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BSD Operating Systems

FreeBSDCon 99 91

xlogan writes "I received my FreeBSD 99 catalog in the mail today from Walnut Creek and The FreeBSD Mall and it included a little brochure about FreeBSDCon '99. Hope I can get work to pay for the trip ;-) "
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FreeBSDCon 99

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  • I still have a Slackware machine for cdparanoia, but that's about all it gets used for.

    Things are arranged for cdparanoia IV getting ported to FreeBSD as well. Monty is aiming for a more portable design than the present one.

    More in a few weeks! :)

  • Where is it?
  • So go down to 5 Points and cry in your beer........wish I was stll there.
  • Chuck would bbq Tux's ass and have him for Sunday dinner.
  • by DWRM ( 45311 )
    hrm, network went down and I think it screwed up the post. ranting on ACs and then ended up posted as an AC :(
  • The two NetBSD users and the three OpenBSD users are welcome to attend.

    No one will mind.
  • WC has supported a few of the Linux dists as well. has done quite a bit to make the whole open source thing work.

    Soemone has to pay the bills.
  • That was cute.

    Now realize that most lamers wouldn't take the time to set up a registered account to get their kicks. That would require an e-mail address to use, some time....
  • Are they gonna have daemons caged up there?
  • Don't forget that Kirk McKusick is teaching a class on BSD Unix for the first two days. It's an extra $400 or so, but well worth it.

    Looks to be very cool.

  • Jonathan Hubbard and the rest of the gang should be rather pleased with themselves. With a miniscule amount of support and publicity compared to Linux, the FreeBSD team has done a superlative job in creating an OS that, for the x86 platform, is hands down one of the best. While Linux is the media darling, we shouldn't forget the efforts of the Free/Net/OpenBSD teams, as all of them have a niche. Besides, the FreeBSD daemon is just about as cute as tux, and is alot more sinister looking. They deserve a show of their own!
    Andrew G. Feinberg
  • Isn't that Jordan Hubbard? Otherwise, yes, I wish I could afford to go.
  • I've been trying to decide whether to load FreeBSD onto a dual 266 but a lot of what I've read says that the 2.2.x kernel is better for SMP.

    Any clarification please.

  • Will OpenBSD and NetBSD be there as well, or is this purely a FreeBSD thing?
  • The SMP support in FreeBSD 3x is a little clunky.

    If you have a network-heavy application, the IP stack more than makes up the difference.

    The SMP issues are being attacked in FreeBSD-current, and will be backported to -stable when possible. Check the freebsd-hackers mailing list archives for the gory details of the SMP discussions.

    FWIW, I have a dual-processor 3.2-stable box, and it just flies.

  • Actually, and I'm a fan of both OSes, I've seen a lot more mindless Linux bashing from FreeBSD people than mindless BSD bashing from Linux people. I used to hang out in #freebsd on EfNet but got sick of it because every single day involved some stupid "You use LinSUCKS? Eww!" argument.

    My .02: Both sides need to just calm down and accept that both OSes have plusses and minuses but are overall about the best things out there.
  • I don't know about on /. but how about
    and any log of more than five minutes talk on #freebsd?
  • If there's ever an convention or expo for both the Linux and *BSD crowds, I think that they ought to have a wresting match between a guy in a Tux costume and a guy in a BSD daemon costume. I don't think it's that much sillier than a paintball fight between vi and emacs partisans (which actually was an event at a Linux convention), and it would give people a chance to laugh at themselves.
  • Whoa, BSD shows up in 1772 lines in linux kernel source code? I'm impressed Linux is looking more like BSD!!
  • Oh I think coders can make a program to replace "bad" words with less vulgar words! Many commercial UNIces are unispired relative to Linux.
  • you just need to run "disklabel -e "
    then make a "clone of the 'c' partition called 'e', make the FStype 'vinum'

    run vinum and simply:

    'stripe e e e'

    It's really not _that_ bad.
  • Please look at the last graph at:

    Just something actually tangible. The growth is actually pretty astounding.

    I'm not sure if i'm more confused by your definition of 'shrinking' or why _every_ FreeBSD related post on slashdot turns into an OS holy-war.

    I just wanted to thank CmdrTaco for the forum to share FreeBSD related news.

    Oh, and my company is paying for my FreeBSDCON experiance! w00p!
  • Judging from the ignorant anti-BSD ranting that seems to go on anytime Slashdot has a BSD-related article, I am ever more and more glad that I'm migrating away from Linux to NetBSD. I still have a Slackware machine for cdparanoia, but that's about all it gets used for.

    Eventually we will come to pity the mature forward-thinking people in the Linux community who have to put up with all these children.
  • by Yarn ( 75 )
    not caged, kept within a pentagram
  • I've been trying to decide whether to load FreeBSD onto a dual 266 but a lot of what I've read says that the 2.2.x kernel is better for SMP.

    It all depends on your workload. The FreeBSD VM system is probably still superior to the Linux one (though Linux has seen a lot of improvements), which in many cases will make FreeBSD run faster than Linux, with or without SMP. For compilation benchmarks on an SMP system (and those may or may not be relevant for your workload), FreeBSD beat Linux easily in the last benchmark I saw.

    For a threaded CPU-bound program, I would expect Linux to beat FreeBSD (though I've not tested the case). There are some scheduler changes that have just gone into FreeBSD-current (if I read my commit logs right) that should avoid cache trashing; this should give a clear speedup. We've also recently been looking at other SMP-related improvements (but none have entered the tree for a long time).


  • Even if all the *BSD operating systems disappeared tomorrow, BSD would not be dead. Try grepping for 'BSD' in your Linux kernel source.
  • by aZid ( 78126 )
    Nigga.... Puhleez.
    Xlogan is a wanker. He's sitting 15 feet away from me. Should I throw something at him?
  • It's sad that far too many people feel that in order to support Linux they must trash *BSD. They seem to believe that only their OS preference is worthy of mention. This is the same attitude that Microsoft has.

    People, grow up!
  • So should they also include other systems like SunOS, Solaris, AIX, SCO, Linux, DEC UNIX, MacOS, and others derived from BSD?
  • No, the real pity is that people think that criticizing Linux is only something a "pro-Microsoft" person would do. It has nothing to do with Microsoft. It's only been recently that forces have come on the scene who think that Linux is a club to beat Microsoft with.

    We aren't all Windows refugees, ya know. I for one use a wide variety of operating systems, including BeOS, OS/2, NetBSD, Slackware Linux, and yes, Microsoft.
  • Not that I lean one way or another, this doesn't prove that the BSD folx started it first.
  • I still have a Slackware machine

    Damn right you do.

    for cdparanoia, but that's about all it gets used for.

    Awwww, dammit.

    Just need a hard drive, and my FreeBSD system will be up and open for play time...

    Slackware Core Team
  • Two of the best things to come from there are LSD and Unix. I tend to prefer the former. :)
  • Yeah, well...Bezerkeley is a helluva lot better and fun to be around than some boring places. Like, let's say, the West Michigan area around Holland and Grand Haven. I recommend a visit, for FreeBSD or not, just to experience the place.

  • Hmm, I don't really have much to say about this. *BSD is very much alive. It's doing well, could be better, but it's still there, and looks like it's here to stay for a while.

    Have FreeBSD questions?
  • He controls your destiny.
    He's a part of who you are.
    Your next raise depends on him...
    Go give him a hug.

    But wait a minute, my camera is in the car...
  • While I haven't been around here very long and may very well have failed to notice any historical tendency towards BSD-bashing, something tells me that the people who are doing so right now are the same dickless wonders who have been posting lame-ass shit about Linux lately.

    Apparently now that Slashdot is getting exposure in the mainstream media, every pointy-headed cretin with a computer has been drawn here to try to spoil things. This is an unfortunate indication of the state of our species' gene pool.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
