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Announcements Operating Systems BSD

FreeBSD to Celebrate 10 Year Anniversary in SF, CA 103

Dan writes "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far the early part of 1993...the last 3 coordinators of the 'Unofficial 386BSD Patchkit' would go on to start the FreeBSD project that has grown to be used by millions of websites and installations around the world. Murray Stokely is talking about Jordan Hubbard, Nate Williams, and Rod Grimes. Looking for a catchy name, David Greenman suggested FreeBSD and it stuck. With the help of Walnut Creek CDROM, the first CDROM distribution, FreeBSD 1.0, was released in December of 1993."
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FreeBSD to Celebrate 10 Year Anniversary in SF, CA

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Any netcraft surveys on the spread of BSd available?
  • Moderation (Score:3, Insightful)

    by horcy ( 545339 ) on Saturday October 25, 2003 @04:33PM (#7309910) Homepage
    I think it's time that the slashdot staff has to take action against those lame BSD posts... Every single news fact about BSD gets these empty headed posts.
    • Well, yes, there are so many immature Leanux kiddoes that can't handle the fact that a *BSD is actually a mature OS, and not just another kernel+patch.
    • Re:Moderation (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cpeterso ( 19082 )

      Slashdot could add a new lameness filter to prevent people from posting comments that contain the words "BSD" and "dead". How often do you really need to use the word dead in casual converstation?

      I was originally going to just joke that any comment that contained the word "BSD" should be filtered, but the idea of filtering "BSD AND dead" is not that bad an idea.
      • Re:Moderation (Score:2, Insightful)

        by pyrrhonist ( 701154 )
        How often do you really need to use the word dead in casual converstation?

        How about:

        "I can't log into the BSD box!"

        "That's because it's dead."
        Oh, wait, that's never going to happen in a billion years.
        You're right, it won't come up in casual conversation.
  • Broken 1.0 releases? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bovinewasteproduct ( 514128 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (iikralcg)> on Sunday October 26, 2003 @11:24AM (#7313796) Homepage
    So who else has contributed broken software to a 1.0 release?

    I'm the reason why the mitsumi CD-ROM driver was broken, and of course Rod had just cut the gold master (and back then it was a major pain to make masters) and could not update the sources.

    After about 20 patches, he just just gave me a commit bit...:)

  • It doesn't even contain a link to the news flash []
  • I wonder what gift Sco will be giving the BSD team... Maybe they'll donate some code enabling FreeBSD to finally be "ready for the enterprise." That or maybe they can license "Happy Birthday" for us so we can all sing it at the party! I for one can't wait to see more wild antics of Darl the Clown! WoooHooo Birtday!!!!!
  • Or "Grimy", as he liked to be called.

Perfection is acheived only on the point of collapse. - C. N. Parkinson
