GNOME 2.5.0 Available For FreeBSD 66
Dan writes "FreeBSD's Joe Marcus Clarke announces that GNOME 2.5.0 desktop, the "Obviously you're not a golfer" release, is now available for FreeBSD. You can check out this release from the MarcusCom CVS repository. Be sure to get the latest copy of the "marcusmerge" script while you're there to help with the upgrade. Thanks to FreeBSD GNOME users, there is also a man page to go with this script. NOTE: this is a developers release, and bugs will exist. If you're not into bug-hunting, you should probably steer clear until 2.6.0 is released."
Re:"Obviously, You're not a Golfer" (Score:1, Funny)
He pissed on my fucking rug.
He pissed on your fucking rug.
That rug really brought the room together dude.
Shut the fuck up Donny.
Are you guys coming or what? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm extremely happy in watching Marcus and the whole FreeBSD-Gnome team doing such a good job in bringing a full-blown, easy to build (can't beat the ports collection) gnome desktop into the OS.
I wonder if they have any plans to bring Ximian Desktop or Dropline or something like that into the ports collection... I think it could be interesting.
Nevertheless, I'm still considering the gnome 2.5 changes, but I'll probably leap towards testing it and do some reporting from my side, since I'm not much of a coder! :)
P.S.- Do these people think they're funny or something? This whole "BSD is dying" crap from linsux/winblows fanboys, is getting on my nerve...
fuckin wankers
We might aswell take off the BSD section, with this kind of feeback all the time, it's plain useless.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
Freebsd is NOT slower the any linux distro out there to pimps. far quicker then many bloated distro's.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1, Insightful)
Given the past POV of Miguel de Icaza was to code in such a way to avoid FreeBSD compatiblity in addition to his past rabid pro-GPL stance, only the removal of his influance and placement of people who show that Open Source is not JUST GNU/Linux.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:3, Informative)
The only thing that comes close to BSD's package system is Debian's apt-get, and its still not there.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
If it is a "potential" security problem, then all you need to do is build the kernel or application in a sandbox environment and copy the kernel out.
2) Enter a few CVS commands to get the fixed source
Not for me. All I have to do is run cvsup with my sup file and I get the sources right away. Then all I have to do is rebuild the kernel, which is very simple too, or I can rebuild the components themselves qu
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2)
The APT system supports source repositories. The official Debian archives offer the source to every package, so it is entirely possible to install the base system with the installer, and then use nothing but locally built packages using apt/dpkg.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2)
I can't say for certain, but I would have to assume so. If dpkg is anything like rpm it has a simple config file to set such parameters. I know you can pass options on the command line when building rpms though.
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2, Interesting)
Depends on what you're trying to get. Prebuilt Kernel? Maybe good for that if you're happy with the default one. As for packages, FreeBSD has something similar to apt-get.
Fetching ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/pack a ges-5.1-release/Latest/lynx.tbz... Done.
Thats all I have to do for a package that is listed in ports. The only benefit ap
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
Yeah someone was working on a project called FreeBSD update which would be a binary update for the base install. with bsd, if its part of the base system and not the ports, you still have to go through the whole cvsup stuff. though like you say you can automate much of it with perl scripts, its still not as qukck and easy as apt-get as the oirigna
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2)
Unless you intentionally left 'build' out of that sentence before 'server' this is a stupid statement. Since when is it a good idea to have a compiler on your server? Even if you did specifically mean build server, in most cases that just means running remote shells to do the compiling (like rsh or ssh) and not some spiffy server app that receives build requests from a build client (yes I know there are distributed bui
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:3, Insightful)
Hardware support - You said, and I quote, "BSD isnt meant for desktop, its mea
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:2)
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1, Interesting)
Wow tarius, I was expecting something a bit more informed than that. Some of the stuff you've said is purely anecdotal and unprobable; other lines are just lies. Let's see:
"Linux can not handle multiple compiles at once"
What? Are you blinded by zealotry here or something? I've been running Linux (and BSD) boxes for eight years -- I have never, _ever_ had one of my Debian or Slackware boxes crash. (I'm specific about the distros because Mandrake et al. are bug-ridden). Multip
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
I can make any modifications I want to a GPLed program without having "make it available to everyone in the world". I can hack it, put my name all over it, change it to what I want; it's only if I _distribute_ it that I need to also release the source. You see?
Better than watching some company take my enhancements and use them for their own gain.
I like the last part
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:1)
I personally don't get it. With how anti-MS most Linux users are (me being one of them), I don't understand why any of them would want to attack any [free] MS competitor. (Especially if they try to use the monoculture is bad argument against MS)
Oh well, F-them. As somebody mentioned in a post from another BSD article a couple of weeks ago, you just have to bump up your threshold in t
Re:Are you guys coming or what? (Score:3, Insightful)
As far as the "BSD is dying" crap
Needless to say, it seems like FreeBSD if anything is growing, not dying. With the very logical and well laid out file system, ports system, ipfw firewall and relatively easy upgrade process (make buildworld, make installworld, portupgrade)