FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 Now Ready 300
Dan writes "Scott Long announces that FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 has been released and available at all mirrors sites. Release notes can be viewed here, you can download 5.0 RC3 from ftp.freebsd.org or from one of your favorite mirror sites. Many thanks to the FreeBSD Release Engineering team for their work efforts!"
Look it moved (Score:5, Funny)
You know... (Score:5, Funny)
UDF Support (Score:3, Interesting)
Now I don't have to copy my clients Adaptec DirectCD's to the network on a Windows machine before I can use them.
Why people mail me $3 CDRW's instead of $0.03 CDR's I'll never know.
Excellent System (Score:5, Interesting)
I would now recommend FreeBSD as the unix of choice for any purpose, it may not have a fancy graphical install program, but you will really appreciate this simplicity when you come to make changes/ do something a little out of the ordinary.
My OS catagories -
Windows XX - For the clueless masses, and often a neccassary evil (esp. games)
Linux Mandrake - Good when it is good (i.e. installs without a problem and no strange configurations), but a hog to troubleshoot.
FreeBSD - The king of server OS's, and by the look of things a great Desktop system.
Re:Excellent System (Score:4, Interesting)
compared to Linux.
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Interesting)
OTOH, the other OS being used for similar boxen on the same project is Nutware 5.0 which has the uptime of a mayfly when groupwise is running on it.
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
i.e. BSD doesn't really work well with more than 4 processors, but it has more efficient utilization of the additional processors (~%83 I think) than would Linux (~%75 I think)
I wish I had a link to this doc, it was on another /. discussion a while back...
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Informative)
Not quite true. The giant lock means that only one process can call a kernel function at any one time.
Re:Excellent System (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyways, the base rate was to run two Ackerman's at once, thus causing 100% USER CPU usage on both CPUs. The base rate for FreeBSD 4.62 was 15.5 Ackerman's per time period, vs. Linux's v2.4.18 14.0 during the same time period. Now this isn't a smoking gun, but the hardware was identical, and they were both running on custom compiled thin as possible kernels under the same duress.
Why would anyone do this? Well, my goal was to eat up all USER CPU and see how much I could rob from user with system under severe network abuse. Needless to say, that both OS's did very poorly, with FreeBSD having a clear edge, when the interface was brought to promiscuous mode to listen to a packet flood. FreeBSD degraded less, but in both cases an almost useless amount of CPU was left over for USERland. FreeBSD with RX polling turned on - a feature that practically seems unique to FreeBSD, from the XORP router project [xorp.org]. I am aware of polling endeavors in Linux but was never able to get them working. As usual with FreeBSD, 'features' aren't creeping in, so they tend to work. I even changed the polling to work under SMP (it wasn't designed to) and it worked in a situation where it shouldn't have. The usefulness of RX polling cannot be stressed enough, its imperative to consider the live-locking of interrupt driven kernels when dealing with massive amounts of bandwidth. If interested, see: 'Eliminating Receive Livelock in an Interrupt-driven Kernel' [harvard.edu], USENIX 1996, its amazing to me livelock still happens over 5 years after stuff like this gets presented to the public.
So, how bad is FreeBSD SMP? As far as I was concerned in my test, 2.4 Linux SMP seemed inferior (in my case) to FreeBSD on identical hardware. Are people touting Linux's big bad SMP zealots. Most probably, most good kernel hackers think highly of FreeBSD, particularly the VM. I find it amusing that RedHat is not porting to SPARC or Alpha anymore, and yes FreeBSD 5 is planned stable on IA64, IA32, SPARC64, PowerPC [stable planned a bit later, probably when a real PPC gets offered by IBM - die Motorola PPC, die] and Alpha. Clean code and standards compliance begets portability.
As far as saying "SMP" is better. Linux may have a better approach, but like my example, and I am sure there are others, empirical tests say a whole lot more. It's important to keep the machinery well oiled and coherent, which is something I think FreeBSD does rather nicely. Empirical tests such as mine prove that approach and theory and real life are different.
FreeBSD - it's coherent, well documented, "thin," bloody fast, BSD licensed so call it your own. You can see that well written code goes across architectures; the FreeBSD discipline is allowing them to easily stay stable on several platforms. I have run several tests that suggest that even FreeBSD 4.X is 'better' than Linux at various things, let alone 5.0. The VM subsystem is superior [2.5 is catching up]. Most big companies provide virtual servers with FreeBSD, such as Verio. The biggest irony of all is how small the FreeBSD community is compared to legions of hackers and companies trying to improve Linux. Yet why is Linux fragmented so horribly? You will eventually come to understand why this is the only free and open commercial grade OS there is. You will know what you are missing when you finally get a coherent UNIX. GCC, the C library and the kernel are all a matched set, not of this he said she said GNU-of-the-day distribution crap or fake compilers from RedHat and frozen broken CVS snapshots of the C library [RedHat again, with a fake C-lib on RH8]. FreeBSD is used by Juniper as the core OS, with network processors instead of 'real' network cards. It's beautiful. A full version of FreeBSD, relabeled JuneOS, with an IOS-like CLI for those who need it and superior design and interfaces. The UFS2 filesystem is also incredible. I really, really like XFS for Linux, but the Linux kernel maintainers won't merge it in [to 2.4] but have a myriad of vastly inferior filesystems merged into Linux [ext3 fake journaling, Reiser fsck for fun FS, JFS which is robust but slow]. RedHat's refusal not to embrace XFS with open arms boggles my mind. UFS2 addresses this problem. A fast, robust logging filesystem that is stable and in the kernel. I think UFS2 is a far superior improvement to UFS than was ETX3 to EXT2.
Anyways, I don't think I'll wait for Linux kernel 2.6 or any of the flavors of Linux distributors to come out with something stable, well documented, coherent with UNIX as a standard and each other. Don't be fooled, LSB is a standards base, but you don't get decades of discipline, you get maybe a years worth of un-actualized planning. FreeBSD 5.0 is here. This project needs a better installer, and some 'for workstation use' cleanups, and probably a better package system, although, there are lots of people who like PKG and PORTS much, much better than RPM or DEB. Another annoying omission [and yet another Sun self-screwing maneuver] it that it is difficult to get a JRE/JDK to run natively [1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 are available as ports] and Sun does not provide one [they are apparently planning one]. People have lots of luck though using the Linux binary emulator, FreeBSD can run everything Linux does in binary form and it's easier to port to. Another good reason to develop for FreeBSD is this: Linux has
Re:Excellent System (Score:5, Informative)
moused_flags="-z 4"
In your XF86Config:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
Option "Buttons" "5"
That's my setup in 4.7-RELEASE with an MS Optical. Should be generic though.
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Informative)
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "Protocol" "Auto"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Device" "/dev/psm0"
no configuration needed elsewhere
Re:Excellent System (Score:2, Informative)
And for those that don't want a mouse at the console, don't start moused, and change the mouse device in XF86Config to point to the mouse device (/dev/psm0,
Re:Excellent System (Score:5, Interesting)
This is what keeps Mandrake from being a great OS -- desktop, server, or otherwise. If something doesn't come out of the box from Mandrakesoft, you can pretty much forget about it. I have moved every machine that once had MDK to something more, er, alterable like Debian or FreeBSD (which really shines in the turning-old-machines-into-dedicated-servers department).
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Insightful)
Well no offence but I hope you don't recommend it to newbies. I've had friends tell me Linux was still in the dark ages because it lacked a friendly install program and they couldn't figure out how to configure it. It turned out some smartass had recommended Debian because "it's so cool, everyone uses Debian, and it's free", ignoring the fact that newbies want simplicity perhaps at the expense of reliability.
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Depends where you're coming from. (Score:2)
cheers & hth
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
Sadly for you... it takes me about 45min to get to the same spot, but with a working scroll mouse and 802.11b running fine using Mandrake 9.0. This is on a P3 500MHz ThinkPad. If it had taken 4hrs... I would be using something else. And yes, the thing hasn't crashed yet (2 weeks or so of use, don't keep it on all the time being that it is a laptop). When the battery dies, it goes into sleep mode fine, and powers up again running again right where it left off. Overall, a nice experience so far.
Even RH 6.0 didn't take 4hrs on my old Cyrix 300MHz system. And that thing was a royal pain in the ass.
Re:Excellent System (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
But I usually take the full four hours on an *clean* install. Why? Because that how much time it takes to rebuild world, read the release notes, and verify my configuration. I don't know how long it takes to do an upgrade install, because I'm using the system with full productivity while I'm upgrading...
Careless installs are bad installs.
p.s. If you're top priority is how long an OS takes to install, switch to QNX. Five minutes!
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
Or for those who use a computer and don't tinker with them.
These type of comments make you guys look clueless to ordinary people.
I'm not clueless and can handle Linux better than most. I've developed Linux device drivers, built my Linux system from scratch before (ugh), and am a seasoned Unix systems developer in industry. I use Windows 2000 and I like it. Fast, never-ever crashed before, and works with all of my hardware.
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Interesting)
- Linux is a real nice OS;
- The *nix system is great (never used *nix before);
- I don't want to have any other MS product, thank you;
- RPMs are making me sick (deps);
- apt-get is really nice, but Debian packages are always outdated (no, I don't want to run Debian unstable..);
- A bit of standartization would be nice (install dirs, etc.). If you install something not for your distrib, it will more likely fail;
- Linux community is great;
- I want to get some latest packages (ie. KDE) instead of compiling them myself;
So my two choices are either
a) find the Linux distribution that meet my needs (Slack? Gentoo? others ? imputs welcome.);
b) try FreeBSD because it seems to fit my needs (it even has the nVidia drivers, hmmm:) ).
I'll wait until FreeBSD 5.0 Release will be out and I'll try it.
Any others comments on FreeBSD on desktop ?
Re:Excellent System (Score:2, Interesting)
Linux is very stable and clean compared to windows.
FreeBSD (and NetBSD too) is even more stable and clean than Linux (though maybe some distro's approach FreeBSD's level of 'cleanness')
And OpenBSD takes that cleanness and correctness even further, sometimes being paranoid about it, but I like that.
If you like FreeBSD, give OpenBSD a shot. I'm sure you'll like it.
(And now a few dozen of linux users will start trolling that OpenBSD doesn't have . To them I say: You're just using Linux because it's 'l337', not because it's a good OS. Go and use windows, because that best fits your needs)
Re:Excellent System (Score:3, Informative)
That said I encourage every one to install OpenBSD twice to get a feel for it. OpenBSD is one of the easiest and fastest installs once you have done it 1-2 times. (Most people screw up their first install of OpenBSD.) If I need a generic unix machine (server or workstation) on the test bench I will always grab my OpenBSD CD.
Re:Excellent System (Score:2)
Use mouse type "Auto" in your XF86Config file in your Mouse section and your mousewheel will work. Don't forget to put the ZAxisMapping to "4 5". Oh, do use /dev/sysmouse. It'll play nice with moused in the console that way :)
There, now you have nothing left :)
Great! (Score:3, Informative)
FreeBSD Install Process (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:FreeBSD Install Process (Score:3, Informative)
That being said, I still find it quite easy to install and it works great on newer hardware (FINALLY!! CardBus and ACPI support). Besides, I still think the ports tree is perhaps the easiest and most complete package management system around, light-years ahead of RPM.
Java integration just rocks! (Score:5, Interesting)
And this is great because it's a start on making binary formats less of an issue. Sure, there's always going to be those who want the fastest versions of, say, "rm", but for the rest of us, being able to compile something on one system and then just move it across anywhere will help tremendously.
Does anyone know if the OpenBSD and NetBSD projects are doing anything similar?
Re:Java integration just rocks! (Score:2, Insightful)
Where are you getting your (dis)information? Provide links or don't start rumors.
Re:Java integration just rocks! (Score:2)
Re:Java integration just rocks! (Score:5, Funny)
No floppy based installer? (Score:2)
1gb recommended? ack! blows the old mini installs.. quite a lot of wasted space just to run a simple smb server.
Re:Java integration just rocks! (Score:5, Funny)
It must have come fast on the heels of the following commit message that so enthralled me:
From the changelog:
"1/10/2003: Replaced our TCP/IP stack with one licensed from Microsoft. Work continues on porting over the Linux virtual memory management system. "
No wonder I missed it.
*grumbles at the trolls -- even the funny ones*
Java? (Score:2)
Yes I know you can run the linux one, and yes, I know that you can build the 'native' one, but it's a royal pain in the ass. The point was that FreeBSD was going to ship with a version - what happened?
Re:Java? (Score:2)
been running it since last night (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:been running it since last night (Score:3, Informative)
RCs seem to be immune to slashdotting ! (Score:3, Interesting)
Watch out. SCO might sue you! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Watch out. SCO might sue you! (Score:3, Informative)
Darn! (Score:5, Funny)
My prediction [slashdot.org] is one day off...
Can anyone recommend a display cleaner?
Re:Darn! (Score:3, Funny)
if_awi.ko not found ? (Score:2)
I can't boot my laptop with the RC2 and RC3 floppies, because it claims it cannot find said module.
The install hangs at this point.
(in a late stage of probing, after having found the network-card etc.)
4.7 runs OK.
I feel like such an old fogey (Score:5, Insightful)
I can recall my days in college where I would always install the newest, latest and greatest stuff on my pc and then learn it and think I was cool... well, I don't know if I ever thought I was cool.
but nowadays I'm constantly just thinking "why should I upgrade? this stuff works just fine for me the way it is now!"
I think it is because I'm more business minded now and the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality has an effect on costs in that world.
after reading through what is new in FreeBSD 5, I see no reason for me to change. it looks like things that I don't have much need for in my world.
4.whatever works just dandy for me.
Re:I feel like such an old fogey (Score:3, Informative)
On a personal note, on my desktop computer I've gotten much better sound/video performance on current than stable--I don't know why, but that's a big thing for me.
On the server side, Samba ACL's are the big thing..can't wait to upgrade the servers for that (probably will wait until at least 5.2 or more).
Also it's nice to have devfs and the new RCng boot system (from NetBSD) imho.
Expecting the Weekly Linux-BSD Inquisition (Score:2, Insightful)
Without that competition, Unix would eventually stagnate. Or worse, innovation would be driven into the same kind of useless creeping featurism we've come to expect from the folks in Redmond.
No One Expects the SCO Inquisition... oh nevermind (Score:4, Funny)
(A die-hard FreeBSD user since 1996)
FreeBSD's threading and MySQL? (Score:2, Interesting)
I think this can teach everyone a valuable lesson (Score:2, Insightful)
5.0 Chicken or Egg Conundrum (Score:5, Interesting)
as ever seen in the *NIX world. Many new
features and core technologies are
incorporated in this release.
The main problems with this release will be
caused by the "Chicken or Egg Conundrum",
in that the release will spur many new 5.0
users, whose input will come "after" the
pre-release testing process, finding bugs
that are not apparent in the release candidate
series due to limited testing on the incredibly
varied hardware and software systems found
in the "wild".
This is not a FreeBSD specific problem, this is
a reflection of the reality of a volunteer based
project with limited resources.
The incredible speed that FreeBSD developers,
contributers, and users update and solve
problems is amazing. Just check the mail
list archives for *many* examples of this!
IMHO many of the best and brightest minds in
the *NIX world have gravitated to the BSD's
stability and more structured development
model. For younger readers a "structured"
development model may seem to be a turn off,
but a few years of real world experience
will certainly temper this argument.
Thanks and Best Wishes to the BSD community,
and when the dust settles FreeBSD 5.X will
be the standard others are compared to.
The only thing keeping me back (warning: woes) (Score:2)
Even Linux has its own problems, not counting TX packets and lots of Soft errors on heavy traffic pausing sometimes for upto 10 sec. This is a bummer for online games.
It seems I'll be further forced to use Solaris x86 which naturally has drivers MADE by the madge/olicom people themselves. I dont yet know the quiality of their SNAT code, neet testing. Then again, I run a website on PHP/MYSQL on the same server (one ip ), and theres no PHP for Solaris. Adding GNU GCC and compiling PHP isnt a very tested solution and I'll have trouble there, but gotta try that before switching.
Would have been nice to have ONE real token-ring driver for FreeBSD. I miss its simplicity and standard on Linux, but am discovering so many new networking features on Linux its mind-boggling.
Hardware companies should release a standard driver code (based on XML) that can be translated to C for the platform and natively compiled. Token-ring equipment isnt bad for its price, but only the VERY proprietary OSes get drivers from hardware OEMs. Companies like SUN just sit back while the driver list grows (stability is also the manufacturers problem). *BSD and Linux have to rely on the developer community which is increasingly getting splintered between Linux distros and BSD flavors.
Re:The only thing keeping me back (warning: woes) (Score:3, Informative)
Why are you still running token ring?
Cat5 is way cheap. Even good 10/100 ethernet adapters are less than $20. Hubs, switches, and other connection hardware sells for approximately one dime per dozen. And the drivers, generally speaking, don't suck; I've been throwing random ethernet adapters at both Linux and FreeBSD for years, and have never had a driver issue. (YMMV.)
Over at compgeeks.com, a week or two ago, I noticed they were selling a kit with crimpers, strippers, a bag of ends, and a 1000' box of Cat5 for ~$45.
At these prices, which I realize are non-zero, you can probably afford to pull extra pairs for telephone or video at the same time. There's no shortage of applications which directly use Cat5, and baluns are available for most of the rest (probably token ring, too).
This makes for good infrastructure for the home, and would probably help quite a bit with resale value.
And yet, I'm sure you know all of this already. So I'll ask again, because I'm really quite curious: Why are you still running token ring? If it's that cool, I might want to look into it myself...
If you really want to run FreeBSD and the driver support is too horrible to use (due to the problems you state), just set up a Linux box to route IP between the two networks. This'll give you infinite time to transition the rest of the network (or not), while remaining OS-agnostic and allowing you to plug in any of the myraid of Ethernet-equipped devices available today. Minimum hardware required: Two ethernet adapters, one crossover cable. Total investment of less than $10, if you don't mind buying used hardware and are willing to do some legwork.
Upgrade path from 4.x-STABLE to 5.X-STABLE? (Score:4, Interesting)
There was from 3.x->4.x, although it may have stretched some people's idea of reasonable. I pulled it off without problems on two boxes, although both were soon replaced with new hardware and fresh installs of 4.x.
Re:Upgrade path from 4.x-STABLE to 5.X-STABLE? (Score:5, Informative)
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
rm -r
make installworld
(Check UPDATING for more precise instructions.)
Re:Upgrade path from 4.x-STABLE to 5.X-STABLE? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Upgrade path from 4.x-STABLE to 5.X-STABLE? (Score:3, Insightful)
I love FreeBSD to death, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
...there is no way in hell I'm installing 5.0 on anything important, even though it's going to be a "production" release. 4.8, 4.9 all the way baby.
Why you ask? There's far too much new code for 5.0 to be stable yet. I was using 5.0-CURRENT SMP in November and December of 2001, and was very impressed. Alas, it was running on an IBM DeathStar 75GXP, which died (lol--like the name suggests)...
I unsubscribed from the -current list a month or so later because Matt Dillon (the real one) was being his usual dickheaded self and causing a massive flamewar.
Anyway, I resusbscribed to -current in October cause I knew they had slipped the release date to somewhere around November, January, etc. and I wanted to find out how things were going (i.e. is this good enough that I should install it and have more fun with it). Ooh boy. Since I left, we've added GEOM, GDBE, a new init script system, IPFW2, UFS2, etc. vn has been replaced by md, devfs hasn't gotten any better, and as far as I can tell, they still have background fsck turned on by default, which tends to hose you when the least thing goes wrong with your fs (background fsck was FreeBSD's bitter parting shot to me when my GXP died -- it murdered my filesystem before I had a chance to save my valuable data -- admittedly this was a "for fun" desktop system, but that's typically considered Naughty). On -current today we have a couple people posting about panics. I enjoy the response in this one:
From: phk@freebsd.org (for those who don't know, Poul-Henning Kamp is one of the wisest, most respected, and ancient of all FreeBSD hackers)
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 now available
"Roderick van Domburg" writes:
I would like to point to a currently unresolved issue
The thread is titled "panic: trap: fast data access mmu miss" and is about an error causing the sym SCSI controller to fail to mount root at best, and panic at worst.
Mr. Henning-Kamp's response:
Well, we all want our pet bug fixed before the release rolls, but at some point we simply have to call it quits and ship the release.
In the meantime we _really_ have to ship 5.0-RELEASE, we keep slipping it.
Commentary: I agree, they really need to get 5.0 out the door, and I don't necessarily disagree with phk's opinion. But it does say massive Bad Things(tm) to me about the quality of this software that release engineering is leaving *known panics* in the software cause it is so late and over-schedule!!! Ah, and don't even get me started on not being able to install new boot blocks or run fdisk on a mounted filesystem, crashdumps overwriting people's disklabels, etc. etc.
Another one just came in: "PANIC in tcp_syncache.c sonewconn() line 562" about an easily-reproducible (from user mode) kernel panic. Come on people, this is worse than Windows NT ever was! (well, except the guy who could bluescreen it by printing tabs and backspaces).
So, no thanks to 5.x for me, for now.
Re:I love FreeBSD to death, but... (Score:4, Interesting)
a SPARC based system, a very small percentage
of the FreeBSD user base. This is not an i386
Nothing to see here, move along
Re:I love FreeBSD to death, but... (Score:2)
Re:I love FreeBSD to death, but... (Score:2)
The FreeBSD team is not recommending 5.0 to the general public. I have read that they plan to declare 5.1 as the "real" public release. They admit that more testing is needed.
NVIDIA graphics card (Score:2, Interesting)
I have a graphics card that uses the NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400 chipset. I gather that XFree86 doesn't support it. There's an official NVIDIA driver for FreeBSD 4.7. Will it work with 5.0? I don't care about 3D graphics.
Re:NVIDIA graphics card (Score:2)
XFree86 "supports" it, if you mean, it'll work with Nvidia's closed-source driver. Runs fine here...
Sorry, but I just can't get my ideological blood churning over a video driver..
Wait for Stable (Score:3, Informative)
Just something to keep in mind.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:5, Informative)
1. BSD can do everything Linux can do
2. Better server OS though in recent years linux has greatly caught up
3. Not as good on the desktop on Linux
4. FreeBSD ports system is better than anything linux offers
5. Not as good hardware support on FreeBSD as Linux, or games.
6. I think FreeBSD is easier to install(others think I am crazy)
7. Java sucks on FreeBSD
7. BSD is dead
I switched from linux to FreeBSD and prefer FreeBSD so take my comments with a grain of salt.
Since I don;t want to label a linux-haters and watch my karma drop like a rock, I'm posting ac
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:5, Informative)
As a relative noob here, I have to say that I've found the exact same thing. I've tried Redhat, Mandrake, Debian, Slackware(fav. linux distro - since 4.0) Caldera and SuSE. After trying all these, I found that the BSD install just makes sense (and talk about your options!!) Kind of like Slackware.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2, Informative)
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2)
Package revision numbers should be incremented by Gentoo Linux developers when the ebuild has changed to the point where users would want to upgrade. Typically, this is the case when fixes are made to an ebuild that affect the resultant installed files, but the ebuild uses the same source tarball as the previous release. If you make an internal, stylistic change to the ebuild that does not change any of the installed files, then there is no need to bump the revision number. Likewise, if you fix a compilation problem in the ebuild that was affecting some users, there is no need to bump the revision number, since those for whom it worked perfectly would see no benefit in installing a new revision, and those who experienced the problem do not have the package installed (since compilation failed) and thus have no need for the new revision number to force an upgrade.
Gentoo bumps ebuild versions, just not for style changes.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:5, Informative)
I may work for HP, but I don't speak for them.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2)
We have just added our fourth Itanium I system! This ProLiant DL590/64 is running Mandrake 8.1..."
It'd be difficult just to come up with a copy of 8.1 now. 8.2 has been out forever and a day, and 9.0 hit a few months ago. Is it due to Mandrake having an Itanium release that's based on a really old distro?
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2)
I assume the market just isn't there to make it profitable to release that often.
For ppc they released a 8.2 version, and a 9.1 is in the make, and I assume ppc has a rather big marketshare compared to Itanium and IA-64.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2)
I may work for HP, but I don't speak for them.
Re:*BSD Vs. Linux (Score:2)
Actually, you just did. Thanks for the insight. I tried using the Testdrive program around 2 years ago but it was just a disaster online. If it's improved I might take a look again.
Again, thanks for the clues.
Who says that? (Score:3, Interesting)
I hope you know that Mac OS-X is based on a modified FreeBSD kernel. I like FreeBSD and I am using it as a desktop system. I don't need Linux, because it's emulated here ("emulation" means "emulation which works", not like Wine or stuff like that)
Re:Who says that? (Score:2, Informative)
Mac OS X uses the FreeBSD userland. The kernel is Mach with a BSD API layer on top of it.
Re:Who says that? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Who says that? (Score:2)
You mean xnu as in Xnu's Not Unix?
Re:Who says that? (Score:2)
Re:Who says that? (Score:2)
Re:Who says that? (Score:2)
Re:In one week... (Score:2)
Re:A more elegant means to acquire upgrades? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:A more elegant means to acquire upgrades? (Score:3, Informative)
You create your cvsup config file, and then run the command line cvsup app. It polls a CVS server and downloads the source tree you want into
Re:A more elegant means to acquire upgrades? (Score:2, Interesting)
I just set up a machine over the weekend, just installed enough from the slackware disc to get a command prompt, then compiled the latest kernel/mods, samba and squid on my 'compiling' linux machine, then copied over the binaries and configurated them.
I generally use linux in fileserver/router/firewall/proxy types of situations, and have never tried to run it on a desktop. Which would be a big hassle if I wanted to keep a myriad of little apps up to date.
I've no doubt the difficulties/inconsistancies of upgrading the various distributions is a big factor keeping the masses on windows.
Re:A more elegant means to acquire upgrades? (Score:3, Interesting)
Check the FreeBSD Handbook section 21 about how to keeping the system up-to-date (e.g. cvsup). The "make world"-approach works fine and resolves all troubles by merging your existing configuration files with new configuration files (mergemaster).
Many people write their own scripts to control the compilation/merging process.
Mandrake = URPMI (Score:2)
urpmi.addmedia --distrib Cooker ftp://somemirror.com/path/to/Mandrake-devel/cooke
Then, do
urpmi --media Cooker --auto-select
and you're done. Well, almost done. Urpmi won't update the kernel automatically, you'll need to do an 'urpmi kernel' to get the new kernel installed.
Re:A more elegant means to acquire upgrades? (Score:2)
This post is flamebait.
-fester (no '(x) is better here' crap; everything has its positives)
Re:Net-Install. (Score:2)
No they didn't and no it's not. It sends deltas but that's about the end of the similarity.
Re:Net-Install. (Score:2)
Remember -- it's a mirroring tool that just happens to be optimized for CVS.
Re:Still a few gotchas (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Still a few gotchas (Score:2)
Re:Still a few gotchas (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Still a few gotchas (Score:2)
Re:Still a few gotchas (Score:2)
Even if I didn't have any problems with 5.0RC2 and it's predecessors yet (I'm a porter, so I need both -STABLE and -CURRENT boxes to test on), on a production server, don't switch until the releng team tells you to. You are unlikely to depend on the new features in 5, so play it safe and don't touch a running system except for the usual fixes.
Re:You can't fool us (Score:3, Funny)
"FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 NOT ready yet. Sorry."
"I'm downloading FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 now, wait, this is really RC2"
"FreeBSD 5.0 RC3 finally released"
Re:You can't fool us (Score:2)
Re:Logo sucks (Score:2)
I think the guy is cute, but it turns folks off.
I doubt it would ever happen.
I do have suggestions if anyone ever wanted to hear them though.
Re:Logo sucks (Score:2)
I think folks have to remember that the mascot comes from the UNIX daemon, which is a headless process. Someone got cute, and didn't mean anything by it.
Re:Logo sucks (Score:2)
Can't really see a logo on most of our boxes since they are servers.