FreeBSD Announces Contest To Replace Daemon Logo 716
An anonymous reader submits "The FreeBSD core team has announced a public competition to design a new logo to replace the current BSD daemon logo. The new logo will be used on the FreeBSD website, software media labels, printed media, hardware equipment, and more. The winner of the contest will receive $500." It's too early for an April Fool's Joke; according to the contest page, "this daemon character seems cute from somebody's point of view,
but somebody may think which does not suit for the professional
products to indicate that are using the FreeBSD inside."
I have an idea for a new FreeBSD logo (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I have an idea for a new FreeBSD logo (Score:2, Funny)
A venerable but crotchety old man. To reflect the spirit of BSD.
A smiley purple blob (like the Atlanta olympics). To reflect the inane politically correct spirit that this contest signifies.
Buddy Jesus. Because somebody else will say goats.ex.
Re:I have an idea for a new FreeBSD logo (Score:5, Funny)
Hard hat (Score:2, Interesting)
A True Shame (Score:5, Insightful)
The religious issue I cannot believe actually warrents changing the logo and I see nothing particularly unprofessional about the daemon.
Re:A True Shame (Score:5, Insightful)
Indeed. As if proof were needed, having a fat penguin as a logo doesn't seem to have done Linux any harm. I fail to see how that could be more professional than a daemon...
Re:A True Shame (Score:5, Funny)
Re:A True Shame (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A True Shame (Score:4, Informative)
Re:A True Shame (Score:3)
Seriously, has any of these petitions EVER had ANY effect on ANYTHING? What a waste of time.
Re:A True Shame (Score:3)
For stuff like this, the best you can do is write the decision makers an email about the issue and what you feel. A petition won't mean jack to them, especially an internet one where 2/3rds of the names could be fake and nob
Re:A True Shame (Score:4, Informative)
Re:A True Shame (Score:4, Insightful)
In other words: the logo may not actually represent anything, because it would offend someone. In fact, it cannot even contain the name "FreeBSD," because that is demeaning to the other versions of BSD which are no less free.
Yeah, what's wrong with Beastie? (Score:5, Insightful)
This is truly sad. I can just imagine the new logo being along the same lines as the crap parodied by eNormicom [enormicom.com].
Re:Yeah, what's wrong with Beastie? (Score:3, Funny)
This grammer seems cute from somebody's point of view, but somebody may think which does not suit for the professional products to indicate that are using the FreeBSD inside.
Beastie is the least of their professional image problems.
Re:Yeah, what's wrong with Beastie? (Score:3, Insightful)
You see, I don't care if the OS has a better market share. It does what I need it to do and it does it well. As it increases its market share and becomes more mainstream, the amount of useless crud that gets added increases and I don't want that because it decreases the security. If I wanted bloat and cute, I would have
Re:Yeah, what's wrong with Beastie? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh, come on (Score:3, Insightful)
. I work in a real estate office. Would I want to have Bugs Bunny as the boot logo on all the machines in our computer room?
If the machines are in your computer room, who is going to see the logo?
Re:Oh, come on (Score:5, Insightful)
Is a stylized window frame logo any better? How about an apple with a chunk missing? Quit trying to make an objection to a devil sound like it is rational. Even if you aren't actually offended and disturbed, you ought to be ashamed for catering to the morons and idiots who are.
Should they coordinate with Net/Open/*BSD? (Score:2)
Logo != Mascot (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A True Shame (Score:3, Interesting)
It's not completely about a "religious issue". Businesses don't necessarily care about that. But the logo plays the role of giving visual insight for a product or company. This is wny marketting firms exist.
I am not for or against a logo change...but I can definitely see the case of a "devil-ish" character as part of your logo not being the best representation of y
Re:A True Shame (Score:4, Funny)
Following NetBSD (Score:3, Interesting)
I'll do it.... (Score:3, Funny)
I nominate (Score:4, Funny)
BSD was dying in '98, it's gotta be dead by now, right? =)
Born-again (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Born-again (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I nominate (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I nominate (Score:5, Funny)
My suggestion: [home.sapo.pt]
Replace the one on the left with the one on the right.
Re:I nominate (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I nominate (Score:3, Funny)
http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/ [rulez.org] some favorites: http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/book4.jpg [rulez.org] http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/mod_perl.jp g [rulez.org] http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/sweet_local host.jpg [rulez.org] sincerely yours, djdavetrouble
Re:I nominate (obligatory /. joke) (Score:2)
Netcraft hasn't confirmed it yet, so watch out with these assumptions.
that's not all, folks! (Score:2, Funny)
If the winner... (Score:3, Insightful)
my entry! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:my entry! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:my entry! (Score:2)
Re:my entry! (Score:2)
Re:my entry! (Score:2)
Re:my entry! (Score:3, Informative)
Whats next? (Score:2)
So let me get this straight (Score:5, Insightful)
MOD parent up! (Score:2, Insightful)
Plus, the Daemon is way cuter than the Penguin or that stupid butterfly.
Re:So let me get this straight (Score:5, Insightful)
canned ham spread (eaten in the home)
vacuum cleaners (used in the home)
While I have no real problem with the BSD daemon, to me it doesn't *feel* like a professional branding, and lets face it..no matter what the underlying technology there is something to the image of a product when decisions are made.. just look at Apple for proof of that.
Great... (Score:2)
Slippery Slope... (Score:5, Insightful)
Practically, I can see where the horned devil might make certain religious people uncomfortable.
But if you're going down that road, then you might as well steer clear of offending other religions world-wide. That's right, no pigs, camels, or graven image idols, etc.
Consider how many Jews and Muslims have avoided learning Perl because of the offensive beast on the cover of the O'Reilly book!
Re:Slippery Slope... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Slippery Slope... (Score:5, Funny)
Dang! There goes my golden calf entry...
Re:Slippery Slope... (Score:3, Insightful)
You know, this makes me think. Iran vs USA, which country is the most fanatical, paranoid, religious country?
It's not going to replace Beastie (Score:5, Informative)
I have a really good idea (Score:2)
Yeah Operating Systems with cute logos (Score:2)
I mean it could not have been any worse unless they picked a cute picture of a flightless water fowl for their logo.
I mean we all know that would never fly with corporate America.
Can I have that again in english? (Score:2)
WTF?!! Nobody's posted THIS yet?!!! (Score:4, Funny)
Last week I walked into a local "home style cookin" restaurant/watering hole" in Texas to pick up a take-out order. I spoke briefly to the waitress behind the counter, who told me my order would be done in a few minutes.
So, while I was busy gazing at the farm implements hanging on the walls, I was approached by two "natives." These guys might just be the original Texas rednecks.
"Pardon us, ma'am. Mind if we ask you a question?"
Well, people keep telling me that Texans are real friendly, so I nodded.
"Are you a Satanist?"
Well, at least they didn't ask me if I liked to party.
"Uh, no, I can't say that I am."
"Gee, ma´am. Are you sure about that?" they asked.
I put on my biggest, brightest Dallas Cowboys cheerleader smile and said, "No, I´m positive. The closest I´ve ever come to Satanism is watching Geraldo."
"Hmmm. Interesting. See, we was just wondering why it is you have the lord of darkness on your chest there."
I was this close to slapping one of them and causing a scene--then I stopped and noticed the shirt I happened to be wearing that day. Sure enough, it had a picture of a small, devilish-looking creature that has for some time now been associated with a certain operating system. In this particular representation, the creature was wearing sneakers.
They continued: "See, ma´am, we don´t exactly appreciate it when people show off pictures of the devil. Especially when he´s lookin´ so friendly."
These idiots sounded terrifyingly serious.
Me: "Oh, well, see, this isn´t really the devil, it´s just, well, it´s sort of a mascot."
Native: "And what kind of football team has the devil as a mascot?"
Me: "Oh, it´s not a team. It´s an operating--uh, a kind of computer."
I figured that an ATM machine was about as much technology as these guys could handle, and I knew that if I so much as uttered the word "UNIX" I would only make things worse.
Native: "Where does this satanical computer come from?"
Me: "California. And there´s nothing satanical about it really."
Somewhere along the line here, the waitress noticed my predicament--but these guys probably outweighed her by 600 pounds, so all she did was look at me sympathetically and run off into the kitchen.
Native: "ma´am, I think you´re lying. And we´d appreciate it if you´d leave the premises now."
Fortunately, the waitress returned that very instant with my order, and they agreed that it would be okay for me to actually pay for my food before I left. While I was at the cash register, they amused themselves by talking to each other.
Native #1: "Do you think the police know about these devil computers?"
Native #2: "If they come from California, then the FBI oughta know about ´em."
They escorted me to the door. I tried one last time:
"You´re really blowing this all out of proportion. A lot of people use this `kind of computers." Universities, researchers, businesses. They´re actually very useful."
Big, big, big mistake. I should have guessed at what came next.
Native: "Does the government use these devil computers?"
Me: "Yes."
Another big boo-boo.
Native: "And does the government pay for ´em? With our tax dollars?"
I decided that it was time to jump ship.
Me: "No. Nope. Not at all. Your tax dollars never entered the picture at all. I promise. No sir, not a penny. Our good Christian congressmen would never let something like that happen. Nope. Never. Bye."
Re:WTF?!! Nobody's posted THIS yet?!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Announced? (Score:2)
No time to lose (Score:2)
Hopefully... (Score:2)
How about (Score:2, Funny)
Seriously, people need to stop being such pussies. Beastie kicks ass.
Right. (Score:2)
Daemons and texans don't mix... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Daemons and texans don't mix... (Score:2)
Pentagram (Score:5, Funny)
Time for my medication...
Here's my entry (Score:2)
http://tinyurl.com/48ws5 [tinyurl.com]
I think that about says it all. :-)
How about a non-cute demon? (Score:2, Informative)
Underwood's devil trademark dates from 1870, and is the oldest US food trademark still in use.
"The original red devil was a real he-goat, half man, half goat, with horns, pronged spear and a tail. He was a leering demonic Lucifer, frequently portrayed in early ads dipping a whole ham into a boiling caldron as flames roar in the background and Satan's sons dance with glee. The current red devil has been stri
Another contest (Score:5, Funny)
I have an idea for another contest. Design a sentence for the FreeBSD logo contest page that is comprehensible.
Fark thread (Score:2, Insightful)
Two bad things can happen (Score:2)
2) They pick one logo that half the users like, and the other half hate, and it forks FreeBSD, causing chaos, a plague of locusts, cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria.
Let us all pray that BSD really is dying. It may be our only hope.
This is religious bigotry (Score:2)
Re:This is religious bigotry (Score:2)
It wouldn't surprise me.
Consider the Swastika. This symbol of Nazism has been used by various cultures for thousands of years, for mostly benign purposes. Suppose I produced my own Linux distribution with a symbol that looks exactly like a Swastika, and say "It's not really a Swastika, it's a Navajo decorative sign" or something like that.
The fact th
It's simple (Score:2)
Political corectness rears its head. (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems just like Fox changing the name "Best damn superbowl roadshow" to "Best darn superbowl roadshow"
But- But- But- (Score:2)
Already found something different:BSD Diva (Score:2, Funny)
BSD Diva:
http://members.shaw.ca/zerone/img/BSDiva.png [members.shaw.ca]
oh come on... (Score:2, Informative)
that logo is fine the way it is.
that logo is what got me to try freebsd in the first place.
this is what happens when companies listen to marketing wonks instead of their clients.
they wind up wasting money on stuff that doesn't need fixing in the first place.
Fork? (Score:2)
That is SO wrong. (Score:2)
The demon logo bugs the suits? So don't put it on a box, honestly, they'll never know, what are they going to do, go to a truly technical website?
I say we all submit a ton of _truly_ offensive logos, and send the idea of changing the demon back to the overly religous cultural backwater it came from.
Seriously, these people are insane. [jesussave.us] Click that last link and scan down to where it says "Apple Macintosh". Religious fundamentalists are, once again, doing their best to destory science
Re:That is SO wrong. (Score:2)
For fuck's sake! (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm sick and tired of everything in the tech world needing to be made palatable to suits and PHBs.
I realize that complaining about it will be about as effective as trying to hold back the tides with a sheet of plywood, but that doesn't mean that we have to like it or accept it quietly.
Got a lawyer? (Score:2)
upon the rights of any third party and that it does not
violate any copyright."
Only way to certify that is to do a copyright/trademark search. I hope you guys are gonna pony up the money to assure due diligence on your idea.
A weak cute spawn of evil? (Score:2)
Why BSD is Better.... (Score:3, Insightful)
BSD Trivia (Score:2)
Political correctness turning into idiocy (Score:3, Insightful)
If anything, this pondering to non-existant "offended" customers is a sign that a project is diverting its attention from real to imaginary problems. Logical step in a sequence of events that took FreeBSD from the true original to the project it is today.
Obvious (Score:2)
the devil version should fork to survive (Score:2)
Logo, not mascot (Score:5, Informative)
The reasons for this include not just that some people consider the daemon to be offensive, but also legal issues: The daemon image is owned by Kirk McKusick [freebsd.org] and right now if companies want to use the image, they need to get permission from him. A "powered by FreeBSD" logo which is actually free for everybody to use would make things much easier.
Legal land mine (Score:3, Interesting)
IANAL and all that, but if I have to conduct a trademark and servicemark search, and "certify" that the logo does not infringe -- thereby making me liable for FreeBSD's use of the logo -- then $500 is chump change.
Sorry, pass.
This is actually very important! (Score:3, Funny)
Wait, you mean that the only place that Beastie is currently seen in some companies is on a sysadmin's bookshelf, or his screen when visiting FreeBSD.org, and that no one else in the entire company will ever see it (or even know what FreeBSD is or how their company uses it)? Dang! Guess I'll be making an appointment with my proctodermatologist.
Seriously, how is this even an issue? I told my boss that I'd be installing FreeBSD back when I was first hired and started migrating away from Windows servers. I doubt that he even remembers which flavor of Free Unix I went with, and I'm 99% sure he has no idea (or interest) of the fact that their logo has a cartoon daemon. Does this actually matter to anyone?
Sadly Dissapointed... (Score:3, Insightful)
First off towards the religious zealots that have no problem shoving their theology into your face, but will simultaneously raise a stink over your "imagined" alignment.
Second off, towards the Mac dorks with their kneejerk references of "THEY ALREADY HAVE, HAR HAR HAR" and posting links to pics that reference OSX. OSX is NOT FREEBSD. If you really believe that, then you just don't understand the UNIX philosophy. Go back to your art-fetish lickable computer and troll some other forum.
Third off, for squandering the the rebellious merits of the OSS and BSD community to get in bed with big business, which will undoubtedly turn into domination, regulation and corruption.
I have a few more but i think i've stepped on enough toes already. This actually makes me a little bit angry.
Here are my suggestions :) (Score:3, Insightful)
Or if you still want a daemon, maybe this by Coop [loficustoms.com] will do. I am sure that won't be offensive...
What in the name!? I really really cannot understand it. How can Beastie the Daemon be at all unproffesional? For crying out loud I have a "Dirt Devil" vacuum cleaner in the house! Why would FreeBSD throw away this mascot that is so well entrenched? In a sense it has such a strong "brand identity" already. Do they really want to end-up with something so generic as the NetBSD logo?
Wow I AM a loser, I am taking this way too seriously. I never knew I was so attached to beastie.
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Re:Succubus with Big Ones (Score:3, Funny)
Raul also did a penguin-girl around the same time. I wish that lazy bastard would get back to drawing bonza chicas!
Re:About Time (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2, Interesting)
I think they are looking for something like the Windows 'flag'. Something simple, a bit more abstract and suitable for a logo.
I think all the BSD folks recently attended a marketing 101 class somewhere, because they all want to change logos. NetBSD recently changed to an orange flag. Maybe FreeBSD will pick blue (sorry, I'm a Florida Gator).
Numero Dos (Score:2)
Re:If they're replacing a devil... (Score:2)
Re:If they're replacing a devil... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nooooooooo! (Score:2)
Then it will start to die.
All of the great things in the world were built out of love, not money.