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BSD Operating Systems

Staying Current with NetBSD 22

BSDForums writes "Open source never stands still. Even the flexible and mature BSDs are continuing to evolve. In this article, Michael Lucas looks at the NetBSD upgrade process, demonstrating the most common steps to stay abreast of the current source code. This article isn't a comprehensive tutorial that covers every possible situation; rather, it covers the most common situation: updating your source with CVS, building that source code, and installing it on the build machine."
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Staying Current with NetBSD

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  • by hrarbinger ( 635808 ) on Friday April 11, 2003 @03:42PM (#5712747)
    The article shows you how to get the updates via CVS over SSH with this:

    # setenv CVSROOT anoncvs@anoncvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot
    # setenv CVS_RSH ssh

    Now I'd always heard that CVS' pserver wasn't the most stable or secure thing in the world, and that you should use CVS over SSH instead. However I also heard that the abilities of a CVS user were such that if they were determined enough, they'd be able to get shell-like access through the commands that are available. Thus you were only supposed to give CVS access to users who you also give shell access.

    So my question is this: do the NetBSD folks have a page anywhere that describes their anonymous CVS setup? I assume they've done a secure job of locking it down to prevent the entire world from being able to get into their download server for obvious reasons.

    • Sourceforge has special CVS-ssh servers where the only command you can run on the remote end is 'cvs'. So short of an exploit in that program, you don't have general shell access. It would be possible for NetBSD to do the same I suppose.
    • Here's a link [netbsd.org] from the NetBSD documentation website. And here's [google.com] one provided by a netbsd user, translated from spanish. The second one is better because it incorporates ssh and a chroot jail for the entire repository. I have the actual english version which I downloaded from one of the netbsd mailing lists, don't remember exactly which one though. Search through them, should still be there.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    But I couldn't get my PDP-11 to bootstrap using the tape image they provided. Are they still having trouble with the more recent firmware versions (I upgraded to the newest one from June 1979), or do you still have to have at least two terminals connected for it to work?

    Also, is there TCP/IP support in this version? UUCP doesn't interoperate very well with our windows systems.
  • by MobyTurbo ( 537363 ) on Monday April 14, 2003 @07:16AM (#5726734)
    There's only one problem I have with the article, it shows how to track -current, the alpha/beta branch of NetBSD. (As -current is with all other *BSDs). It did not show how to track 1.6-STABLE (using "-r netbsd-1-6" in your cvs command line.) It should have mentioned that as most people just want the latest bugfixes and upgrades rather than testing what is going to become 2.0 with all of the changes that implies.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
