Chock Full o' NetBSD! 215
jschauma writes "While it's no Indigo
Espresso or a VAX Bar (though,
of course, there is NetBSD/sgimips and NetBSD/vax), at least you can log
in on a Mr.
Coffee. And while the JavaStation has been running NetBSD for a while,
full support is now completely in-tree:
NetBSD's Martin Husemann announced today
that he has fixed all outstanding issues with JavaStation support. This
means, that you can now run your JavaStation with a stock distribution of NetBSD/sparc. The JavaStation-NC
is a network computer class machine built on the microSPARC-IIep processor.
More information about the JavaStation can be found in the JavaStation
HOWTO, Martin's email to
the port-sparc mailing list and Valeriy E. Ushakov's paper 'Porting NetBSD to
Very good (Score:3, Interesting)
I dont want to downlaod dependencies, I wan the computer to do it, and this is why it is so great.
thank you!
Sorry moderators, NOT INSIGHTFUL (Score:1, Offtopic)
I have one of those lying down, unused... US$ 0.
ITX etc etc... US$ 200.
my bank account balance after paying household bills... US$ 0.
Which one?
Now THAT's insightful, informative and interesting.
you're missing the point (Score:2)
Re:you're missing the point (Score:2, Interesting)
I've neve
Re:you're missing the point (Score:2)
(BTW, based on my experience, the notion that Sun hardware is "very reliable" is a myth. Many of the components are shared with PCs anyway, and Sun's quality control is variable.)
Re:you're missing the point (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hmm... (Score:5, Funny)
Even though compiling a custom kernel on your blender may take a while, you could always cross-compile the kernel [netbsd.org] on your relatively fast microwave oven.
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
I don't know what you're problem is, compiling a kernel on my blender (Blendfast 2k3 HT-compatible) is faster than on my current machine (athlon tbird 700). Note: my blender cost much much more than my computer.
The blender is much faster (Basically due to the hyperthreading) that I cross compile the kernel for my computer on my blender.
I'm guessing you either need a new blender or you have way too many optimizations enabled.
Re:Plaigarizing... OSNews? (Score:3, Interesting)
Slashdot: jschauma writes:
Not bad having your story submitted on both osnews and slashdot with just a half an hour apart:
Slashdot: 04:38AM
OSNews: 04:09:24
Re:Plaigarizing... OSNews? (Score:2, Funny)
Even better is having your story posted by one of the hottest geek babes around [eugenia.co.uk].
Re:Plaigarizing... OSNews? (Score:1)
Re:Plaigarizing... OSNews? (Score:3, Informative)
They forgot one link... (Score:1, Offtopic)
a cool hack for sure, but not very useful i think (Score:3, Funny)
Re:a cool hack for sure, but not very useful i thi (Score:3, Informative)
You might want to check Ebay for Javastation rather than Mr Coffee. The latter was just the Sun code name for that particular Javastation (Krups being the other model IIRC).
The low spec is irrelevant on a machine like this, as it is nothing more than a thin client. I occasionally use a similar NCD ThinStar to login to one of the development servers at work. The client runs nothing more than WinCE and an X server, and all the apps are run on the server.
Re:a cool hack for sure, but not very useful i thi (Score:1, Informative)
NetBSD also runs on machines like Dreamcast or Playstation -- and I doubt anyone at a serious enterprise would consider running his/hers business using game consoles. Why does NetBSD community does that? Because it is fun, because people do have unused hardware, which becomes great when it has unix installed, because they _can_.
Porting software to NetBSD's pkgsrc collection [pkgsrc.org] brings also a great deal of _learning_ - if you introduce patches, you cannot think just about one pla
Re:netbsd ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Hope this makes sense. What it means in the final analysis is that I can (almost) tar up the
Re:netbsd ... (Score:2)
Re:netbsd ... (Score:4, Informative)
Don't use NetBSD myself, but I'm curious. What are the differences?
Compared to Linux, there is only one NetBSD distribution. Companies like Wasabi Systems may offer branded copies of a release, but they contain the same software as the ISO images found on the NetBSD ftp servers. Another key difference is that the NetBSD project maintains an entire operating system, rather than Linus Torvalds and his loose knit team, who concern themseles almost exclusively with the Linux kernel itself. The NetBSD approach leads to a greater consistency and closer integration of kernel and userland. The downsides are that third party software which NetBSD relies on (gcc for instance), often takes a while to update to new releases while Linux'isms are worked out.
The NetBSD project is based around a core team, and peer review is encouraged before any changes are commited by non-core developers. This leads to a very consistent, clear code base that conforms to number of good coding practices. For instance, the NetBSD kernel drivers liberally use #defines for addresses and registers, while Linux doesn't frown on undocumented magic numbers. The Linux style makes supporting someone elses code a nightmare, unless you're very familiar with the hardware the driver is for.
The NetBSD project has a server farm dedicated to autobuilds, and it is easy for port masters (people concerned with NetBSD on a particular platform) to see when the development version has broken for their platform. In the Linux world, as long as x86 works the other platforms are considered secondary. This is why I run NetBSD on my non-x86 hardware - I got pissed off with Linux claiming fot support a platform when it had clearly been broken for months.
Finally, there is the pkgsrc collection. This allows me to install all the software I need, confident that it has been tested (and patched if necessary). The dependency tracking of pkgsrc makes the much vaunted Debian Linux look very ho-hum in comparison.
Re:netbsd ... (Score:2)
I'm assuming OpenBSD will have some more weird differences because of all the security.
I agree about the pkgsrc/ports thing. I used it on NetBSD and I use it now on OpenBSD. I also use Gentoo
Re:netbsd ... (Score:2)
Apart from fstab and the network bits in rc.conf, all the files in /etc that I edit after an install are identical on my SPARC, Vax and x86 machines. There might be minor differences in files that describe devices, but all the files I'm likely to actually edit have the same format regardless of the machines architecture.
Re:10 differences off the top of my head... (Score:5, Informative)
There are games that are explicitly called BSDgames. Wanna play a game of hangman?
3. It lacks a GUI of any note.
Why do you think that XFree86 does not run on netbsd? Hint: it does.
6. It cannot be run on the x86 platform.
That's just stupid. Hint: it does. And it runs on your kitchen sink, too.
7. You have to compile everything and know C.
No. Hint: there are binary packages. Lots of it.
9. It is incompatiable with GNU/Linux.
Bullshit. Netbsd has a Linux emulation layer.
10. It is dying.
The troll: It is lying.
Re:10 differences off the top of my head... (Score:1)
FreeBSD is used on many many servers around the world. Sure it's not as popular as Linux, but it has quite a big share of installed systems.
BSD is hardly dying - where do you think userland in OS/X comes from? There is money being poured into BSD development, just no where near as much as Linux, and it doesn't get the headlines.
Re:10 differences off the top of my head... (Score:1)
What are you talking about? FreeBSD has never been certified as C2, and that's all that NT has been certified at (remeber to remove the floppy and network card). Check for yourself at http://www.radium.ncsc.mil/tpep/epl/index.html.
BSD users too are dooming thier own OS. As a group, they are a very vocal and rowdy bunch
Re:10 differences off the top of my head... (Score:2)
1. You can not play games on it.
I don't really play games (well, I do sometimes on my playstation or game cube or whatever), but I don't really see where this is coming from. On my old 1.6 box, there's something like 170 games in
2. It cannot be used by my grandma.
It has, in fact, been used by my in-laws w
Debian is dying (Score:1, Interesting)
Open source may be good, but there is one example that sticks out like a sore thumb as a problem with open source. Debian gnu/Linux. It is offically the Worst Linux Distribution ever made.
First of all, Debian has the most out of date software packages of any major mainstream distros. Even in the unstable version, is KDE 2.2 and Gnome 2.0, with Xfree86 4.1 (A version that really sucks). There are literally years that pass between each update of Debian.
Secondly, its a pain
Re:Debian is dying (Score:1)
Back on topic, stock debian-sparc installs perfectly on Javastations, and has done since woody came out.
Re:netbsd ... (Score:2)
When we look at SuSE vs Redhat vs Debian, etc., we must remind ourselves the myriad of BSDs out on the market as well. I'm still trying to connect exactly what aspects of
Re:netbsd ... (Score:3, Interesting)
NetBSD doesn't use fstab?
XF86Config is portable to different videocards/monitors?
Not being a NetBSD user, I didn't gain any understanding of what I am missing from that statement. Could you please elaborate.
Re:netbsd ... (Score:4, Informative)
The key with NetBSD is that the configuration differences apply only to the limited area being configured. fstab would need to be changed to deal with differences betwen filesystems on two systems, not CPUs.
Using the same Linux distro on two different architectures may give the same sort of 'constancy', but typically you can't get one linux distro that runs on all the architectures supported by some linux distro.
Re:netbsd ... (Score:1)
Who cares. As long as existant and future versions of NetBSD are available, what do I care if there is an SCOBSD or MSBSD that I will never use.
Case in point: M$ used BSD code in their TCP/IP stack. Oddly enough, the world didn't come to an end, there are still several fre
BSD Rocks! (Score:5, Funny)
You just can't take Linux [redhat.com] seriously when its fronted by losers [nylug.org] like these. Would you buy software from them? I don't think so! You Linux [suse.com] groupies need to find some sexy girls like her [hope-2000.org]! I mean just look at this girl [madchat.org]! Doesn't she [madchat.org] excite you? I know this little hottie [madchat.org] puts me in need of a cold shower! This guy looks like he is about to cream his pants standing next to such a fox [spilth.org]. As you can see, no man can resist this sexy [spilth.org] little minx [spilth.org]. I mean are you telling me you wouldn't like to get your hands on this ass [dis.org]?!
With sexy chicks [minions.com] like the lovely Ceren [dis.org] you could have people queuing up to buy open source products. Could you really refuse to buy a copy of BSD [netbsd.org] if she [dis.org] told you to? Come on, you must admit she [cdslash.net] is better than an overweight penguin [tamu.edu] or a gay looking goat [gnu.org]! Don't you wish you could get one of these [drexel.edu]? Personally I know I would give my right arm to get this close [dis.org] to such a divine beauty [czarina.org]!
Join the campaign for more cute [madchat.org] open source babes [madchat.org] today!
Re:BSD Rocks! (Score:3, Funny)
Yes, a 404 really turns me on!
Was I the only one to ... (Score:4, Funny)
[cartman] I feel as though SCO has warped my fragile little mind [/cartman]
Always nice. (Score:3, Interesting)
This is why BSD is so great. You have actual portability. It's truly open and free. Stable and secure. Much better code base then Linux with a better development group. The only area it's lacking is XFree86, but in time drivers will come around.
Fortress of Insanity [homeunix.org]
Re:Always nice. (Score:2)
All you other trolls, pay attention to his technique: say things that are (1) on topic, (2) inflammatory, but stated politely, (3) sound sort vaguely like they might be true, or at least aren't obviously false if you're reading quickly and not really paying attention), (4) put the really inflammatory things near the end -- many readers will stop reading early, especially if the beginning is boring, (5) includes a bit of ego stroking for some group while you're at it -
Re:GPL is non-free (Score:2)
What restrictions are you referring to? I'm asking sincerely, no antagonism, I've just never heard this explained and I'd like to. I'd really appreciate an explanation or a link to a website that contains one. Thanks!
Re:Always nice. (Score:1)
Alright, let's look:
Debian GNU/Linux Ports [debian.org]: 10 editions
NetBSD [netbsd.org]: 53 editions
That's nice... (Score:2)
A friend of mine just recently came into a bunch of Sunrays... Has anyone figured out if they're good for anything unless you've got a Sparc to hang them off of?
SunRays (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:That's nice... (Score:1)
They're not bad boxes at all as long as you have a fast sparc around already. Otherwise not much sense unless someone reverse-engineers the protocol (as been partially done by someone AFAIK) or the Linux port materializes and you can get it for a reasonable price.
The normal price for the server side is like $1500/20 clients, so it rea
Alright... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Alright... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:os news article (Score:1)
well, not exactly plagerism. the same guy posted in both forums.
plus jschauma added a typo for the slashdot crowd in the form of an extra 'w'. tailored it, you might say.
Javastations. (Score:2, Interesting)
Hey, that's cool. I was actually looking at Javastations a while ago as a candidate to add to my "what the hell is that?" hardware collection.
Unfortunately, they seem to be pretty hard to come by on eBay. Anyone know of a surplus house or anything that's selling off the Javastations at a reasonable price?
Linux was first on JavaStation (Score:3, Interesting)
In fact, Zaitcev (Linux @JS guy) and Uwe (NetBSD @JS guy) are friends, Zaitcev helped Uwe with some elements of the port.
This really makes all "BSD Rulz" zealots look silly. While they whail, real hackers help each other across the Linux/BSD boundary. What is it in OS for a hacker? Linux and BSDs come and go, hackers remain forever.