OpenBSD Looking At Funding Shortfall In 2014 277
Freshly Exhumed writes "Today the OpenBSD mailing list carried a plea from Theo de Raadt for much needed financial aid for the OpenBSD foundation: 'I am resending this request for funding our electricity bills because it is not yet resolved. We really need even more funding beyond that, because otherwise all of this is simply unsustainable. This request is the smallest we can make.' Bob Beck, of the OpenBSD Foundation, added: 'the fact is right now, OpenBSD will shut down if we do not have the funding to keep the lights on.'"
The electricity bill in question is $20,000 a year for build servers located in Canada.
fuck them (Score:5, Funny)
It is now official. Netcraft has confirmed: *BSD is dying
One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered *BSD community when IDC confirmed that *BSD market share has dropped yet again, now down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all servers. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states that *BSD has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. *BSD is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified by failing dead last [samag.com] in the recent Sys Admin comprehensive networking test.
You don't need to be the Amazing Kreskin [amazingkreskin.com] to predict *BSD's future. The hand writing is on the wall: *BSD faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for *BSD because *BSD is dying. Things are looking very bad for *BSD. As many of us are already aware, *BSD continues to lose market share. Red ink flows like a river of blood.
FreeBSD is the most endangered of them all, having lost 93% of its core developers. The sudden and unpleasant departures of long time FreeBSD developers Jordan Hubbard and Mike Smith only serve to underscore the point more clearly. There can no longer be any doubt: FreeBSD is dying.
Let's keep to the facts and look at the numbers.
OpenBSD leader Theo states that there are 7000 users of OpenBSD. How many users of NetBSD are there? Let's see. The number of OpenBSD versus NetBSD posts on Usenet is roughly in ratio of 5 to 1. Therefore there are about 7000/5 = 1400 NetBSD users. BSD/OS posts on Usenet are about half of the volume of NetBSD posts. Therefore there are about 700 users of BSD/OS. A recent article put FreeBSD at about 80 percent of the *BSD market. Therefore there are (7000+1400+700)*4 = 36400 FreeBSD users. This is consistent with the number of FreeBSD Usenet posts.
Due to the troubles of Walnut Creek, abysmal sales and so on, FreeBSD went out of business and was taken over by BSDI who sell another troubled OS. Now BSDI is also dead, its corpse turned over to yet another charnel house.
All major surveys show that *BSD has steadily declined in market share. *BSD is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If *BSD is to survive at all it will be among OS dilettante dabblers. *BSD continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, *BSD is dead.
Too bad (Score:5, Insightful)
You know, it's really too bad. I was an avid OpenBSD fan until I interacted with Theo and he was extremely belligerent regarding pretty routine matters that required no hostility. Then his followers jumped on me as well, as if it was necessary to back up their fearless leader in what was perceived to be life or death combat.
In the past I had donated regularly to the project, but after that incident I began to give to the FreeBSD community instead. Who by and large seem to be a much more friendly bunch and certainly don't seem to be sweating massive power bills.
Seems to me that Theo's inability to conjure up the slightest bit of charisma in the face of utter defeat is symptomatic of why OpenBSD is dying. They needlessly humiliate and scorn their own followers over minor perceived philosophical or technical differences, thus the only path they can end up on is one with less and less support.
They will probably fail in the long run as a result of this behavior and their inflexibility to re-locate or distribute their build servers. Theo has ranted about how they must be in what amounts to his garage, but I don't buy it. I'm pretty sure they could easily be re-located -- but don't mention that in his presence or he'll surely burn you, too.
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Re:Too bad (Score:4, Insightful)
Basic politeness shouldn't depend on whether the person you're conversing with is well-informed or not.
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I read it somewhere:
We all manipulate, we ask people to please pass the salt instead of saying pass the &#(@#ing salt you *#(*$@$(*@$ing $*@$"
Me thinks that if you're going to need help with an electric bill in the future, it might help to occasionally engage in a bit of manipulation on the please pass the salt level.
Re:Too bad (Score:5, Insightful)
Heinlein had it nailed:
"Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as âoeempty,â âoemeaningless,â or âoedishonest,â and scorn to use them. No matter how âoepureâ their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best. "
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"Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as Ãoeempty,Ã Ãoemeaningless,Ã or Ãoedishonest,Ã and scorn to use them."
Because the young, naive, etc. see it as the bullshit that it is. The real problem is people have expectations and kissing their ass gets you farther, the basis of corruption. Stop trying to expect anything out
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I looked it up, so for the benefits of others: according to http://www.math.uh.edu/~tomforde/hquotes.html [uh.edu], the quote is from Time Enough for Love
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""Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as Ãoeempty,à Ãoemeaningless,à or Ãoedishonest,à and scorn to use them. No matter how Ãoepureà their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best. ""
What's that Kha
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Heinlein said: "Diplomacy is the act of saying 'nice doggie' until you can get your hands on a big rock"
Re:Too bad (Score:4, Insightful)
He's the leader of the project. This carries with it the duties of a "community relations representative", among other things.
Anyway, developers don't get an excuse for being dicks unnecessarily. No-one does.
Re:Except Linus ... (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes, Linus is guilty of a similar thing. But Theo's attitude problem is an order of magnitude more than that of Linus.
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Wow, that bad?
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Judge for yourself [gmane.org].
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Gotta agree. A full order of magnitude worse then Linus and still a full order of magnitude better than RMS.
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He's not "dealing" with Stallman, he's plainly trolling him. By spamming, no less.
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Torvalds regularly gets critique over his rants and insults even here on Slashdot, actually.
Anyway, "getting a pass" would, by definition, imply doing this without any consequences for oneself. And yes, being important enough, it is possible to pull off (though it's still being a dick at the end of the day). But if Theo doesn't get the money to run his project due to his attitude, then perhaps he's not as important as Linus? Just saying.
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He's the head of the project, which makes him a figurehead and basically a "community relations representative" as you put it. He's not just some nameless developer that no one ever hears from.
Re:Too bad (Score:4, Insightful)
He's a developer, not a community relations representative.
Then why is asking for donations? That seems like the job of a community relations representative, I am fairly sure...
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Does Theo work in IT end user support?
I'm a developer, and I deal with other developers on a regular basis. I do come by an occasional dumbass, but it's certainly not a regular occurrence, and it still doesn't justify hurling invectives at them. You just shrug and move on.
OTOH, if you treat everyone as a dumbass, and proudly proclaim that to the world, then you don't get to bitch when the end result is such as described in this article.
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Does Canada have some form of energy assistance that Theo can apply for to keep the power on in his garage? Many US states have programs that cap power under 7% of your income if you are poor as I assume he is with the lack of donations paying his bills, surly Canada does as well.
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A $20k/year electricity bill is rather abnormal and would not qualify for this kind of thing.
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$20k/year power bill in the US? The DEA would already have leveled the whole house on suspicion of drug production.
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All of us in geek tech, everyone in the business, whether sysadmins, developers, grunts, project managers, hardware devs, etc. are all such truly well-rounded, serene, polite, and co-operative people who exude zen mastery.
Re:Too bad (Score:5, Interesting)
Well, you know I was a fan of OpenBSD until I had to interact with the mailing list.
I figured they're all professionals and giving their time for free. The best way to show respect is to not waste their time. So, I carefully read up on the things I was asking about. I documented what I had read in the message and which questions remained unanswered. Actually during this process, I actually answered some of my questions, simply by being more careful.
So, I then posted.
And I got polite, helpful responses, even though I was compiling a custom kernel which is strongly discouraged. But then Theo himself weighed in and... gave polite, helpful responses.
I remained a fan of OpenBSD.
Maybe you did get on his bad side, but much of the hostility I've seen in the OSS community is people getting grumpy because someone comes along and would rather the professionals help them for free than take the time to use google.
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Why were you interacting with Theo about routine matters?
Re:Too bad (Score:5, Interesting)
I had the pleasure of having beer with Theo when he was in Edmonton, AB several years ago. He even refused to let me go to the ATM to grab cash; he bought the beer for me.
My only complaint about the guy was that he was way too smart, and I struggled to keep up with all the computing security things we discussed. Hardly the worst complaint to have about him :)
He just has zero patience for bullshit, and I think that's why people complain about his personality. If you ever get the opportunity to meet him in person, I believe you'd rethink this meme about him being an ass.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
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Their demand to keep the servers in house when free space/power has been offered is stupid. If you think the NSA or any other determined adversary can not break into some bsd dev's basement, then I cant help you. This is dumb oss don't pee in my pool management.
Re:very key reasons this is an issue. (Score:4, Informative)
Did you miss the part where the servers are in Canada? NSA has no reach here unless they want to act illegally.
Wrong. US law explicitly allows the NSA to hack into anything outside the US they want to, so it's perfectly legal for them to access those servers in Canada.
You're probably thinking about Canadian law, but that's irrelevant. According to the US Government, US law trumps all other jurisdictions' laws.
Re:very key reasons this is an issue. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is simply nonsense. A single state laws can't make something legal in other countries.
Wrong, US law trumps everyone else's laws. Just ask the US government.
This is true because other countries go along with it. Just look at all the other countries that went along with the US when they were doing "extraordinary renditions".
The US laws cannot stop the Canadian government from prosecuting the NSA agents performing acts illegal there.
You mean like other countries prosecuted NSA agents for spying on their offices (outside the US)? Oh wait, they didn't, they just made complaints and nothing was done.
US law isn't superior to other countries laws, sspecially in other countries land.
Yes, it is. When other countries just go along with the US, and don't take any action when the US does something "illegal" in their countries, then effectively, US law is superior to other countries' laws.
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So the world is the USA's bitch is it? Edward Snowden is sitting pretty in Moscow thumbing his nose at Uncle Sam despite being wanted as a traitor under US law.
Russia is one of the countries which hasn't cowed under to the US (China is the other big one).
I'm talking about the European countries mainly, along with Canada and Australia. They're all the USA's bitches. Remember, not long ago the US had a Bolivian plane, carrying that country's President, forced to land in Austria because they thought Snowden
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True, but the NSA, being a US government agency, only cares about what's legal in the US. It is perfectly willing to do what is illegal by Canadian law as long as it is legal by US law. I would be very surprised if Canadian intelligence agencies didn't work on the same principle in reverse.
GPL requires no giving back ... (Score:2)
Host a Kickstarter (Score:5, Interesting)
Theo et. al. might turn up their noses at the idea, but a $40,000 kickstarter to keep OpenBSD going might not be a bad idea.
Rewards might include: kudos for contributions, limited edition (kickstarter only) t-shirts/posters/soundtracks, CD sets (duh), and for big contributors ($2500-$5000) a customized VDD set up for whatever purposes you want, yours to keep or share as you like.
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Top contributors get to submit their very own code!
Seriously though, a Kickstarter plan is essentially a bake-sale for them, the equivalent of your average PBS pledge drive. Donate $20 now and get this decorative mouse-pad! ...which is fine, as long as it's a limited run that makes you feel good about donating $20 to OpenBSD instead of FreeBSD/NetBSD/Dragonfly/whateverBSD.
There's no harm in selling signed-by-Theo OpenBSD t-shirts. They've already "sold out" by begging for cash. At least give back a trink
more funding level ideas! (Score:5, Funny)
Further ideas for funding levels:
"Theo Happy Day" - for each person who contributes at that level, Theo behaves like a responsible, polite, civil, empathetic human being for an entire day.
"Fire suit" - for this contribution, you are entitled to one (1) interaction with Theo where he does not insult, belittle, demean, or behave in a condescending manner, towards you.
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While Theo is not the nicest guy around, it's perfectly possible to have a good conversation with him where he doesn't insult (etc.) you. I speak from personal experience there.
Theo faces the same problem that cryptographers, some physicists, climate scientists and similar people do: You get to have a lot of interaction with people who have no clue but an opinion. After the 100th e-mail claiming to "disprove Einstein", or "reveal the HOAX (always in capital letters!) of climate change!!!" or rant on OS secu
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Same problem every /.er faces.
What's your reaction to a clueless request for computer assistance from a casual associate? Mine is open hostility.
It's not as bad as it used to be.
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Kudos for contributions = http://www.openbsd.org/donations.html [openbsd.org]
Limited editions (whatever) = http://www.openbsd.org/older.html [openbsd.org]
And, yes, I am going to donate soon - and not request anything in return - simply because I like OpenBSD.
Wait (Score:5, Funny)
Apparently there's free as in speech and free as in beer, but there is no free as in electricity.
Re:Wait (Score:5, Funny)
Yes, there is. Think about it - I bet it will hit you like a lightning bolt soon.
Photo of OpenBSD Build Server Racks (Score:5, Informative)
Here's a link to a photo on OpenBSD Journal of the build server racks and all the great (some quite old) machines being used:
http://www.openbsd.org/images/rack2009.jpg [openbsd.org]
Lots of memories looking at some of those machines... I'd be a bit concerned about the longevity of some of those.
Re:Photo of OpenBSD Build Server Racks (Score:5, Funny)
Each of you who clicks this link is only increasing their electricity bills!
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I did a little math, its no where near perfect but its a rough estimate.
using an arbitrary cost per kilowatt hour of lets say 10 cents (nice even number) that works out to $20000/$0.1 = 200000kwh per year. We can then divide that by 365 to get 547.95kwh per day. Then divide that by 24 to get 22.8kwh used every hour. So that is a 22.8kw load. To figure out the load we divide 22800/120 to get 190 amps worth of 120V load. So a rack full of servers pulling 120V at 5 amps each (a 600 watt guesstimate) would come
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does that include expenses for raids from stupid police because they thought he's growing weed ? :)
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So updating these servers with newer models via donation or whatever would go to great lengths to reduce that $20k bill.
I understand why they need the different build environments but:
2 Network switch vendors
3 UPS vendors
in 2 racks
It's like the thrift store of computer closets.
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Obviously I was referring to the x86 servers not the legacy platforms
Did this last year (Score:4, Interesting)
Didn't they do this last year as well? I seems Theo isn't drawing the dollars anymore and has to have a funding drives every few months.
But I agree with others, turning down offers of free hosting for the build servers then refusing and begging for money doesn't engender sympathy.
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You know how electricity works, right?
Security Vendors that use OpenBSD should pitch in (Score:3)
Of all those security vendors who use OpenBSD in their proprietary security appliance boxes why can't any of them give some money back?
Love the mess (Score:2)
The horrible truth is that a tech company with all marketing people will generally do better than a tech com
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It's an old picture and some of the hardware has been replaced. As far as I know they are currently out of VAXes among other things.
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It's an old picture and some of the hardware has been replaced.
Then they should provide a newer picture!
Problems with donating to OpenBSD (Score:5, Insightful)
Problems with donating to OpenBSD
(1) The donations are being requested after the end of the tax year
Most charitable donations occur in October/November/December for tax reasons. This is true of both deductible and non-deductible donations.
(2) Donations are not tax deductible
This isn't a huge problem, if the OpenBSD Foundation were willing to invoice the company for the amount; then it could still be deducted as a business expense, but then the OpenBSD Foundation would have to claim it as income and pay tax on it. This isn't terrifically onerous for them in any case, as they are not a charity, and thus have to pay tax anyway, unless they can just get someone to pay their power bill directly instead (something they've requested).
Another option would be to have a U.S. OpenBSD non-profit that could then support work by OpenBSD under contract, even if that work were something like "provide nightly builds of OpenBSD binaries in exchange for grant funds". They don't seem interested in/able to utilize, this approach.
(3) Invoicing would not exactly require some measure of editorial control, but...
There would be at least an implied expectation of quid-pro-quo, even if none exactly existed, since an audit of the company that was invoiced could require at least a paper justification for the value obtained in exchange for the invoiced amount. It doesn't have to be a great deal for the company, and it could actually be a completely lopsided deal, but there would need to be a token exchange of goods and/or services for the invoiced amount.
(4) If someone is willing to pay their power, they demand they be a Canadian company
I can understand the ramifications for this coming from a non-Canadian company; OpenBSD needs to understand the ramifications of "any port in a storm". There really aren't that many Canadian technology companies in this sector, compared to the U.S.; the highest percentage of OpenBSD-based products are in fact German.
(5) There are not a large number products based directly on OpenBSD
The companies that do have products based on it are generally not hugely profitable, and the small number that there are are listed here: http://www.openbsd.org/products.html [openbsd.org] which gives you some indication of their market penetration.
(6) The OpenBSD folks don't have the most stellar relationship with the rest of the Open Source community
Without assigning specific blame, this should probably be addressed sooner, rather than later.
All in all, it's rather difficult to set up a legal fiction that would let it be advantageous to a business to donate.
It's not that they do not provide valuable software, it's just that most of the value they provide is not in the OpenBSD OS itself, it's in the ancillary projects that are associated with the same people.
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1. Open a business. Do consulting work and custom programing work.
2. Build servers or partner with a company to build servers. OpenBSD is supposed to be all about security. A very secure server OS from a company not in the US might sell well in light of the FUD over the NSA.
OpenBSD can be used anywhere Linux can but Linux has the mindshare. Maybe a Canadian company can make a go at secure servers.
Wait, wait , WAIT a moment. (Score:3)
US $ 20,000 = € 14800 ( I convert to euroland givens, as I have no idea about the price of a kWh over there ). In euroland, a kWh costs more or less € 0.20. Hence, € 14,800 purchase 74000 kWh. 74000 kWh / ( 365 days *24 hours / day ) = 8.53 kW.
Now - I like the picture. But I refuse to believe that even these power-guzzling old machines draw a steady 8.53 kW on a 24/7 basis. No way. A quick look-up in wikipedia shows me that kWh rates in Canada are even lower than here in Europe. What is Theo hiding ??
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I tried to do the math on this too. First of all, I'm not sure if the number is 20,000 USD or CAD (Since OpenBSD is based in Canada not the US). Next up is the fact that many of the machines are older non x86 machines that are not power efficient. For example when the SGI/AlphaStations/VAX/SparcStations were produced, focus was on MHz not power utilization. Finally, I think the project might use some type of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) as well as network switches, etc.
So by your math you're looking
Re:Wait, wait , WAIT a moment. (Score:4, Interesting)
I tried to do the math on this too. First of all, I'm not sure if the number is 20,000 USD or CAD (Since OpenBSD is based in Canada not the US). Next up is the fact that many of the machines are older non x86 machines that are not power efficient. For example when the SGI/AlphaStations/VAX/SparcStations were produced, focus was on MHz not power utilization. Finally, I think the project might use some type of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) as well as network switches, etc.
So by your math you're looking at CAD 20,000 = EUR 13,500 which at EUR 0.20 per kWh would buy you 67500 kWh = 7.7 kWh.
Now the project has supports about 20 architectures [openbsd.org]. And there are dedicated machines used to build the base system and dedicated machines used to build ports so at least 2 of each machine. On top of that there's probably an NFS server to host the source code, some UPS, network switches, etc, etc. So say about 50 machines total.
So 7.7kWh / 50 machines gets you to 154 watts per machine. I do believe they are on 24x7 as there are daily builds for many architectures, etc, etc. 150 watts is not unreasonable power consumption in my opinion.
Not only is 150 watts not unreasonable, it is actually far better than I would expect. average server draw for some of the older stuff I would expect to be double that. People don't seem to realise how quickly power consumption adds up when you need to run a whole bunch of computers, switches and UPS to support them and most likely some cooling on top of that.
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I think the project might use some type of uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
The 2 Powerware units and 1 APC unit at the bottom of the left rack are UPSes, and the 2 Liebert units at the bottom of the right rack are also UPSes.
as well as network switches, etc.
The left rack has a QLogic Fibre switch at about the midpoint and an HP Ethernet switch at the very top. The right rack has a Dell Ethernet switch at the very top. The thermostat at the top centre of the picture shows an ambient temperature of 19C while the setting is for 18C, so the HVAC is apparently quite good. I see a few serial port cables so I would ima
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a thousand times this.
I live in Calgary. Electricity just isn't that expensive here. Contracted rates are on the order of 8.5 cents/kwh. Even if he's paying the regulated rate, I don't think it's gotten over $.15/kwh and that's only for one or two months a year. Those of us who know The0 aren't surprised that his numbers don't add up.
I have old hardware running in my basement as well... Volumetrically, probably about the same... If my power bills were even 1/4 what he's asking for, my wife would have
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And why can't he put them on Wake on LAN and only power up and do builds on-demand?
20,000 USD for electricity? Really? (Score:2)
20,000 USD (or 20k CAD for that matter) pays for A LOT of electricity, so this sounds really fishy.
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> The OpenBSD project uses a lot of electricity for running the
> development and build machines. A number of logistical reasons
> prevents us from moving the machines to another location which might
> offer space/power for free, so let's not allow the conversation to go
> that way.
Makes it sound even more BS. 20,000 dollars which is supposedly what the project needs annually for electricity alone would easily cover any such "logistical reasons".
Instead of asking for donations to buy power... (Score:2)
...they should ask for donations to buy power-generating equipment. PV-panels, a wind generator, anything which fits the budget and is a feasible option in the area where they are active. The generated power can either be used directly to keep those servers running or it could be used to run the meters backwards. If you give someone a kilowatt hour she runs her server for a few hours. If you give him the capacity to generate his own power he will become free.
Theo's request is pretty.... specific (Score:2)
He wants to find a Canadian company that will, on an annually recurring basis, shift all the hydro expenses from one utility account to said company's utility account.
This is such a specific ask that I doubt it will be successful.
He needs to do something like a Kickstarter campaign or just accept donations. It's not difficult to setup a not-for-profit in Canada such that your tax implications would be negligible (if anything). The whole thing is considered an R&D expense, anyway, if he wanted to go the
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Apple only cares about FreeBSD, not about OpenBSD.
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Re:Ask Apple (Score:4, Informative)
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Re:Ask Apple (Score:5, Informative)
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Sure, and I suspect that Apple would be happy to pay someone to maintain OpenSSH (and OpenSSL, which, I believe, was also an OpenBSD project?). I don't see why they'd care about the rest of it.
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They actually have a pretty reasonable reason for this.
Theo responds (in his usual patient and understanding manner) later in the linked thread when someone suggests trimming some of these old machines with these reasons, but the basic gist is:
Having such a diversity of platforms makes errors more apparent (some bugs which while they might impact all platforms might only be obvious one one platform for whatever reason) and the interest of some devs might be tied to these weird architectures.
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The question remains, whether the benefits of this diversity are worth the price, especially when they are out of money.
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I assume the answer is yes since the alternative is bugs, and there's no reason to ever ship bugs.
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This is only true if the same amount of money cannot be better used more efficiently to the same purpose elsewhere. Even then, I very much doubt they have zero bugs, yet they ship anyway.
And, of course, it only makes sense if they do have the money. Which they don't. So, as it is, if the choice is shipping with more bugs vs not shipping at all, well...
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I assume the answer is yes since the alternative is bugs, and there's no reason to ever ship bugs.
Tell that to Microsoft, Oracle, et al.
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I assume the answer is yes since the alternative is bugs, and there's no reason to ever ship bugs.
Unless you can't ship anything because you have no money.
Diminishing returns for many architectures ... (Score:3)
Having such a diversity of platforms makes errors more apparent (some bugs which while they might impact all platforms might only be obvious one one platform for whatever reason) ...
I absolutely agree. As someone who simultaneously developed for Windows/x86 and MacOS/PowerPC I definitely saw bugs manifest more easily on one system or the other. However, past two or three hardware architectures there is probably quite the diminishing return.
... and the interest of some devs might be tied to these weird architectures.
Well people tied to these "weird" architectures can make a donation. Take a look at the supported architecture list, quite a bit of trimming is possible if the respective esoteric communities can't at least pitch in for the electric bill.
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Why not ask GitHub, Atlassian, and Gitorious as well? They each have a sizable dependency on SSH.
Re:Must be... (Score:5, Funny)
If he was magnetic enough, he could produce his own electricity.
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RMS donated a quarter.
Re:Must be... (Score:5, Funny)
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I think the phrase you are for is "Holding hostage"
Reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles... Nobody moves, or the nigger gets it.
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Solar panels!
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I know it's different in other countries, where the grid is nationalized and people can choose between one of many providers, and maybe it's different in other parts of Canada, but at least where I am you usually only have one choice for a given area.
Re: Power Bill (Score:2)
The OpenBSD project is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The electrical grid is provincially regulated but owned and operated primarily by a number of different investor owned corporations.
Alberta residents can choose from multiple distribution companies-in Calgary Enmax is most common. Further to that you can lock in on a contract rate where the price per kwh is constant throughout, or you can avoid a commitment and pay a spot price called the "regulated rate option".
If you pick R.R.O. then it is really n
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Sweden comes to mind, also the UK.
Not sure if it's actually nationalized in Sweden or if they have a system where one company owns the infrastructure for an area and other providers pay a fee to use it (kinda like telecom), but you have a choice of provider.
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New Zealand and Australia.
Re:Fuck this industry (Score:4, Funny)
this shows just how irresponsible we all are. openbsd is arguably the most relevant/important OSS project after the linux kernel.
Theo, is that you?
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That might make sense if they were selling their product. While they do sell some things, it's more akin to a Boy Scout bakesale because their main product is still given away.
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Your comment is so stupid it makes my head spin.
Before you spout off idiotically on free market and socialism, read up on the terms "freeloader" and "tragedy of the commons".
Add "Gift economy" to that list as well.
And, finally, read on the DARPA vs OpenBSD funding controversy. Yes, a government interfered with OpenBSD funding - the US government.
Full Disclosure: I have been donating to OpenBSD and buying the release CDs for a long time. and I will donate to them again (including this time).
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20k sounds reasonable from my experience. With MidnightBSD, I used to do builds for Sparc64, i386 and amd64 platforms. The sparc64 systems would have to compile for 2 weeks (i had 2 of them) to build packages. I ran it during the summer and the added work on my air conditioner plus the high power consumption of those old sun machines made a very rough electric bill.
I just dropped sparc in part because of the time it takes to build packages and test with it. Moving from AMD to intel CPUs for x86 helped with