FreeBSD 5.0 Available 372
Vegard writes "Although not yet officially announced, the 5.0 version of FreeBSD is beginning to appear on the FreeBSD FTP site and mirrors world wide." Congrats to the developers. Update: 01/19 17:44 GMT by T : Some more detail -- Dan writes "Scott Long of FreeBSD Release Engineering team has officially announced the availability of FreeBSD 5.0 release. Improvements include second generation UFS filesystem, GEOM, the extensible and flexible storage framework, DEVFS, the device virtual filesystem, Bluetooth, ACPI, CardBus, IEEE 1394 and many more! FreeBSD is also available on 64-bit sparc64 and ia64 platforms."
Release Notes (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Release Notes (Score:3, Informative)
When companies realize the benefits fo the BSD license this will takeover the world.
Re:Release Notes (Score:5, Insightful)
The BSD license is a beautiful thing. Software that carries the BSD license can really, seriously, no-shit change the world for the better.
Re:Release Notes (Score:3, Informative)
Wow. With that kind of wit and charisma, how can I hope to win an argument against you?
Good thing I've got a soft spot for lost causes.
Apple could have easily, (and legaly) built OS X on Linux, and simply kept aqua back, closed source, just like they did with BSD.
Maybe, if they'd been extremely careful to do everything just right. They still would have had to use the FreeBSD user environment, because the GNU one is just too restrictive (refer to the infamouse OpenSSL/GNU conflict).
But the most important point is one that you made in passing: "The only thing they wouldn't be able to do was release Darwin under a the APL [sic]." Apple released Darwin and other open source components under the APSL for a reason. Had they thrown their lot in with any GPL component or library, it would have "infected" the entire kernel or userland or whatever, making it impossible for Apple to retain ownership and control of their code.
And apple isn't the biggest Unix software company in the world
No? Computerworld, August 30, 2002: "Rendezvous isn't Apple's first foray into the open-source community. With the release of Mac OS X, Apple became the largest vendor of Unix in the world."
they're merely the largest growing due entirely to dumb looking computers (iMac, etc.)
Wow. You really got me there. We'd better not give Apple any credit for their accomplishments, because their computers look "dumb." You are absolutely right.
Early Adopter's Guide (Score:5, Informative)
"While FreeBSD 5.0 contains a number of new and exciting features, it may not be suitable for all users at this time. In this document, we presented some background on release engineering, some of the more notable new features of the 5.X series, and some drawbacks to early adoption. We also presented some future plans for the 4-STABLE development branch and some tips on upgrading for early adopters."
MOD PARENT DOWN (Score:5, Insightful)
I mean, I expect this from one of the junior "editors", but Cmdr Taco? Come on.
Re:Release Notes (Score:4, Informative)
I realize that many of the "hardcore haxx0rz" don't see the value in this documentation, but the fact that it exists and is maintained shows the professionalism and dedication the FreeBSD team has (which results in a damned fine OS!)
It really is a pleasure (Score:2)
One Handbook, One OS, One happy customer
Re:Release Notes (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Release Notes (Score:2)
There's something here you didn't consider. Apple will give back the KHTML changes because the KHTML license says it has to, not out of the kindness of their hearts. As for BSD, Apple is free to take the code and run. Considering that it's been a long time since MacOSX's release, it's pretty safe to assume that's what is happening.
Of course this is perfectly fine since the people that write FreeBSD code chose that license expecting this.
Re:Release Notes (Score:2, Informative)
Apparently it helped them squash a few hard to find bugs in NFS on FreeBSD....
Oh, hooray (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Oh, hooray (Score:2, Informative)
which would mean it hasn't reached the mirrors yet
No. There were already copies of the release, on the mirrors I checked.
Re:Oh, hooray (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Oh, hooray (Score:2)
Re:Oh, hooray (Score:2)
Hmm. Nobody?
Re:Oh, hooray (Score:2, Informative)
Nice linking (Score:5, Insightful)
Also by using the mirror list, our US friends wouldn't have to download from a server in Denmark, but maybe a local one instead. Oh, well I guess that's just me, but I really think that in the lengthly, time consuming screening process of each article, someone would show a bit of responibility, knowing the effects, posting a article with links have.
Re:Nice linking (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nice linking (Score:2, Insightful)
Link to Freshmeat (Score:2)
This would allow folks to find out what a program is, and then the mirror list, saving the author's homepage some the
Re:Link to Freshmeat (Score:3)
If you don't know what FreeBSD is by now, no amount of Freshmeating will help you.
This is, after all, bsd.slashdot.org.
Re:Link to Freshmeat (Score:2)
FreeBSD servers can take the load. Remember that ftp.cdrom.com was a SINGLE FreeBSD server for years, and hosted FreeBSD
Re:Nice linking (Score:5, Funny)
Correction: No single Linux server would be able to handle the Slashdot crowd. A single FreeBSD server can do it easily.
http://www.bsdtoday.com/2000/October/News296.html [bsdtoday.com]
This is from 2 years ago, many advancements have been made, particularly to the hardware and network stack, so assume that these numbers are on the very low end of estimates.
Re:Nice linking (Score:2)
For business it doesn't matter single or cluster. For business the keyword is scalability.
Linux have much more than BSD ways for scaling up. BSD was designed to work as a single server (with single CPU). Besides, I wanna ask: how is BSD good with journalling and RAIDs on that sinlge server?
Re:Nice linking (Score:2, Informative)
Journaling, well, I don't think one could call SoftUpdates actual journalling.. but it works like a charm really. It's fast, reliable and there are no lenghty fsck's for when the server ever needs to reboot (security patches).
The servers I speak of have been running steadily for well over a year without any unplanned reboots. Of course I reboot them when security patches demand it, but those are few and many don't even require rebooting. I also had a disk blow up on me some months ago. Vinum did what it had to do and the box just kept on running. (Whose slogan is that again?? I never had this kind of 'luck' with NT-servers. RAID would work, but the box would go south together with a disk fairly soon)
As for the single CPU-bit: I don't have any first-hand experience with SMP-systems but I hear 5.0 has some really great support for SMP in its kernel quite on par with Solaris. Fileserving witn Samba, Netatalk and NFS isn't exactly taxing on the CPU, so I'd like to hear some experiences from people who do run renderfarms on FreeBSD.
Re:Nice linking (Score:2)
So when is FreeBSD being ported to the C-64? Or would that actually be a NetBSD port...
Re:Nice linking (Score:2)
Solaris is running on systems with lots of processors (as in several hundreds) for years. Even if SMPng adresses such huge systems at all (which I simply don't know), don't underestimate the value of years of debugging and tuning, not to mention controling both the hardware and software part at once.
That said, I'm just configuring my (single CPU) Ultra5 to netboot FreeBSD 5.0 :)
Re:Nice linking (Score:2)
Journalling is a hack to an already poor filesystem. Well designed filesystems, such as UFS, support other means to ensure correctness. UFS and UFS2 support softupdates, which ensure consistency. Journalling, such as that in ext3, are hacks added to fix design problems.
As for scaling: the single advantage of linux over bsd in scaling is the introduction of Mosix clustering for Linux, and the newer SMP code brought by IBM to the Linux project. The fact that BSD was used by projects such as Yahoo and Hotmail should suggest that it does scale quite well.
Re:Nice linking (Score:3, Insightful)
As for Ext3, it's been improved, not hacked. And counting its age it's already reliable. Compare to UFS back to the same age.
As for scaling, I doubt that IBM made a mistake choosing Linux as a replacement for AIX. Otherwise, why IBM did not do the same or similar step as Apple did? The answer is simple: IBM doesn't trust to non-scalable design of BSD.
Recent news from SGI (Linux on new SGI servers) just proves it.
Re:Nice linking (Score:3, Interesting)
Sorry to open the door for scores of both Linux and *BSD trolls to jump in with stupid responses like "myOS rox, yourOS sux", but hopefully there will be at least one level-headed response. Thx.
Re:Nice linking (Score:5, Informative)
No, Linux has its own implementation of networking code rewritten from scratch.
This is why problems affecting the traditional *BSD implementation of TCP/IP (which is used pratically everywhere except for Linux) don't usually affect Linux. Of course, the opposite is also true.
That said, the FreeBSD kernel is known (or, at least, it has been known) for being able to handle high load/low resource conditions far more gracefully than Linux.
Re:Nice linking (Score:5, Interesting)
FreeBSD is also built on a monolithic kernel. Monolithic kernels tend to be as fast or (usually) faster than MicroKernels - no message passing, everything is essentially 'global' and readily accessed. As far as monolithic goes, you might be having a brainfart about MacOS X, which is a MicroKernel (Mach) with a kernel level BSD blob (a mix of Free and NetBSD).
FreeBSD has always been able to withstand higher loads than Linux. Just been around longer. It has a more mature VM that can take the load, and has a more mature TCP/IP stack.
Not a troll, I just FreeBSD has stability advantages over Linux under high load. Linux has a lot of other advantages, take your pick. I don't know why folks get into religious arguments and start yelling over what free UNIX you should use. "You know if you use THIS free, stable, x86 UNIX-like system with a lot of application support, you're real cool, but if you use THAT free, stable, x86 UNIX-like system with a lot of application support, you're a total asshole man." I must be clueless; I just don't get it.
Hurrah for the BSD Team (Score:2, Interesting)
The team takes its time with updates, does them right the first time and make it a true pleasure to work with.
Kudos guys.
Re:Hurrah for the BSD Team (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Hurrah for the BSD Team (Score:2)
So I suppose it is in release too.
Did you file a bug report? Post it to a mailing list? What PR numbers are associated with your broken SMP?
If you don't file a bug report, how can you assume someone will fix it?
A few mirros (Score:5, Informative)
Please look also if the files appeared on the other mirrors.
Re:A few mirros (Score:5, Insightful)
And, of course, instead of downloading ISO images, consider using CVSup to save time and bandwidth. Or at least don't download all ISOs - you don't need all packages, and installing the stuff you want from the network works without any problems.
My review of FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:3, Funny)
I attempted to install freebsd on my IBM laptop, however I discovered my particular model was not compatible (which is odd, since it runs win2k just fine, which has many BSD elements in it). I decided to try it on my p4 system which I use for games occasionally. Unfortunately I discovered that BSD refused to be installed on my NTFS partition, and I was required to create a new partition! I have never had this problem with windows before and was baffled at the amount of work BSD forces one to take on just to get it installed! I decided to abort my attempt at reviewing BSD since it didn't seem to work on any of the systems I had! Furthermore I discovered that not only does Freebsd not run any new games, it doesn't even run Microsoft office, the standard office program! A truly terrible computer product!
I give FreeBSD 1/10
Re:My review of FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:5, Insightful)
NTFS is intentionally underdocumented, so most attempts to support it in other OS's have been mostly reverse-engineering attempts. You could sign an NDA, but probably wouldn't be able to write free code with that information. Do not blame FreeBSD for not supporting undocumented features of another OS.
If you have an example of any non-Microsoft OS that can install on NTFS, please prove me wrong!
Re:My review of FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:2)
Of course, your proably have to deal with enough idiot users who demand that kind of BS that it actually looks serious to you.
- Sam
Re:My review of FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:My review of FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:4, Funny)
You are right, MS Office is truly a terrible computer product :)
great... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:great... (Score:2, Informative)
Mirrors (Score:5, Informative)
Can't /. editors *PLEASE* *PLEASE* list mirrors rather than freebsd ftp directly??
Anyway .. here is a list of mirrors [freebsdmirrors.org] of FreeBSD [freebsd.org]. Don't know which works though. A mirror of the mirrors is available here [virtualave.net] Its *very* badly formatted though. Oh.. and suppress popups, will you please?
The stupid /. "postercomment" compression filter won;t let me post a list of mirrors ...
And to pre-empt stupid /. comments about Mirrors and Soviet Russia --
In Soviet Russia, FreeBSD Mirrors YOU
Re:Mirrors (Score:4, Funny)
You notice how with all this talk of the "slashdot effect", we're all still able to browse slashdot? Do you ever have problems loading slashdot and try a slashdot mirror? Of course not. This is because slashdot is cool and has "mad bandwidth". The attitude of the editors is simple: if FreeBSD was cool enough, they would have mad bandwidth too, and linking to their master FTP server wouldn't be a problem. Since they aren't, they don't, so hence we don't give a shit.
I hope this has been helpful.
I believe, (Score:5, Funny)
Free BSD for ALPHA anyone? (Score:4, Interesting)
I've got debian on there right now if anyone was wondering...
Re:Free BSD for ALPHA anyone? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Free BSD for ALPHA anyone? (Score:2, Informative)
re concerned about linux/alpha support check out debian. well supported and stable.
Re:Free BSD for ALPHA anyone? (Score:2)
Of course, FreeBSD is not nearly as widely ported as NetBSD. Even the Sparc64 and IA64 ports are still in their infancy, and I wouldn't recommend using them for production.
Hasnt this happened before (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hasnt this happened before (Score:3, Informative)
Also, if you guys want the REAL release announcement, go here [freebsd.org]
RC3 was a good experience (Score:5, Informative)
I use "slrn" to read the Usenet news, "lynx"/"links" to surf the web, "mutt" to read/send e-mail, "mpg123" to listen to music/internet radiostations. Truly great experience and imagine it works _really_ smoothly and fast on computer which was bought in 1995. I am impressed and a happy FreeBSD user!
Re:RC3 was a good experience (Score:2, Funny)
Then I realized that for $200 I could get a machine immensly faster than my $3000 1995 machine (a P120 w/32MB). And when I get the extra power and memory/HD space, I found ways to make good use of it pretty quick.
So, next time your power supply or HD fizzles out, don't spend $40-60 dollars replacing them? Take the opportunity to upgrade. The console still works fine on these machines, I promise.
Announcement. (Score:4, Insightful)
Uh, maybe there's a reason? Like they want to finish pushing everything out to the mirrors?
Mirror (Score:5, Informative)
ISOs for i386 here:
mirror []
Dont forget to check the md5sums, I could be an evil blackhat after all. Enjoy.
FreeBSD 5.0 NOT released (Score:5, Insightful)
Murray Stokely writes "We have gone over this for the past 2 releases now. I thought I had made it clear that you were not to publish information about FreeBSD being released until you saw a signed PGP message from one of the release engineers. Are you trying to help the spread of trojanned copies of FreeBSD? The release is not ready yet, and will not be until the front page of FreeBSD.org is updated and a PGP signed announcement message is posted to announce@FreeBSD.org."
Unless the rules have changed, slashdot screwed up again.
Re:FreeBSD 5.0 NOT released (Score:2, Interesting)
On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 01:43:19PM -0800, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> Not only am I quoted as somehow having announced it (EH?), but
> slashdot has just announced the availability of FreeBSD 4.5. I've
> already posted a correction as part of the ensuing thread, but just a
> heads-up in case you guys start getting questions about it. From
> everything I can see, somebody recycled my 4.4 announcement or
> something and the slashdot editors didn't even bother to verify it.
And this wonderful newsflash is brought to us only a few weeks after the FIRST "Official" CD release of FreeBSD was pre-announced[1]. I immediately followed that up with a story about the 47th "Official" CD release of FreeBSD to be released on January 26, but they never posted it. The editing at Slashdot has been a joke recently. It is very clear that the posters don't even follow the links in the submissions. I will send some pointers to the editors to make sure this never happens again, as I'm sure many readers have already done.
- Murray
i think he is gonna get very angry this time also
Re:FreeBSD 5.0 NOT released (Score:5, Funny)
This wouldn't be such a big deal except we had a very similar situation in 4.5 with someone posting a bogus release announcement to Slashdot (and having it slip past the editors). I really hope there isn't a third time.
Well, here's hoping there isn't a fourth, Bruce....
Early annoucements (Score:5, Insightful)
Despite being idiotic, this behaviour is really harmful. FreeBSD takes care to let their mirrors prepare for the traffic peak when a new version is released. The early "announcements" on slashdot of course mean that the people managing the mirrors - voluntarily, people not only FreeBSD but lots of free software projects depend on - don't have this time to prepare, and might get major problems, which in turn might mean that they decide not to support FreeBSD and other projects by providing bandwidth for free any more.
Unless this is some funky plan of VA Software or whatever their name is this week to push SourceForge, it would be really nice if slashdot could just stop damaging the Free Software infrastructure.
Re:Early annoucements (Score:2, Insightful)
Sure, the maintainers could restrict access until everything is ready, then announce the release and open up the servers. But why should they have to?
Jesus people, it only takes a little common courtesy to wait until the announcement is made. Is it really that important to scoop even the project's own site?
Keeping it a secret. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Keeping it a secret. (Score:2)
Re:Keeping it a secret. (Score:3, Insightful)
Thank you for that.
I just have one thing to add here;
I've been reading all these comments from the BSD crowd here in awe. I mean, all this hostility over... what? An announcement that linked to a PGP-signed release announcement. The ISOs are on the servers. The time to rejoice is nigh! But no rejoicing from this crowd. No "Awesome new features ... I can't wait to test this on my home rig ... " postings; just adolescent whining.
Seriously folks; you respect the FreeBSD development team, right? You respect their programming talents and their combined decades of computer, operating system, and networking experience, right? Do you really take them to be this naive? Would you really have us believe that they would roll release-grade, Version 5.0 (no RC-*) CD images and make them public when they weren't ready? Do you really think they'll be at all SURPRISED when people start to notice, download, and tell all their friends about this release? Don't you think they have a solid, stable (FreeBSD) FTP server pumping out these requests, properly configured with reasonable user/transfer limits in place, and QoS on their upstream bandwidth? If you're that unsure of FreeBSD's ability to handle high loads - why are you downloading it?
It was inevietable that this would find its way to Slashdot. That's how Slashdot works. It's been seen time and time again. KDE, GNOME, Linux Kernel, XFree86, [Open|Star]Office, or any other project of significant magnitude (and interest) - the release files are made publically available, someone notices and the Slashdot editors respond to the influx of "It's here! It's here!" submissions. As a result, Slashdot is very often the first place to find out about new software updates. Is this really 'news' to anyone?
Sure, they could link to the mirrors, but not doing so isn't by any means a conspiracy, it may be poor taste, but it's the same taste that links directly to kernel.org when a new Linux kernel is released. It's been pointed out to me more times than I can count that Slashdot readers are "IT professionals" - so stop talking about being professional and act like it. Download reaponsibly; use a mirror.
I'll download a mini-ISO later, when the tide has ebbed, and install it at my leisure.
Re:Keeping it a secret. (Score:5, Informative)
On all, it was very unprofessional of the Slashdot editorial team.
FreeBSD Mirror sitres (Score:3, Interesting)
FTP Sites [freebsd.org]
Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
free softwate much. I could not find neither
FreeBSD or Linux images on Gnutella.
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
Quote one: "No I don't want to borrow your Linux CD, it's free you idiot! Why would I want it if it's free?"
Quote two: "What do you mean you don't want a ripped Photoshop? It's $500 in stores you idiot!"
p.s. Yeah, we really are friends. I call him an idiot just as often. It's how we show each other that we care.
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
Re:Mirroring with peer2peer networks (Score:2)
Oh yeah ! (Score:4, Funny)
And I just downloaded the 4 ISOs of 4.7 yesterday !
But it's not a problem since many people said that it was better for me to stick with 4.7 and then switch to 5.1 or 5.2. Not a problem too since I'M on cable and I downloaded theses ISOs at 300+ kb/s :)
You don't need the 4 ISOs (Score:2, Informative)
I've installed 5.0 this morning(GMT) with no problems (it performs as fine as 4.x!). I think is stable enough for a Workstation (remember, 3 RC's behind), so I recommend you to install this version. Remember that a 4.x-5.x transition will not be easy.
Re:Oh yeah ! (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a valid point that I haven't yet seen addressed: which is better for the average user, 4.7 or 5.0?
There have been many, many changes to the code in 5.0, and there are bound to be more than a few bugs. If you're running a site that can have zero downtime, and you don't have redundant servers, don't bother switching to 5.0, it's simply not ready yet.
If you're a home user, don't mind a few make buildworld, make buildkernel, make installkernel, make installworld sequences, upgrade. There's enough new that you'll enjoy it, and there's enough stability that you probably won't notice the infrequent bugs.
If you're asking yourself "Why should I upgrade when everyone says there's going to be bugs?", the answer is simple: the bugs can't be found without testers, so everyone on the team needs your help to find them quickly. If you encounter a bug, file a PR, and maybe even try publicizing it on a mailing list. Letting the developers know that bugs exist is the first step in getting bug-free code.
Re:Oh yeah ! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Oh yeah ! (Score:2)
Its slashdotted (Score:5, Funny)
I thought... (Score:2, Funny)
Maybe these ISOs wont work properly. (Score:2)
Doubtful, but if they get annoyed at this, look out for it next time.
I wonder if slashdot does this on purpose to FBSD (Score:2, Funny)
Makes me also wonder if an undocumented "feature" of Slashdot is the posting of the FreeBSD is Dying post, as well.
What's the problem? That FreeBSD is a cometitor of Linux? Is that why Slashdot pulls this stunt time and time again? What other project does Slashdot do this to AT ALL, let alone every time.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but when something is done time and time again, anyone with a brain would find the "we made a mistake, sorry" line very unbelievable as the behavior is repeated time and time again.
Maybe we'll see another posting about a troll getting sued....and it will be Slashdot getting sued by FreeBSD!
Grow up and act responsibly, please. Don't do things that are harmful to others and their hard open source work, please. Thank you (I hope).
BitTorrent Links for 5.0 release (Score:4, Informative)
Since Slashdot had to link to the FTP, maybe this will help lighten the stress on the mirrors : http://tacos.sus.mcgill.ca/~hperes/BT_BSD5.0/ [mcgill.ca] has BitTorrent files for the i386 release ISOs.
BitTorrent is a peer to peer fileswarmer. It's Free and Open Source, and comes in flavors for *ix, win32, and MacOS X. Clients are avaiable @ http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/ [bitconjurer.org] ...
Once you have finished the download, please keep the window open as long as possible so that others can get the file as well. Thanks !
The download might be a little slow at the beginning, but as more and more people hop on, it should get really fast. Just give it a couple of minutes.
UFS1 vs UFS2 (Score:2)
Anyone have any experience using UFS2? Would you recommend it? I'm probably going to wait for 5.1 or 5.2-RELEASE and upgrade my media server. I'd like to have large file support for obvious reasons.
Re:UFS1 vs UFS2 (Score:3, Informative)
Re:UFS1 vs UFS2 (Score:2)
Very Cool (Score:2)
FreeBSD itself is a very unique OS, being a real UNIX, yet very free, even for commercially modified versions (unlike the GPL license). Its focus is on robustness, yet supporting a large variety of hardware, unlike Open/NetBSD. Sure NetBSD supports more architecture, but sacrifices on many other features, OpenBSD may try to be more robust but sacrifices other flexibilities.
Linux has a motherload of features, everything from Supercomputer support to watches, more hardware than FreeBSD and many other experimental crap that most OSes didnt even think about, but at that point it sacrifices stability. Sure Ive run high-availibility servers on Linux but using newer features and drivers breaks it. Linux will take its time maturing, given attention shifts to stability more than features; FreeBSD is already there.
How hard can this be? (Score:2)
2. Give all mirrors a login, one ip per account (= leaked login is fairly harmless)
3. Announce a reasonable "mirroring" timeframe
4. Make mirrors run a cron job (or whatever *BSD has) at the end of the mirroring time, making it simultaniously availible on all (non-lazy) mirrors. Announce it on main website at the same time.
5. Stop whining about how everybody wrecks everything before it's ready.
6. ???
7. Benefit
Just installed it, so far so good (Score:2, Informative)
All seems to be working quite well so far.
Congratulations to the Release Team.
GEOM sounds interesting (Score:4, Interesting)
I'll use the eponymous plan9 example of ftpfs [bell-labs.com]
ftps -m
This would mount the remote ftp site into your local namespace so that when you did ls
Shell programmers will instantly see the advantage of such a system over application level ftp clients.
You can use all the tools you presently use for files for manipulating the remote filesystem. None of your applications will have to understand ftp to operate and you can write new ones without even worrying about ftp libraries or whatever difficult protocol you can envisage.
plan9 achieves all this by employing a kind of universal protocol called 9p [now 9p2000] [bell-labs.com]. It's quite a simple protocol and just does not much more than read, write, walk.
It sounds like the filtering system is a way to implement virtual file systems. I do hope so.
There are many interesting applications for such a concept. The list supplied with plan9 is here [bell-labs.com]
Re:From the BSD 5.0 Bugs Page (Score:2, Informative)
But for a server (and I hope you aren't using BSD to play games on) SCSI is where it's at (although SATA shows promise, the tech still has a little maturing to do)
SCSI sub-systems handle loads much better and are much better at dishing out data.
Re:From the BSD 5.0 Bugs Page (Score:2)
Re:Part of the team (Score:2)
Re:IA64 (Score:2)
This overlapping of -RELEASEs started with 3.0
A -RELEASE from the -CURRENT branch is only meant for early adopters (and an early adopter guide is available) and [software] developers.
Troll? (Score:2)
Stating reality isnt cause for being labled.
Lay off the drugs (Score:2)
Re:but does RMS like FreeBSD??? (Score:2)
Re:bah (Score:2)