saying that one can. Stop expecting everyone to be an idiot.
Linuxes are threatening MS's existing customers (Score:2)
It would seem that the Linuxes are much more commercially oriented. Look at Corel, Caldera, RedHat, SuSE, and all the rest of them. Sure, BSDs are more used by ISP businesses and other high-tech places filled with Unix professionals, but that's really a completely new place for M$, once where they've not traditionally been very effective (maybe there's not enough room temperature IQs there for them to hoodwink so easily :-). But because the Linuxes are obviously trying to attack M$'s existing business at least in mindshare if not in real dollar amounts (but I bet there's something there, too), I would think that the Linuxes would be much more threatening to M$ than the BSDs.
Re: troff was *sigh* (Score:2)
static link your editor for emergencies (Score:3)
But come to think of it, ed doesn't even need a tty. It'll run fine over a socket, too, even if isatty() returns false. It's good for automation, and complete desperation, but not a lot else. If you're going to have a staticly linked editor, which of course is a must and many of these silly commerical Linux-based operating systems forget to do this, then you might as well have something more user-friendly, like, oh, I don't know, maybe ex. :-)
Re:Excuse my ignorance, but... (Score:1)
that it was NetBSD people who started the development of the compatibility layer.
Re:Make or Break (Score:2)
I've been using Applix Office at home, and I like it a lot. But moving files from home to work, where they have Windows, is tough.
Actually, it's toughest in the other direction (work to home) because I have to remember to save files in earlier file formats; as usual, I am the weakest link in this chain. What I would really love is one of those programs that seem to grow up around the Mac ecosphere to translate PC files into other files -- even just to plain ol' text would be good if it would help me read it.
Actually, I have one funny story. Every year I make over 500 holiday cookies in 6 varieties. I was putting together a spreadsheet to calculate the total amounts of each ingredient I needed so that I could do all the shopping at once (when you make this many cookies, efficiency is critical if you want to keep your day job). But my printer was out of ink, so I sneakernetted the file over to another (Windows) machine to print it out. I was able to open the file, but all the numbers in the cells were read in a new format -- scientific notation. I was tickled! I got to shop in scientific notation! (I'm going to publish it on my holiday cookies portion of my website, too).
That said, one major flaw for me is the non-portability of spreadsheets with certain types of formulas in them between Applix's spreadsheet program and Excel.
Re:Honest opinion (Score:1)
Re:Exaggeration? No exxageration. (Score:1)
Sorry for the AC post.
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
Yeah, I don't get it. My wife uses it at home on a Pentium 100 with 48Mb of RAM for light work, letters, organizing tabular data in Excel, reading other's documents, etc. It's not swift, but I would not say it's "unusable".
The constant hyperbole about how bad MS products you see on /. really tends to discredit /. as a reliable source.
Obvious (Score:1)
So all this article is really saying is that you can run unix on lower spec machines than what is required for Windows and Office 2000.
Duh! I think we already knew this. It would have been more interesting if the review had compared the features (and cost) on suitably specified machines.
Re:Obvious (Score:1)
Hm, re-re-re-reading the paragraph, it is no longer clear to me if the author talks about his disappointment with Office or Applixware.
In any case it seems like his "Pentium 150 with 64 megs of RAM" was an insufficient system for either application.
Does office suites have to be that heavy?
Re:*sigh* (Score:2)
Well said. I would add that MS Office has never spent "almost an hour to render the document and print it" for a ten page (!) document. Come on - people may talk of the paperless office but this sort of thing makes it unusable for me.
Applixware does not seem to be an alternative if my 100 page thesis takes ten hours and 100 GB swap space to print.
And you thought Microsoft products were bloated.
Re:Wow, anti-freebsd comments (why?) (Score:1)
There's just one guy who has a bad day and keeps
trolling. We see people like him doing this in every BSD related story.
(Errm. This isn't really BSD related, except that
daemonnews did the review.)
Maybe he's an MSCE and just got fired because his
company switched from NT to FreeBSD. Ignore his
comments. He's just a troll.
Good. (Score:2)
other unix versions pay the bills, that's why (Score:1)
Re:Stupid limitations in VBA/VB (Score:1)
Private Sub Text1_Click()
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1.Text)
End Sub
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that solve the problem?
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
*sigh* (Score:3)
The author claims, for example, that Office 97 is barely runnable on a Pentium-II 266. This is way more than enough for most people, especially if you're going to keep the document simple. Maybe it is bloated code, but it's still very responsive on this kind of system. And then raving about Applixware's documentation in hypertext format, when Office has had hypertexted help since at least Office 97, with plenty of examples, tips, and quickie-tutorials.
MS Office is very slick, but certainly not because of its silly dancing paperclip. It has a lot of features which work the way I expect them to. For example, its on-the-fly spellchecking is an extremely useful feature -- this is hardly something that can be swept under the BSD rug ... Oh, and here's the kicker: Applixware has better OS intergration than Microsoft? Come on ... MS just gets a Finding of Fact issued against it saying that it's too tightly integrating its products together ... and Applixware is better? I've programmed all sorts of stuff in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and it's done everything that I needed to do quickly, easily, and reliably.
If you're going to review a product and compare it against Microsoft, stick to the real issues. If it's faster and quicker than Microsoft at doing the same stuff (which it probably is), that's great. But don't pick lame points. People are so quick to bash Microsoft these days it's sickening. It's called chauvanism.
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
Applix - it's ok. (Score:1)
If you're writing a book, it's great. It allows you to embed index information right into the text and this is what I found most useful from it. I use it to write technical documentation.
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
When I first worked at IBM we used PROFS/VM (pre Lotus Notes). Managers, secretaries and programmers all used BookMaster to write their documentation. This was based on SGML. We had less problems with viewing, printing and formatting than they do now. If someone wanted a copy of your doc, you simply sent them the source.
Re:Make or Break (Score:1)
Make or Break (Score:2)