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BSD Operating Systems

Do it Yourself BSD Daemon Wall Flag 69

An anonymous reader writes "Everyone knows the BSD Beastie. There are T-shirts, bronze Daemons and even boxers with him on them. Well now there's a page describing how to make a BSD Daemon wall flag without using fabric printing!"
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Do it Yourself BSD Daemon Wall Flag

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  • by cooley ( 261024 )
    It's cool, but I'd never, ever have that kind of patience.
  • by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:14PM (#11644968) Homepage Journal
    And you can sleep with the devil! [jesussave.us]
    • I know it's goddamn off-topic, but this has to be said:
      Luckily, it *is* a fake. :)

      Yesterday I fell for it. Then today I googled for "Fellowship University" (where the anti-evolutionist wacko allegedly teaches) and found nothing. So, I found proof [randi.org] that it's a fake - albeit extremely well done!!

      I don't feel so bad for falling for it, since the great James Randi [randi.org] fell for it as well! But he soon corrected himself (here [randi.org] and here [randi.org])

      Btw, The JREF website is totally cool. A great resource to debunk all the quacker
      • The proof is here! [museumofhoaxes.com] Sorry.
        It shows how the faces of the members were "edited".
      • If there's proof that this is a hoax on the site you linked to, you'll have to point me to it. All I see is a bare assertion, based on the name "Paley".

        The fact that you can't find any mention of "Fellowship University" means nothing. It's probably an unaccredited school with a "campus" in somebody's church.

        When this site was first mentioned on Slashdot, about 3 years ago, I spent some time googling the people mentioned on the site, and they all seemed to have a pretty big presence in the anti-evolution

        • I don't feel like digging up this material again just to argue with you

          I definitely don't need you to do it..
          As i posted in a correction, the link I attached to the word 'proof' was wrong. The actual proof is here. [museumofhoaxes.com]

          To sum it up: this [jesussave.us] is the members page as it is now, and this [archive.org] is what it was (it's stored in a cache site). The faces of the members were obviously edited (compare the eyes, especially. Arguably, they did it in order not to use the face of some actual people). This pretty much proves that the
          • The manipulations may be obvious to you. They're not to me. Perhaps if you pointed out specific pictures you thought had been manipulated.

            The guy who wrote the museumofhoaxes page seems to think that the hoaxer is this this guy [geocities.com]. If he spent 5 minutes reading the guy's web material, he'd realize that he's quite sincere, though not very bright.

            Also, note that the OBJECTIVE web site was originally hosted [archive.org] by a Christian hosting company [truepath.com]. Not a logical place to host a spoof!

            Finally, notice how OBJECTIVE is

            • The parts which were obviously manipulated (see before [archive.org] and after [jesussave.us]) are:

              Dr. Andrew Miller - eyes
              Peggy Miller - eyes
              Timothy Allmon - eyes (if you can't see this one, the problem is in *your* eyes :)
              Dr. Troy Franklin - hair
              Jose Rosas - mouth
              Fred "Skeet" Hoskins - eyes

              This is a pretty exhaustive proof that the website is a fake.

              Requiem for the FUD [slashdot.org]
              • Look at the pictures side by side. The "after" pictures are not manipulated versions of the "before" pictures -- they're different pictures. These people are vain as hell (excuse me, heck) and probably get new head shots every week.

                Even if you convinced me that for some strange reason (vanity?) somebody was manipulating these pictures, that's really not proof of anything. What settles the issue is the actual content of the site. Move away from the standard conspiracy "proofs" and look at the site as a who

                • Look at the pictures side by side. The "after" pictures are not manipulated versions of the "before" pictures -- they're different pictures.

                  You must be blind. They're obviously doctored. Do a google search for "Fisherman's Quandry" (sic) and "Fisherman's Quandary." There's no game theoretic problem in the literature with that name for "Diamond" Jack to solve. There are a ton of other glaring factual errors and inconsistencies.

                  They sell thongs in their online store, for shit's sake.
              • The parts which were obviously manipulated (see before and after) are:

                As much as I actually did think the site was a fake ( wishful thinking ) after being told it was, I have to agree with fm6 that you've made a very weak argument here. Timothy Allmon's eyes? If that's an image manipulation, it's a bang-up job. I mean, they got the eyebrows looking very, very natural, even. It really looks like just a different head shot.

                Most intriguing to me are the links http://www.biblecodedigest.com/ and banner adds on

                • As much as I actually did think the site was a fake ( wishful thinking ) after being told it was, I have to agree with fm6 that you've made a very weak argument here.

                  "A very weak argument".. Am I the only one *not* blind here?
                  For christ's sake, have a decent look at the two pictures before talking (one [archive.org] and two [jesussave.us]). The *only* difference between them is a manipulation of the eyes (which don't belong to the same person, it's quite evident) and of the colors. *Everything else* is exactly the same: look at the m
        • Please see this thread [randi.org]. There's a fairly exhaustive list of reasons to believe this is a fake/hoax/whatever. Basically almost everything on the site turns up blanks - there are no churches, universities, math problems, high schools, etc. by the names cited therein.

          If you can provide even a modest piece of evidence for their existance, please do so. There have been a few legitimate evangelical and anti-evolutionist types who have cited or discussed the essays, yes, but they don't seem to have any idea wh
    • Oh well. All links (except those in the sigs of the perpetrators) in this subthread lead to porn sites (usually through a combination of redirects and javascript). even the waybackmaschine page has js embedded to this effect.

      stupid trolls.
      • Still works for me. Perhaps your browser has been hijacked.
        • Still works for me. Perhaps your browser has been hijacked.

          Perhaps. That would have to be a truly ingenious hijack, though - since it only applied to this exact subthread, only on slashdot, and only to the links in the text, not those from ./ or even those from your .sig. Marvelous. And it's the first hijack I'm aware of that works with Mozilla 1.7.5..

          Oh, and that subthread-on-slashdot-and-only-your-links hijack now right now doesnt go to a sex site any more but - after some redirects - to the front p

          • ??
            I also linked to randi.org and aaas.org. They're hardly porn sites...
            I don't know why the "jesussave" website redirects you - apparently it also happened to another poster - but anyway that "web1000" thing doesn't look like a porn site either.
            Being able to read *other people's* source code is a nice thing, not a 'fundamental freedom'.
  • Just in time! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Jeremiah Cornelius ( 137 ) on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:14PM (#11644977) Homepage Journal
    As NetBSD has changed its logo, and FreeBSD announced a contest to change theirs. Are there mow separate "Logos" and "Mascots"? Can a portrait of Kirk McKusick be put on a flag?

    Of course there is also a Blowfish and a Firefly.

  • Very nice! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Otter ( 3800 ) on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:16PM (#11644993) Journal
    Well now there's a page describing how to make a BSD Daemon wall flag without using fabric printing!

    Unfortunately, her advice is "Have your mom spend months hand-stitching it!", which may not work for everyone.

  • loyalty (Score:4, Interesting)

    by mabu ( 178417 ) on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:19PM (#11645024)
    You know you have a good product when someone spends 250+ hours to create an homage to it. I wonder if anyone ever has done something like that for Microsoft?
    • Over time, I dare say that most windows users will waste 250+ hours rebooting Windows and dealing with spyware.

      Not quite an homage, but quite a sacrifice!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:20PM (#11645032)
    I want my boxers to have HER [xs4all.nl] on them.

    No, not printed.
  • Would have probably costed you less than the materials, and you would have had in like a few days.
  • Cross Stitch (Score:5, Informative)

    by Sparr0 ( 451780 ) <sparr0@gmail.com> on Friday February 11, 2005 @02:56PM (#11645476) Homepage Journal
    This method is known as cross stitching, and its pretty easy to find software to plan it out [pcstitch.com]. If you plan to do it on a smaller scale you might want to consider techniques for producing stitches that look the same (no ugly lines) from both sides, which about quadruples the stitch planning complexity.
  • by DLWormwood ( 154934 ) <(wormwood) (at) (me.com)> on Friday February 11, 2005 @03:15PM (#11645703) Homepage
    ...when cross-stitching warrant's a /. article.

    Not that I'm all that innocent myself. When I was about 10, I had a fixation with graphing paper, and frequently made video game and vector graphic inspired artwork and board games using it. My Mom was going through an "art-and-crafts" stage at the time, and suggested I make a computer themed cross-stitch pattern for her. So, I made a desk layout of an old style hobbist computer with about a dozen peripherals attached and she made it for me. I had it framed and it decorated my room until I went to college. I really ought to dig it out of my parent's attic, photograph it and post it online somewhere some time...

    • ...when cross-stitching warrant's a /. article.

      Clearly they need another /. section for `Ask Mum' (or perhaps `Mom' for you wierdoes over there).

      I mean, take some of the the current front page headlines:

      Gates Blackmails Danes
      ``I blame the parents letting them play with that rough Gates boy''
      Night Vision Scope
      ``You should be in bed anyway''
      ``Shouldn't you be out in the fresh air?''
      Wave Energy
      ``Wave goodbye to grandma''
      Data Stolen
      ``I told you to look after it!''
      Linux Cat Feeder
      ``I knew
  • There are T-shirts, bronze Daemons and even boxers with him on them.

    Heck, there's even a competion to replace him... oh.

    Actually, if you know someone who's into this sort of art and crafts, you can probably commission them (with 50 free support incidents, perhaps) to make something nice for you. Tux or an apple logo, for example.
  • by Drunken_Jackass ( 325938 ) on Friday February 11, 2005 @03:41PM (#11646057) Homepage
    The last paragraph is priceless:

    It took my mother about 330 hours of work sewing the Beastie

    I hope he gets her something for Mother's Day.
  • Like this bunch has enough patience to stick out even one of those kiddie plastic canvas projects. 700+ hours of hand stitching over five months. And the guy didn't even do it himself, that I would be impressed about it. He got his Mom to do it.

    I have to suppress the urge to throttle people when co-workers think they are being cute with "Nice hat you got there, would be swell to have a new sweater. By the way, I wear a size Large." They complain about paying $25 for something at Wart-Maul but think I'll be
  • by bergeron76 ( 176351 ) * on Friday February 11, 2005 @07:10PM (#11648289) Homepage
    I bet you would make a boatload of quid if you auctioned that thing on eBay (the USA one is probably the biggest market).

    And then make your mother make you a new one. ;)

  • wow (Score:3, Funny)

    by Mr.Coffee ( 168480 ) <rhysfeezled&gmail,com> on Friday February 11, 2005 @08:49PM (#11648954) Homepage
    "she just opened the picture with gimp"

    dude, your mom uses gimp? she sounds way hot.
  • bsd.ee (Score:3, Funny)

    by ElDuderino44137 ( 660751 ) on Saturday February 12, 2005 @04:48PM (#11654322)
    The long hair may not make him a female ... but it certainly does make him an ugly male.

    -- The Dude
  • £3240 that could have been earnt cleaning turkey corpses at the local Bernard Mathews plant in the UK.

Your code should be more efficient!
