NetBSD Announces Logo Design Competition 503
jschauma writes "The NetBSD Project has announced that it has
launched an international competition for the creation of a new logo. There
is a cash prize of US $100.00 for the winning entry. The successful logo will
also have wide exposure, featuring in all NetBSD material including, but not
limited to; the NetBSD.org web site, software media, apparel, and business
systems. The competition will close on February 29, 2004. The rules of the
competition, submission information and the design brief can be found in the
announcement, which has already spawned some discussion on the netbsd-advocacy
and current-users
MailingLists." The announcement notes that the current logo is "too complicated... hard to reproduce... [and] has negative cultural, and religious ramifications."
Looking for a politicly correct logo? (Score:5, Funny)
So political correctness has made it to open source.
Politically correct NetBSD Logo (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Looking for a politicly correct logo? (Score:3, Funny)
The store owner probably mistook the BSD daemon for the New Jersey Devils logo. Likely, the Stars were playing the Devils that week and that's why there was such a strong reaction.
Re:Looking for a politicly correct logo? (Score:5, Interesting)
Driving south on I-69 heading to Indianapolis, pull off to get something to eat at the typical "McDonalds on an exit" that are scattered all over the US.
My McMeal rings up as $6.66. Teenaged girl behind counter flips out, and insists that the food is free. When I try and tell her it's no big deal; I'm not afraid of a number she gets REAL upset and flat-out REFUSES to take my money.
Rather than cause more of a scene that was already developing, I accepted, and her relief was palpable - like my immortal soul had been just snatched back from the firey jaws of Satan himself.
Some people REALLY believe this devil shit is BAD.
Re:Looking for a politicly correct logo? (Score:4, Funny)
I can imagine that poor girl having a breakdown if $6.66 popped up everytime someone ordered something common.
Customer#1: "I'll have 2 Big Macs and a large Coke."
Cashier: "That'll be $6.66. AAAH! EVIL! Your meal is free."
Customer#2: "Cool! I'll have 2 Big Macs and a large Coke, too."
Cashier: "AAAH! It's free!"
Customer#3: "I'll have what they're having.."
Cashier: "AAAH! My soul! It's burning!"
$100? (Score:4, Funny)
There is a cash prize of US $100.00 for the winning entry.
With the dollar going the way it is it'll cost me more to bank the cheque than it is worth over here!
Re:$100? (Score:3, Informative)
Joke! Don't be so touchy.
But, in 2001 $100 would have bought me 71. Today it'll buy me 55, which I reckon to be about 1/3rd less.
Re:$100? (Score:3)
Bush (the senior) called Reagan's Trickle down economics "Voodoo Economics", and that had nothing to do with exchange rates, directly. It was more about tax cuts for the wealthy, he also advocated spending cuts to match the tax cuts, but that legislation failed, and the defict sky-rocketed.
However, every action of a economy, and political structure does have impact on the exchange rate. The (internationally) unpopular war in Iraq, the soari
Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Insightful)
for whom? for what?
> hard to reproduce...
== hard to forge...
> [and] has negative cultural, and religious
> ramifications.
No, it doesn't. It's a cartoon devil. It doesn't offend anyone. Really. Unless you're one of those freaks who won't let their kids watch Scoobie-doo because it's got ghosts in it. Trust me. If it were hanging on a cross or wearing a turban, *then* maybe it'd need changing.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Insightful)
For any sort of organisation to have a logo which could cause offense isn't a good start.
After all, with your logic, a swastika is just a bunch of lines... how could that offend anyone?
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Funny)
It's not, it's a daemon. A friendly helper that lives inside your computer serving websites, answering your spam and being fingered. Really, if I had to put up with all that it'd be enough to make me grow horns and a tail!
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Informative)
In helenistic greek, i.e. around the time of the peloponnesian wars, the word diamon meant sort of "guardian spirit", but implying that it could be either a mischievous spirit or a malevolent spirit. To blame things on a kakodiamon was to say that you had bad luck, and imply that you must be plagued by a mischievous diamon.
When the word was moved into other languages (i think it came to english via romance languages, stemming from latin), it changed to demon, and was christianized to mean "demon", i.e. servant of the dark lord (satan, not your boss, or bill gates, or $funny_guy_we_hate).
Yeah for me with my taking greek 1105. It was hard as crap, but wow, I learned a lot. For instance, this happened to a lot of words in greek. Take, for instance, the word that's used (at least in the new testamant in sinaiticus and the vatican codex) to mean "sin". In ancient greek, it meant "mistake" not "transgression". Although, I think that's one that the greeks had started to shift the meaning of before the christians got to it.
But, yeah, I've got this big thing for etymology, being 18 hours away from a history degree, and still eagerly taking every social sciences class I can fit in. For instance, when I see WindowsXP, I see windows, version christ. XP are the greek letters Chi Rho, which are the first letters of the word "christ", chi-rho-iota-sigma-tau-omicron-sigma. They're the letters constantine the great saw in the sky when he converted his army to christianity at the milvian bridge in 312(? i'm close, and i'm not looking it up).
Also, if you know a little greek, you know jack chick is full of shit in his Death Cookie [chick.com] tract, which says that IHS on the cookie that catholics eat at communion stand for Isis, Horus, and Seb, egyptian gods, and that it's pagan worship to be a catholic. Sorry, Chick, but IHS are the first three leters of jesus in greek, iota-eta-sigma-upsulon-sigma (remember, indiana jones and the last crusade? "Jehova starts with an I"? Yeah, there is no J in greek, it was Iota, in both jehova and jesus).
But, look, here, i've done rattled off my head for ever about nothing.
Just suffice it to say, when you see demon, you don't have to think servant of satan, from the pits of hell, sent to torment the true believing christians. It's just a spirit, who may have the attitude of a prankster.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Funny)
Father: All words come from Greek! Give me a word and I'll show you how it came from Greek!
Friend: OK... "Kimono".
Father: Let's see. Oh! I know!
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Death Cookie (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Interesting)
Perhaps they might be if they existed outside of the fevered imaginations of religious fundamentalists, but as they are, at most, a metaphor it's hard to see why rational people would be bothered. And why would you try and accomodate the prospective rantings of irrational people? There's no predicting what those could be.
Cartoon or not, it's a symbol with evil connotations, which some people could feasibly find offensive.
Rather like the SCO trademark, you mean?
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Interesting)
Bah, learn proper history before commenting. The swastika is a Hindu holy symbol and associated with Ganesh, the Hindu god of good luck/fortune. It is also highly used by the Buddhists in the world since the arms symbolise the chain of rebirth and death. The four 'L's are associated with Life, Love, Luck, and Light.
In the World War Adolf Hitler was smart enough to take an established symbol like the Indian swastika and mirrored it and made it a symbol for the Nazis to be proud of. He did the same to the Napolean Iron Cross.
*wishing people who take their collective political correct heads our of their political correct arses, not everything revolves around the west and the middle east*
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
Actually, the swastika was a highly religious symbol with very positive connotations until circa 1930. Since then it has been completely changed in the psyche of most of the world. In this case, it might be best to leave the swastika in the bad category. This is despite the fact that a reverse (counterclockwise?) swastika is actually a symbol from American Indian Cultures (I think you can find it in Navajo patterns). The point is that so much damage has been done under this symbol that is transgresses a
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
> with your logic, a swastika is just a bunch of lines... how could that offend anyone?
I think that's a little different, although I can't quite put my finger on why (probably not enough coffee). Here goes anyway.
The BSD devil isn't really a devil; certainly, it doesn't depict the Biblical concept of Satan as I am familiar with
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Insightful)
It has nothing to do with the devils. It's a cartoon of a statue in which american soldiers are planting an american flag. That makes it culturally biased.
Although you have to be an idiot to be offended by it, loads of people (especially in some 'liberated' countries) are suchs type of idiots and there is no reason to get into this unnecessary type of trouble
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Insightful)
> their kids watch Scoobie-doo because it's got
> ghosts in it. Trust me. If it were hanging on a
> cross or wearing a turban, *then* maybe it'd need
> changing.
Yeah, your culturally sensitive input really helps
> It's a cartoon of a statue in which american
> soldiers are planting an american flag.
> Although you have to be an idiot to be offended by it,
Or hate America? Or hate war? Or hate stuff which has _nothing_ to do with NetBSD? a
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:3, Funny)
Reminds me of this story [interesting-people.org] featuring a poor sysadmin's experience in Hick Town, Texas.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Insightful)
However, these angry troll/devil hybrids in sneakers trampling over what appears to be a lot of desktop computer hardware [netbsd.org] however, is evidently what is found in need of an update.
I can list a few likely reasons for changing this, off the top of my head:
One thing is that devils is a somewhat religious device, not found in all religions.
Then there is the aesthetics of this. The logo is just kinda ugly. These guys are not all that different in appearance from some football hooligans... and after all, there is a strong element of marketing here, whether we like it or not. Would you want to buy an operating systems from these guys?
Political correctness or accusations of same, marketing and aestetics aside, I would say it is just as much that the design of the monitors is becoming dated, since many of us now have relatively skinny LCDs, not fat CRT-based ones. If nothing else, the logo is becoming tecnically dated.
All these could, individually, be considered warrants for change.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
Devils aside, this obvious parody of American soliders raising the flag on Iwo Jima (or American firemen raising the flag on 9/11) cannot stand in this time of war.
Also, it looks like an orgy.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
Hah! Good, I wasn't the only one who got that connotation. I thought "Hmm, maybe these guys should put some pants on?" Still, I don't mind. Actually quite cute those li'l devils.
Re: Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Informative)
> > ramifications.
> No, it doesn't. It's a cartoon devil.
No, it's not. It's a series of daemons putting up a flag [netbsd.org], reminicent of the famous photo of Iwo Jima [att.net]. Check the links.
> It doesn't offend anyone. Really.
I don't know, if I was Japanese, I'd probably be offended. A lot of American soldiers killed a lot of Japanese. When it was all over there were only 250 Japanese prisoners out of the original 22,000 defenders of the island. The rest were killed. General Kuribayashi commited suicide (hari kari). The Marines lost 7,000 killed and 19,000 wounded. International conflict is not comfortable thing to talk about, and not a good idea for a world-wide logo.
Also, have you ever heard the fates of these soldiers in that famous photo? Three of the men were killed in combat within days of the flag raising. Not exactly inspiring for a logo, either.
> If it were hanging on a cross or wearing a
> turban, *then* maybe it'd need changing.
Cross, probably. Turban? A lot of cultures have turbans. What's wrong with a turban? Keeps your hair up, head shaded from the sun, is a symbol of wisdom, and a cool place to store your cobra...! No, wait, skip the last one.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:5, Insightful)
(and let us not get into the discussion on wheter the picture is fake or not, that's offtopic)
Angel Instead (Score:2)
Just wondering.
Re:Angel Instead (Score:2)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2, Interesting)
So, perhaps you should realize that just because we are in Texas, we aren't a bunch of backwoods religious zealots as you think.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
I live in Tennessee, which is as bible-belt as anywhere else, and there would be no problem walking around here with a NetBSD logo (or FreeBSD Beastie) T-shirt unless you went looking for trouble, e.g. going into a church with that shirt on. About
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2, Informative)
"Trust me", give me a break. "burning you as a devil"... I don't know if you're trying to be funny or you're more ignorant than the people you're trying (and failing miserably) to belittle.
Grow up.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2, Insightful)
And I challenge you to walk around the south while being black or gay. Just because people take exception to something doesn't mean its wrong or should be changed.
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:4, Insightful)
The south is full of black people, and mostly we get along fine. Black people had a saying in the 60's, "Northerners love the black race, but can't stand black people. Southerners hate the black race, but get along with black people just fine."
Texas also has a lot of openly gay people. Haven't you ever heard the expression "steers and queers"? ;-) There is truth in it.
Another ignorant yankee...
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
Re:Looks fine to me! (Score:2)
You mean in the same way that Jimmy Swaggart and Jim and Tammy Bakker did?
A whopping $100 (Score:2)
I think I'm announcing a couple of them and probably slashdot will be kind enough to dedicate me a post.
Think about it for a minute (Score:2)
Cool (Score:2)
Logo Suggestion (Score:3, Funny)
oh, wait. nevermind.
This is SOOO obvious (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:This is SOOO obvious (Score:2)
But they want to get away from religious figures in their logo. I think it'd be best to come up with a simple text "NetBSD" in Gimp and then add a lens-flare effect. $100 here I come!
Re:This is SOOO obvious (Score:2)
It's not that they're devils .... (Score:5, Insightful)
I can understand how many would find it inappropriate, which is unfortunate because for those who've been around the BSD and the computer scene for a while know exactly what the logo is trying to represent and it's quite accurate in that regard.
Re:It's not that they're devils .... (Score:2)
I'm struggling to find the correct reference for the logo. Is that Delacroix painting [ibiblio.org]? Or is it something else?
Re:It's not that they're devils .... (Score:2)
Oops, cultural references are always a problem if you don't share the culture.
Actually, it's modelled quite literally after this photo [iwojima.com]. I think I've seen that photo before (of course), but I didn't associate it with WWII at all.
Re:It's not that they're devils .... (Score:5, Informative)
Try explaining that to some people [jesussave.us].
Apple, BSD, daemon processes... They just see their own association and fit it to whatever ideological conditioning they've been reared on, before propagating the next generation in the perpetual cycle of ignorance and fear...
Re: (Score:2)
Re:It's not that they're devils .... (Score:5, Informative)
Iwo Jima photo by Joe Rosenthal (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Iwo Jima photo by Joe Rosenthal (Score:3, Informative)
Photo here, was Re:Iwo Jima photo by Joe Rosenthal (Score:2)
Of course the accidental picture was the one that became famous.
For those that aren't making the connection, the famous photo and a number of others taken at the time are here [iwojima.com]. There was a stamp [lapahie.com] made of it too. And it was made into a statue for the Marine Corps War Memorial [nps.gov].
Suggestions (Score:2, Funny)
2) Lose the horns. Something like big round ears would be friendlier.
3) Lose the pitchfork and tail. You want something that gives an air of class - like white gloves
4) No nudity, please; we need more than trainers or this is just pornography. Put shorts on the dude or something. You could even make them red, sort o
Re:Suggestions (Score:2)
That's far worse than eternal damnation, it's eternal copyright [pineight.com]!
LOL - Mod Parent up! (Score:2)
Similarities, but not quite to Intel's Pentium (Score:5, Interesting)
It is called "Pentium" because it is the fifth in the 80x86 line. It would have been called the 80586 had a US court not ruled that you can't trademark a number.
The successors are the Pentium Pro and Pentium II.
The following Pentium variants all belong to "x86 Family 6", as reported by "Microsoft Windows" when identifying the CPU:
Model Name
1 Pentium Pro
2 ?
3 Pentium II
4 ?
5, 6 Celeron or Pentium II
7 Pentium III
8 Celeron uPGA2 or Mobile Pentium III
The name was chosen because of difficulties Intel had in trademarking a number. It suggests the number five (implying 586) while (according to Intel) conveying a meaning of strength "like
Intel did not stick to this convention when naming its P6 processor the Pentium Pro; many believe this is due to difficulties in selling a chip with "sex" in its name. Successor chips have been
called `Pentium II' and `Pentium III'.
Sorry, the above comments I pirate it off - http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=pentium
The last paragraph is more closely related to NetBSD (or all BSDs in general) problem. I read an article somewhere years ago that, Intel actually engaged a consulting firm in order to come out with a name for suitable for the 586. One of the criterias was that it must be something not offensive in any languages spoken worldwide.
Call it political correctness, but you don't offend anyone if you can help it. Especially a wold class entity doing business worldwide.
NetBSD, is an entity that transact with people all over the world. People from all walks of life. Personally, I love the BSD daemon, kinda cute.. But I'm sure it is not the OS of choice for some/most religious organization.. Esp. those conservative ones who have yet to discover fire.
Well, if they decide on a new logo in order not to offend the sensibilities of 'potential' customers, why not indeed?
Regards all and everyone - peace!
Forget Beastie.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Forget Beastie.... (Score:2)
Yes, I agree, the fish instantly recognizable as obese. Oh, wait...
Notsomuch (Score:2)
My advice still holds: let's choose an identity for NetBSD via a mascot. It's pretty friggin hard to identify NetBSD and say, "you know - the one with the demons all hiking up the computers to plant the NetBSD flag Iwo Jima style?"
Sympathy for the daemon (Score:5, Funny)
I'm an OS of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Gary Kildall
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Bill Gates
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around Digital
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed VMS and its decendents
The VAXen screamed in vain
I rode my way
through USLs day
when the lawsuit raged
and the licenses stank
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the OSes they made
I shouted out,
Who killed System V?
When after all
It was you and me
etc... my apology to the Rolling Stones..
In contrast to the bashing (Score:4, Insightful)
The loss of the BSD daemon may be unfortunate, but looking at major brands it's pretty clear recognition doesn't require a cool mascot. To name a few: Nike, Adidas, Mercedez-Benz and Nokia all have rather simple comporate symbols.
If the NetBSD project wishes to look more professional in the eyes of marketeers, this is a good move.
Offended that they are offended! (Score:2)
However! I am honestly offended by suggestions that a cartoon demon could be offensive to a sane religion or society. The religions and societies that do find offense in these sorts of things are looking for any excuse to spread hate and frankly I'm sick of it.
new Mascot? (Score:2)
Wait . . . (Score:3, Funny)
Wait a minute - this is NETBSD we're talking about here, right?
So I'm Fired... (Score:5, Funny)
Way to gout out of your way there, Net BSD. After years of loyal servitude, this is how you treat me.
oh, oh, me, me, me (jumps up and down excitedly :) (Score:3, Funny)
cLive ;-)
religion (Score:2)
Seriously, I'd consider that an advantage. What kind of people would refuse to run an OS because its mascot is a cuddly depiction of an image that was attached to the negative side of their religion sometime during the early middle ages?
Is it not a great bonus to not have these people as users?
negative cultural, and religious ramifications? (Score:2)
He's also drawn in a very cute anime-like way which pretty much puts the kibosh on the whole "its th
Re:negative cultural, and religious ramifications? (Score:5, Funny)
Last I checked the US wasn't a theocracy...
When was the last time you checked?
Al.NetBSD going PC (Score:2)
Remember Procter and Gamble (Score:2)
If its good enough for manchester united... (Score:2)
They even have a fluffy man-in-suit devil called 'Fred the Red' that greets kids at the game and appears in comic strips in the match program. They used to be widely known as 'The Red Devils' but this does seem to have lost some popularity recently.
If they can turn over many, many millions with a devil on every shirt is it really a hinderence to an OS?
I think the na
Re:If its good enough for manchester united... (Score:2)
New Jersey Devils is one of the most popular hockey teams and usually have good teams. No one complains about their logo.
Maybe it's just more acceptable is sports. But that's not the point.
The main issue should be the complexity of the logo. There are too many
Been there, Done that... (Score:2)
I just sent my logo submission to the NetBSD Foundation. I don't think I'll ever win this competition, but I felt like sending something!
Logo != BSD Deamon (Score:2, Flamebait)
I was reading through some of these posts and it would would be nice if someone would actually read the fucking article and the fucking announcement. Then they might realize that the Logo Contest isn't about the cute little Deamon that we all know and love so well.
It's about the pile of Deamons doing the Iwo Jima thing on top of all your Monitors.
This image is a little tricky to duplicate and has some rather aggressive connotations. Far more aggressive than anything in the more generic BSD Deamon that y
Misread the subject (Score:2)
I guess I need to draw more than stick figures to win. That leaves me out.
Maybe I'll use PhotoShop to copy a $100.00 bill and submit that for the logo...
Rhino (Score:2)
An opportunity... (Score:5, Insightful)
I know that the conventional wisdom is:
But, in reality, NetBSD runs on so many platforms as a side effect of their stated policy to implement things the Right Way rather than ever relying on hacks.
NetBSD is one of the cleanest, most logical, and most innovative open source projects out there.
For example, NetBSD takes an insanely good idea (the FreeBSD ports collection) and makes it even better. Pkgsrc (NetBSD's answer to ports) is built in such a way that allows you to run it on Solaris, Linux, and a number of other operating systems. Plus it has a built-in package security auditing tool.
FreeBSD et al are moving toward NetBSD's innovative init system which in my mind combines the power of SysV and the ease of use of *BSD.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe NetBSD was the first OS anywhere to support ipv6.
NetBSD always seems to chug away in relative obscurity, with even BSD folk ignoring and misunderstanding it. Yeah, it's great for embedded work. Yeah, it'll run on almost anything. But it's also a really great workstation. And their uncompromising approach to quality and correct implementation make it a very stable and logical general purpose OS.
So, I for one welcome the new logo, and hope that it helps to bring NetBSD out of the shadows and allows my fellow open source users to enjoy another excellent operating system.
Re:An opportunity... (Score:4, Interesting)
Would it be possible to use pkgsrc as the main package management system on a Linux box, say, Slackware? What I mean is, forget Slackware's package management system altogether and replace it with NetBSD's pkgsrc.
Re:An opportunity... (Score:3, Informative)
NetBSD has pre-built binaries for just what you describe! Check out http://www.pkgsrc.org [pkgsrc.org] for details.
:-) )
They've got bootstrap source that will compile on a lot, plus binary packages for a bunch of operating systems including Slackware (And Darwin. And Debian. And Irix. And Solaris
I'm not
Hey... A unixlike OS for a PC doesn't mean P.C.! (Score:3, Insightful)
I, personally, am deeply offended by the insane attempts of far too many otherwise intelligent people in this decade to bury the age-old stereotypes, differences of belief, and general feelings beneath a very thin veneer of political correctness. What's so wrong about being honest?
I'm not against integration, and I cherish diversity. Learning about other cultures is a good thing, but pretending they aren't different when they are is stupid. If wearing a red shirt is offensive to the group of people who were extras on ST:TOS, should everyone stop wearing red shirts because they MIGHT feel bad? I'd suggest that those people who become upset over P.C. issues should ask themselves why they're upset... and maybe grow up a little.
Where are the Satanists to defend their beliefs? Seriously, if Christians can get all bent out of shape at the logo of a devil, why can't Satanists demand that the cross be banned from public display because it offends them? Either it works both ways, or not at all.
The logo in question is being dragged through the mud because a few religious zealots woke up and started looking at free operating systems and saw a devil? What, are they so stupid that they assumed this literally meant "Satan Inside"? Didn't the cute smile tip them off about the concept of caricature?
I checked my calendar... it's not 040401 yet, and 040104 has passed (YYMMDD anyways), so let's repost this when the time is right.
Re:wow (Score:3, Funny)
Re:wow (Score:3, Informative)
Re:wow (Score:2)
In this instance, it's more of a case of the pro turning weird, surely?
Re:devil? (Score:2)
Re:devil? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:devil? (Score:2, Funny)
I can totally understand updating or changing a logo to get attention or even seperate NetBSD from the other distros, but if anyone changes a logo because of stupid assumptions then I must abandon it based on principle. I fear deeply computer-illetirate people might view find it a
Re:devil? (Score:5, Insightful)
NetBSD isn't going to get brand recognition from the word, just like Adidas didn't build brand recognition just on the word. It sounds too odd for that. Like Adidas, it's competing against words that have more relevance to the area (Microsoft sounded like computer stuff way back when it started, with words like software already paving the way for recognition - Nike is the greek goddess of victory, as most Olympic atheletes know).
If anything, the cuteness of the logo works against it more than an association with evil. It's a Warner Bros toon style devil. That's already saying "fine for home users, but would you trust a business to it?".
Re:devil? (Score:2)
It seems to me that everything that is wrong in Slashdot (moderation abuses, trolls ,etc) is multiplied in the BSD section.
Re:devil? (Score:2)
Re:angels? (Score:3, Insightful)
Wasn't the devil just a corrupted angel anyway?
Re:angels? (Score:3, Informative)
According to Christian Theology and Mythology, Lucifer (Son of Morning) was God's right hand man, basically the most capable and intelligent angel.
Then he rebelled and took a 1/3rd of the angels with him.
Re:angels? (Score:2)
No. That would offend the Pagans and the Satanists.
Re:Oh, this makes me angry... (Score:2)
Wow. One little picture like that and you could effectively piss off a vast majority of the population of the planet.
As a whole, Humans are stupid.
Re:A polar bear! (Score:3, Informative)
Re: (Score:2)