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BSD Operating Systems

BSDs to be Merged 217

A dæmon writes "According to Daily Daemon News and The FreeBSD Diary, NetBSD, FreeBSD and GNU/OpenBSD are to be merged. Read the full story here." This is a good thing since one of the two BSDs clearly sucked, and the other was clearly superior.
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BSDs to be Merged

Comments Filter:
  • ha ha ha ha (Score:3, Informative)

    by davejenkins ( 99111 ) <slashdot@daveje n k i n s . com> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:00PM (#5639489) Homepage
    ha ha ha ha ha ha

    what more can be said?
    • by agshekeloh ( 67349 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:33PM (#5639769) Homepage
      At the recent ITECD conference, the United Nations delegates
      determined that the BSDs must unite in order to provide a single best
      platform for use in third-world countries, and dispatched negotiators
      to each of the project leads, resulting in the new "FretBSD Project."
      The members of the FreeBSD and NetBSD teams have joined in
      whole-heartedly, with both present and past members giving it their
      blessing. "Now that us old geezers are out of the way, the BSD
      projects can reunify like they should have done years ago" said Jordan
      Hubbard, a long time player involved in FreeBSD from the start, but
      now moved onto other projects.

      Luke Mewburn, previous NetBSD core team member, said he was keen to
      help with the merger: "FreeBSD was already using the NetBSD FTP
      daemon, our rc.d system, and our Cardbus support. This was inevitable,

      Perry Metzger, ex-NetBSD developer with Wasabi Systems, said: "This is
      what we've been waiting for! It'll give us access to more developers
      and users! Could you please take the electrodes off now?"
      Mr. Metzger will be doing his future FretBSD work from the lowest
      level of the maximum-security United States prison camp in Guatanamo
      Bay, with a 24x7 armed guard to ensure his safety.

      Theo de Raadt could not be reached for comment. While Theo's home has
      been surrounded, UN peacekeeper troops have yet to storm the building.
      UN spokesmen insist that the siege is going according to plan,
      however, and Theo is expected to be available for integration in the
      new combined BSD at some date in late 2023. Of the two hundred
      eighty-nine casualties suffered by the UN troops at this time, the
      commanding officer insists that they were caused by a rampaging
      Canadian moose. Daniel Hartmeier, previously of the OpenBSD Project,
      insists that OpenBSD has no weapons of moose destruction.

      Within a week, all mailing lists and Web servers for the legacy NetBSD
      and FreeBSD projects will be terminated. The mailing list for the new
      combined project will be hosted from the United Nations datacenter on
      a Microsoft Exchange server. As UN monitors will be moderating the
      mailing lists to prevent disagreements and divisive arguments before
      they begin, this system is expected to be adequate for the load.

      The biggest controversy seems to be the selection of a new logo, which
      has stirred much debate within the new FretBSD community. While the
      BSD Daemon will remain, it's just a matter of changing his sneakers.
      Kris Kennaway, ex-FreeBSD Ports Cluster administrator, said : "We need
      to change those sneakers. Why do you think they're green anyway?
      Purple is a much superior color".

      In a rather disturbing vein, Greg Lehey has disappeared. Rumours
      continue to circulate that he has set up a rogue CVS and mail server
      somewhere in Tasmania. Similar rumours surrounding the disappearance
      of Christos Zoulas have not been substantiated, but we have been
      unable to contact him.

  • Hi All (Score:1, Funny)

    by IMarvinTPA ( 104941 )
    I think that that BSD is the best.
    How about you?

  • April 1st? (Score:1, Redundant)

    by Leimy ( 6717 )
    HEHEH :)
  • That's too fsking funny!
    Good one Taco.
    Yeah, go on, admit it...you fell for that one ;)
  • Never trust the Taco (Score:3, Interesting)

    by DaHat ( 247651 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:01PM (#5639499)
    From this day forward... I will never listen to a single word CmdrTaco says or posts.
  • I wish this would happen... but nooooo, /. has to go and get my hopes up, then I finally remember "Oh yeah! It's April 1st!" and I go slinking back to my bed...

    Whatever /.
  • April Fools Day ends at noon. OR so I'd always been told. This story posted at 11:59 so I guess it'll be OK.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is a good thing since one of the two BSDs clearly sucked, and the other was clearly superior.

    i so wish this were posted on some other day. can you imagine the comments?
  • I hate April First (Score:3, Insightful)

    by haplo21112 ( 184264 ) <haplo.epithna@com> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:01PM (#5639509) Homepage
    This year has been worse than most, so many of the stories are soooooo....obviously fake.....
    • It was obvious last year aswell.. tho there weren't any qupes (quad dupes) then...
    • That goes double.

      Just what I don't need: A day when, if there is any REAL news of significance, it will be buried in "jokes".

      Remember: The information-theory definition of informtaion transfer is surprising the receiver. (If he already KNEW it, you didn't send him information - your transmission was redundant.) So real news of major import will look much like these jokes.

      This is not "Stuff that Matters" - and buries stuff that does matter. Disinformation is evil even when it is traditional.
    • Yea, what he said! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Pharmboy ( 216950 )
      This year has been worse than most, so many of the stories are soooooo....obviously fake.....

      you would think they might mix only a few fake ones in with the real stories, try to be sneaky. But then again, what they lack in quality, they make up for in quantity.

      On another note: The quality of posting hasn't changed. If anything, there is LESS trolling and flamebaiting, which makes you think that if they did this every day, the overall quality of posts would go up ;-)

      Its like Onion meets /. Oh, excep
    • by xA40D ( 180522 )
      obviously fake

      But everyday I read stuff and think "It's not April 1st, so it MUST be true".

      All day I've been reading stuff and thinking "Oh Fuck, I hope this isn't true". For the next week these things are going to really worry me.

      So I'm all in favour of obviously fake.
  • And the superior one no doubt implemented RFC 3514 [rfc-editor.org]

    This can only be a good thing, for keeping the inferior BSD in compliance with the newest standards...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:02PM (#5639515)
    You heard it here first.
  • by EnderWiggnz ( 39214 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:02PM (#5639516)
    its really important, and i dont understand why slashdot isnt posting it.

    read the whitepaper here [rfc-editor.org]

    i'm going to kee this up until slashdot posts about the evil bit.
  • "This is a good thing since one of the two BSDs clearly sucked, and the other was clearly superior." And yet there are three BSDs mentioned... Hmm...maybe he honestly thought he only posted the evil bit story once!
  • by _PimpDaddy7_ ( 415866 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:03PM (#5639529)
    Pass me some of whatever shit your smoking, I definitely want some...

    RoxyGuy [roxyguy.com]
  • But .. (Score:5, Funny)

    by hygelic ( 181078 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:03PM (#5639530)
    will it support the new IPv4 "Evil Bit" ?
    • I've been a sysadmin/web guru/programmer/kernel hacker for 2.3 billion years! I know nothing of this "evil bit" you speak of! It either doesn't exist or isn't well known of... so who cares!?
    • But will it support the new IPv4 "Evil Bit" ?

      More importantly, will it will support the new IPv4 "Evil Bit" ?

    • forget the Evil Bit, what I want to know is if they've integrated lzip [sourceforge.net] yet, announced here [slashdot.org] to years ago!
  • by bigmouth_strikes ( 224629 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:03PM (#5639534) Journal
    The biggest controversy seems to be the selection of a new logo, which has stirred much debate within the new FretBSD community. While the BSD Daemon will remain, it's just a matter of changing his sneakers. Kris Kennaway, ex-FreeBSD Ports Cluster administrator, said : "We need to change those sneakers. Why do you think they're green anyway? Purple is a much superior color".

    I wonder if paid subscribes don't have to put up with the April 1 jokes... might be worth it really.
    • Kris Kennaway, ex-FreeBSD Ports Cluster administrator, said : "We need to change those sneakers. Why do you think they're green anyway? Purple is a much superior color".
      Huh. I always thought Kris was an Ozzie, but I guess he's actually a Drazi.
    • I wonder if paid subscribes don't have to put up with the April 1 jokes... might be worth it really.

      Yeah, it's great - as a Slashdot subscriber, I have the option to go to other sites today. I highly recommend subscribing, just for this benefit alone!
  • is the quote in the second paragraph: ""Now that us old geezers are out of the way, the BSD projects can reunify like they should have done years ago" said Jordan Hubbard, a long time player involved in FreeBSD from the start, but now moved onto other projects. "I understand that they're going to be implementing a new installer and packaging system, so I'm content.""

    Jeez, they could have kept the charade up for more than one paragraph if they really wanted to get people going.
  • OS X (Score:5, Funny)

    by BWJones ( 18351 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:04PM (#5639540) Homepage Journal
    This is a good thing since one of the two BSDs clearly sucked, and the other was clearly superior.

    What, OS X?

  • The scary things is, that this is a damn good idea... it'd save those of us who don't give a damn a whole lot of headaches from listening to the people who do...
  • The last couple of years, April 1st always turned into a churn of nonsensical stories, most of them very obviously april fool jokes.

    Don't overdo it like this! It's just plain boring and unfunny. Slide in a weirdo little story, which only turns out to be obvious nonsense if you look at it again. That Gentoo bit was a nice one ;)

    But now April 1st has come (and over here, gone), and you can stop now.

  • by Arcturax ( 454188 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:04PM (#5639548)
    This is a good thing since one of the two BSDs clearly sucked, and the other was clearly superior.

    And both of them are dying.

    I just couldn't resist. :)
  • Ugh... (Score:5, Funny)

    by TopShelf ( 92521 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:04PM (#5639550) Homepage Journal
    One BSD to rule them all,
    One BSD to find them,
    One BSD to bring them all,
    And in a really bad /. spoof bind them...
  • This is a reaction to all the new bits that have been added to the IPv6 protocol today. It would just take far too long for each on their own to implement these changes. Thank goodness I read it here first on Slashdot and am way ahead of the game!


  • Slashdot^H^H^H^H^H^H^H*Bsd is DUPING^H^H^H^H^H DYING.......yeah
    mmmm www.slashdupe.com
    However, ANOTHER SITE [slsahdot.org] isnt doing so badly!
  • OK, it's an obvious April 1st troll, but at least it is an improvement over those "BSD is dying" trollls...
  • ...or at least funny ones. Something like the Gates Open Directory Project (GOD) last year.

    I think the joke this year is that, in a post-modern ironic twist, there are not any april fools (except the bad attempts at humour on /.), except on The Onion which does them all year round (i mean, techincally The Onion should have some true stories for a change - that'd be funny).

  • Damnit! I lost a ten dollar bet that the next story would be a dupe.
  • by Andrewkov ( 140579 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:07PM (#5639574)
    From the article:

    the United Nations delegates determined that the BSDs must unite

    The UN debate was quite interesting. France vetoed the merger but were over-rulled by the US and the UK, while Canada sat on the sidelines...

  • Great news. (Score:3, Funny)

    by grub ( 11606 ) <slashdot@grub.net> on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:07PM (#5639575) Homepage Journal

    That's great news, now they can be dying as a team rather than divisive little groups.

    Yes, I know it's a joke
  • United States surrenders to Iraq!

  • by MyNameIsFred ( 543994 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:08PM (#5639584)
    If they don't include the IPv4 header changes all is lost. And surely BSD will die.
  • Where's the obligatory Windows and Linux to merge post? This just in: Linus Torvalds has agreed to be Bill Gates' lap dog for an undisclosed sum. It has been rumored that he'll get to share the family bed..
  • Also...

    Sun to drop proprietary line of systems and go paste name on chinese made PC's, to compete with Dell and HP/Compaq

    Windows Longhorn to merge with Linux, Gates finally concedes Open Source the answer to Microsoft's security nightmares.

    AOL/TW turns a profit Q1 2003

    NBC admits acted hastily in Arnett firing, network respects candor and integrity over DoD relations.

    Director Peter Jackson, as quoted in the Los Angeles Times, this morning, "Lord of the Rings:Return of the King will actually be a pretty w

  • now you can leave off the * and just say BSD is dying
  • by Eric_Cartman_South_P ( 594330 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:10PM (#5639598)
    So far its been the normal shitty stories and repeat posts. Does anyone know if Slashdot is gonna do any funny/fictitious postings like other sites are doing for April Fools Day?

  • I said it right here on slashdot; that taking away Matt Dillon's commit privs would lead to trouble!

  • "According to Daily Daemon News and The FreeBSD Diary, NetBSD, FreeBSD and GNU/OpenBSD are to be merged."

    I won't believe this until ; Netcraft confirms.
  • FreeBSD will not be part of this merger, instead opting to merged with Open BeOS. Part of this merger will include changing ports to an RPM based system, to maintain compliance with RFC 3124's "Evil Bit". Several duplicate projects have sprung up in a rush to develop drivers for the iGrill.

    Also RMS has decided that GNU shouldn't go in front of everything open source related.

  • God these April Fools jokes just get more pointless each year.
  • by American AC in Paris ( 230456 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:19PM (#5639670) Homepage
    I find it sad that nobody has posted a "*BSD is alive!" troll...
  • That was so blatantly obvious it didn't merit a chuckle. Stop now kthx.
  • This is an attempt by the beleaguered BSD community to consolidate, postponing BSD's inevitable death.

    I think this is an excellent idea. Consolidation will reduce re-invention and focus developers. Other projects/programs I'd like to see consolidated:

    MacOSX and YellowDog Linux
    Linux and WheatoniX [thinkgeek.com]
    bash and ksh
    Gnome and KDE
    KnomeDE and Enlightenment 1.0 [slashdot.org]
    Windows 2003 Server and BackOrifice
    Metal Gear, Tomb Raider, and Tetris
    GIMP and MSPaint
    Slashdot and The Onion [theonion.com]... oh, wait. Never mind.
  • Just check out the following post to the freebsd-current mailing list.

    From owner-freebsd-current@freebsd.org Tue Apr 1 05:47:31 2003
    Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 05:48:53 -0500 (EST)
    From: "Matthew N. Dodd"
    To: freebsd-current@freebsd.org
    Subject: IFF_EVIL patch available.

    Leveraging our new RFC3514 support I've implemented a new network
    interface flag 'IFF_EVIL' which causes all IP packets crossing the
    interface to have the IP_EVIL bit set.

    ftp://ftp.jurai.net/users/winter/patches/IFF_EV I L. patch

  • If BSD is dying, they'll only need one grave, right?
  • ... Thats it.
  • article (Score:3, Funny)

    by Joe the Lesser ( 533425 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:32PM (#5639764) Homepage Journal
    It's slashdotted, so here's what I picked up from the page. Hope it helps:

    Warning: Too many connections in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/web_db_info.php3 on line 217

    A Database error has occured.

    Database Error Code 1040 : Too many connections

    Please contact the administrator of this website with this information.

    Warning: Too many connections in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/web_db_info.php3 on line 220

    Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/web_db_info.php3 on line 220

    Warning: MySQL: A link to the server could not be established in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/web_db_info.php3 on line 220

    A Database error has occured.

    Database Error Code 1040 : Too many connections

    Please contact the administrator of this website with this information.

    Warning: Too many connections in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/config.php3 on line 27

    Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/config.php3 on line 27

    Warning: MySQL: A link to the server could not be established in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/config.php3 on line 27

    Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/config.php3 on line 29

    Fatal error: Failed opening required '' (include_path='') in /usr/local/daemonnews/www/daily.daemonnews.org/tem plates/top.php3 on line 7
  • by TiMac ( 621390 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:41PM (#5639814)
    From the stop-the-humanity dept.

    CmdrTaco and Hemos have merged into a single Slashdot editor, in an effort to reduce duplicate posts.

    Clearly, one of them was superior.

    Hyuck, hyuck. Merry April 1. :-\

    • "And out of that unholy union was born a clone.. this will ensure that future generations of /.'ers won't miss out ./ dupes!"

      Please tell me that noone took a video of the birth!
  • by wackysootroom ( 243310 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @03:48PM (#5639881) Homepage
    CmdrTaco's Dulpicate stories Merged

    An independant source confirmed today that the famous editor of Slashdot.org, Rod "CmdrTaco" Malda has got his act together and stated merging his dulpicate stories. Malda is quoted as saying "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" when asked how he could be so forgetful in his posting of duplicate stories.

    Other internet sources also confirmed that bandwidth usage declined by 59% after the dupes were merged. This decline has been dubbed "The Reverse /. Effect".
  • "Of the two hundred eighty-nine casualties suffered by the UN troops at this time, the commanding officer insists that they were caused by a rampaging Canadian moose. Daniel Hartmeier, previously of the OpenBSD Project, insists that OpenBSD has no weapons of moose destruction."

    Hilarious! :-)

  • Did you hear about this RFC for an "evil" bit in the IPv4 headers?
  • Slashdot and Macslash to merge...
  • by LM741N ( 258038 ) on Tuesday April 01, 2003 @04:22PM (#5640116)
    I'd hate to have to rewrite all my rule sets.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
