OpenBSD 3.2 Readies For Release, pf Matures 304
An anonymous reader writes "Just over a year ago, OpenBSD creator Theo de Raadt ripped ipfilter out of the OpenBSD code leaving "the world's most secure OS" temporarily without a packet filter. Here's an interesting interview with Daniel Hartmeier, author of pf, the stateful packet filter developed as a replacement. Now just over a year old, it sounds like pf has already become a serious contendor in the world of stateful packet filtering. This interview is of particular relevance with OpenBSD 3.2 to be released on Friday, 11/1."
Poppycock! (Score:3, Funny)
Codswallop, January 11th is a Saturday!
Re:Poppycock! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Poppycock! (Score:2)
Oh tell me about it. Today I was at a client site who complained that they couldn't find their latest backup files. Reason being, that they were naming their backup files with alpha numerics mixed throughout the files and more importantly without leading zeroes.
Result being, files being naturally sorted in WinNT 4 Windows Explorer that did not go in the order the dates did.
The users backups were there, but so hard to find that they called me in because they were worried that their backups were not working!
They were only weekly backups, so if they saved them as apYYYYWW.zip all would have appeared to be fine. Where ap is an abreviation of the application data being backed up, YYYY obviously year and WW the week of the year. apYYYYMMWWDD would be nicer so that in the future, referencing particular backup dates could be quicker.
Thanks for that link BTW. Now I have extra ammo. ; )
Save you the effort... (Score:5, Funny)
I decided to save you the effort of replying to this article by summarizing all of the posts you are about to make.
1) BSD is dead poster: BSD is dead! Only 13 people use OpenBSD and they all live in their parent's basements!
2) Dumb Karma Whore: Packet filtering? What's that? Can somebody explain why pf is a better packet filter than the alternatives?
3) De Raadt Hater: Theo sucks! Burn in hell, Theo, you self-righteous prick. FreeBSD 0wnz!
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:5, Funny)
not everyone has a basement, you know.
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:2)
Project managers, systems analysts, developers, QA, tech writers, business analysts... are all on the same team; why the backbiting? Don't IS/IT people have enough problems without turning on each other?
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:3, Funny)
I also do not live in my parents basement, however one of my OpenBSD boxes does..
I guess it is a small world after all.
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Save you the effort... (Score:3, Funny)
Heathen, you forgot three of them!
Imagine a Beowulf cluster of packet filters!
1. Develop a packet filter.
2. ???
3. Profit!
( ) CowboyNeal is my packet filterer! You insensitive clod!
Actually (Score:2)
and my openbsd server is humming along right beside me, can i be lucky #13?
Re:( Read More... | 2 of 1416 comments | BSD ) (Score:2)
I prefer mailing lists. In fact, after signing up to some interesting OpenBSD lists (mostly just reading) I found I was reading OpenBSD a lot less and reading www.deadly.org a lot more (and wishing it had a lot more articles and discussion).
Re:( Read More... | 2 of 1416 comments | BSD ) (Score:2)
Re:( Read More... | 2 of 1416 comments | BSD ) (Score:3, Informative)
Like Shanep said, OpenBSD Journal (at deadly.org) is a good one.
pf ported to Debian? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:pf ported to Debian? (Score:2)
Re:pf ported to Debian? (Score:2)
Anyway, pf is specific to OpenBSD's kernel, and I don't think it is likely to be ported to other kernels.
Re:pf ported to Debian? (Score:3, Interesting)
The debian part would obviously be porting as much stuff as possible to run on said GNU/*anything*.
So GNU/OpenBSD would run pf but not iptables. See?
This is the one point where the GNU/*OS* thing makes sense. Though I think GNU Debian *OS*/*arch* would be better, as in GNU Debian Linux/i386 or GNU Debian OpenBSD/i386.
Re:pf ported to Debian? (Score:2)
Re:pf ported to Debian? (Score:2, Informative)
Heres the post from the Debian GNU/OpenBSD porter:
Subject: status debian/openbsd
From: Andreas Schuldei
Date: Tue, October 22, 2002 4:50 pm
To: debian-bsd
There are several indications that openbsd's security is more or
less up to the level what can be achived with todays debian
The kernel code seems to have severe race conditions and the
userspace seems to be bitten by a compareable number of security
incidents as e.g. a stabel debian with a correspondig software
Since my reason for this port is primary to provide a more secure
environment for debian users with the same feel, right now this
port seems not to be worthwhile.
OpenBSD seems to make efforts to change to elf binary format some
time in the future. When this happend and the audit efforts show
further results i will reevaluate the situation.
Everyone who wants to carry on with this port is welcome to take
oh GREAT (Score:4, Funny)
I had never before done any kernel programming, but I knew C
Great... I'm going to recommend to my boss that we replace all our FreeBSD and Linux servers with OpenBSD! With that kind of kernel programming experience on the team, you know it's gonna be SOLID! Check it.. he didn't say he "heard of" C, or "dabbled in" C, or even "thought there was a language called" C, he KNEW C! Inside and out!
And hey, did you read the interview, the man owns TWO, count 'em, TWO cats! Between the three of them, they should hammer out some sweet packetfilter code.
(hey it's a joke. but I'm still not giving up FreeBSD)
if you are going to upgrade to 3.2 ahead of time (Score:5, Informative)
You can grab the main
I'm pretty sure you can do this install by getting the floppys (.fs) files and selecting FTP install.
If you have 3.1 (or any other version) you can upgrade the source tree (this is how I did it)
set your cvsroot:
setenv CVSROOT anoncvs@anoncvs.usa.openbsd.org:/cvs
cvs -q get -rOPENBSD_3_2 -P src
You can then follow along here:
Make sure you do all the steps,
Be especially sure you do 1.5, 1.8, 3.1.* before you do a make build..
(note: if you are doing it from something earlier than 3.1 you should do the other changes (3.0.* etc. etc.)
-- C
for the impatient, the best method is to check out the 3.2 sources from cvs (as described) and build from source
But, I'll also grant you that that seems weird in that it usually changes more often.
If all else fails, wait 3 days and you can find it at:
(this is posted in PST, so Friday is still 3 days away).
Yeah the best way would be to grab 3.1
install it
and then src code upgrade
-- C
Re:if you are going to upgrade to 3.2 ahead of tim (Score:2, Informative)
Those are snapshots of 3.2-current, not of what will be released as 3.2.
OBSD Support !!! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:OBSD Support !!! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:OBSD Support !!! (Score:2)
Re:OBSD Support !!! (Score:2)
I run some very serious networks, and we don't use openbsd. What is so superior about PF?
Openbsd can't do policy routing, and PF is quite limited.
And a serious network doesn't run the mail server and webserver and router on the firewall.
"What more could you possibly want?" (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong, though I've personally not used a BSD as a firewall, I know people who have, and they're happy with it, completely happy. But I really prefer something which was built from the ground up to be a firewall and ONLY a firewall.
I've worked extensively with the Sonicwall [sonicwall.com] devices, and I've also heard some good things about the WatchGuard Firebox [watchguard.com] series. Then again, if you want to go gung ho all out and out, you can get a Cisco PIX.
Basically, for me, it boils down to having a specific device for a specific job, as opposed to having a general purpose piece of software running on commodity hardware for a specific job.
Re:OBSD Support !!! (Score:2)
It isn't doing the VPN proper right now, because we've invested too much in a commercial VPN. Also, most of our discrete host access to the VPN (over dialup or broadband) is Microsoft PPTP (which is lingua franca in terms of client access). We use NT exclusively for authentication/authorization (except for the NIS stuff on all our UNIX boxes), but we are switching to Active Directory. This got us thinking about running arbitrary LDAP services on OBSD and falking out all the Windows 2K client boxes. Shades of Samba!
There is talk about switching our web and ftp server(s) to OBSD. We've already made the jump from Netscape to Apache (on Solaris), and IBM is *most* happy to supply us with OS-free Netfinity servers to run this stuff on. We still have a lot of value left in our Sparcs, but as they age it looks less and less like they will be replaced with newer hardware.
The main obvious benefit for me is that I get to tag on a t-shirt or two onto our corporate orders. I mean, having stable email is all well and good, but a new OBSD t-shirt every 6 months! That rings my bell.
Why no easy installer? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:5, Insightful)
That said, if you want an easy install, there are plenty of alternatives for you. You've already mentioned Redhat and Mandrake, and there's also the very notable OSX. These might not be products focused primarily on security, but if you're really concerned about security then you're going to have to be willing to do some work of your own. Even OpenBSD doesn't guarantee security in the absence of knowledge. So if you're willing to put in the work to learn to be effectively secure (and thus actually use the system properly) then you're certaintly willing to learn how to install the thing.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
You want:
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html [Installing OpenBSD]
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/index.html [The entire FAQ]
answer: because they don't want THOSE users (Score:2, Insightful)
most of the users and all of the developers would probably scoff at the idea of upgrading the installer because development resources aren't cheap, and they feel the time would be better spent elsewhere since the installer does work just fine.
the 'rustic' install (complete with MANUAL PARTITIONING!!!) serves as a barrier to entry, keeping the mailing lists more clean of 'how do i mount a floppy?' questions.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you want to setup networking? [Y, n]
Do you expect to run XFree86? [Y, n]
What could be more simple than that? I can install OpenBSD in the time it takes most GUI installers just to load.
The one place it needs work is FDISK, and that's not a problem unless you say 'NO' when asked if you'd like to 'use the entire hard drive'.
The installer has some nice perks too. You can use wild cards when selecting your packages, so a simple "-x*" will unselect all the X packages. Just "*" selects everything (one of the few OSes where you almost always want EVERYTHING-there's no junk in the distro), or you can always go with the default, minimum, install.
That's why I like OpenBSD, it isn't a bunch of shinny things, it's just a very simple and elegant Operating System. Installer and all.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
Unfortunately, that one problem killed OBSD for me. Surely, it's not uncommon to want to dual-boot OBSD with something else.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
It's not a very common occurance actually.
I don't setup any of my servers to dual-boot.
As for workstations:
An extra hard drive is cheap.
Few people just 'play around' with OpenBSD. It usually replaces the other OSes, and not many people are concered about co-existance.
FDISK is easy enough to use if you read the (very detailed) man page. From the docs on the CD, from the man pages on OpenBSD.org, even from within fdisk-you can easilly access the man page.
/tmp, /usr, /usr/local, /home, ETC.).
I mentioned fdisk only because it is the most complicated part of the entire OpenBSD system, not because it's complexity is significantly over and above any other installer OSes' installer. It may take a few minutes to figure it out, but it is more powerful than any other fdisk program I've seen, and gives you a better picture of what's actually happening than any other program.
Note For non-BSD users: FDISK is the program that modifies the (up to) four primary partitions. If you tell the installer to use the full disk, you don't even need te run fdisk. Within one of those primary partitions you create (or had the installer automatically create) is where you use DISKLABEL to allocate space for each mount point (/,
I wouldn't want non-BSD users to get the impression that setting your hard drive is difficult, from this conversation, just because the job of fdisk is different on other platforms.
easy? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:4, Insightful)
The installation process is as simple as answering questions that are in plain English. The one thing that sucks about it is the disklabel part. I think it would be helpful to do some ad-hockery to come up with sensible defaults here. Nevertheless, help is available in clear English and a swap and root partition (and whatever more you deem necessary) are soon enough created.'
Now I am going to abuse the rest of this post for stating what other improvements (besides the disklabel editor already mentioned) I would like to see in OpenBSD. The default install ships with many services (fully or nearly completely) preconfigured but commented out. This is a Good Thing. However, although SMTP and POP3 are mostly set up this way, the same is not true for their secure (tunneled over SSL) versions. I think that OpenBSD, especially with its focus on security, should really offer this.
Another thing that would be good for OpenBSD to have is a secure distributed filesystem. This applies to other operating systems as well, and I know there are various options that work, each with serious drawbacks. Two options that I consider of special interest are Coda [cmu.edu] and SFTP. Coda is said to be in alpha stage (and has been, for a long time), but is reported to work quite nicely. SFTP is not technically a filesystem, but can be used as one by Linux with LUFS [sourceforge.net]. I think a LUFS-equivalent for [Open]BSD would be a huge win.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
if NetBSD's mount_portal was ported to OpenBSD then i think it would be simple. right now OpenBSD (and FreeBSD) uses an older mount_portal which isn't as robust as NetBSD's.
anyone know the linux equivalent of mount_portal?
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
Additionally, the OpenBSD FAQ sets the standard for docs. Once installed, I had dhcpd/NAT/ipfw and a load of other goodies set up in under half an hour.
I would suggest that people who say installing OpenBSD is hard just haven't tried it. If you have, be more specific: ugh eez too hardt is hardly a good bug report, or the kind of thing that'll get over-worked developers to make changes.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2, Informative)
But then, there's this article I stumbled across on Deadly [deadly.org]:
G.O.B.I.E [gobie.net], a "Graphical OpenBSD Installer Engine", and I have to say the screenshots [gobie.net] look pretty damn slick. They are also working on other cool things. From the web site:
[G.O.B.I.E] wishes to add some value to the product by developing installation modules to known servers such as Bind, Sendmail, Inn Apache..
Among them, you will find help to configure PF(Packet Filter), authpf, altq and some other tools.
We have planed to build a kernel configuration tool too !!!
I think that sounds like an interesting project and (though IMHO not absolutely needed) I would like to see it being officially presented as an alternative to the current installer.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
Moreover, from reading the documentation, it appears that there is no warning about the creation of a partitioning scheme that is potentially unbootable. This is silly!
Re:Why no easy installer? - Simple answer (Score:2)
If the installer is too complex/confusing for you, then you are not the intended audience.
Not meant as an insult, just reality.
OBSD isn't intended for the 'average' person, but one slightly above that level.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
1) Do you really want a "marketing drone" establishing your critical network infrastructure? Average people shouldn't be meddling with the systems that can really make or break a company. This is serious stuff.
2) The OpenBSD installer really is quite easy when you sit back and think about it. It's basically a well-thought-out shell script with prompts for necessary information. It's also very quick; OpenBSD installations are fast, since there isn't a quasi-stable GUI driving everything. It's also more dependable than a GUI. GUIs are complex from a software engineering point of view, and it is harder to guarantee their function. If you have questions about how OpenBSD goes about it's business...just look a the scripts.
I'm still just a novice with *NIX...
Don't let OpenBSD intimidate you, as it can provide a very fruitful learning experience about UNIX systems. OpenBSD really is one of the most directly and thoughtfully documented systems out there (at least for the userland stuff), but it just isn't an in-your-face system like Red Hat. Once the system installs, there is a helpful e-mail sitting in the root inbox, the installation CDs have very good README files, and the 'intro' and 'afterboot' man pages are also good. The OpenBSD website hosts a FAQ and links to mailing list archives that covers many questions for new users.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:5, Funny)
And second, no marketing drone has ever, as long as humans has kept track, installed anything except the latest email worm. For all the other software, they grab whoever is close and not wearing a tie. Usually it is some guy that would rather shoot himself in the foot than use up the afternoon installing windows Me, but there you go.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:3, Informative)
Debian/OpenBSD ceased. Andreas Schuldei announced that he is discontinuing the effort to combine OpenBSD and Debian. He found out that there are several indications that security in OpenBSD is mostly at the same level as it is in Debian. Since the reason to work on this port was primary to provide a more secure environment for Debian users this port doesn't seem to be worthwhile anymore.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
<rant type="stream of consciousness">
I couldn't let this slide. I've been using Linux since 1993 -- longer than many, not as long as some others... and I was a SunOS guy before that.
I have always found the Slackware installer to be reasonably friendly, extremely well-thought out, both elegant and consistent.
ON the other hand, I avoid dselect like the plague. Even if you know what you're doing, dselect is a ponderously huge set of choices; just browsing through them to locate the ones you want while looking at the package name column and nothing else requires enough reading and keying to slow the process down to a crawl. Better to bypass dselect entirely... just install the base system and then use apt to get the stuff you want. It's not that I dislike Debian -- in fact, I use Debian/Sparc on a whole mess of Sparc 10 and Sparc 20 workstations that I administrate and it performs nicely.
But I can't imagine how new home PC users must feel when confronted with a huge, text-only interface with no obvious onscreen guide to keys and very counterintuitive behavior. For example, try running dselect on a 386 or a 68k mac (both supported platforms). Hit PgDn and five or six seconds later the screen finally updates. Bet new users hit it three or four times, wondering why it isn't working. Oops! Same goes for entering and leaving dependency resolution... Press Enter once your selections are made and watch... nothing happen for 30 seconds until the package list is finally displayed once more. Bet new users hit Enter 10 or 12 times. Maybe they even hit reset, thinking they've frozen!
The OpenBSD and NetBSD install systems and the Slackware install system are much, much better than dselect, which is an utter dog that has been completely overwhelmed by the growth of Linux and the sheer number of Debian packages available.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
First you tell me that you've been using *NIXes for at least 10 years (assuming SunOS was only one year) and then you ask what the new home PC user would think about dselect??
I can tell you that. I can *also* tell you what said user think about slackware, as I was that user not long ago, at least when it comes to installing and setting up linux.
Said user will think that dselect takes forever to go through - and be correct. Depending on stamina, he/she will spend X minutes selecting stuff that sounds cool and/or useful, then give up and use apt-get for the rest of their days. Yes, dselect is bloated beyond recognition. Then comes the real fun. Finding the idiotically^Wobscurely named packages. Befoer anyone argues: Set someone that knows linux, but not debian, and ask them to get mod_perl installed. Took me hours to find the friggin package. And then it didn't work.
Now slackware... wow. It has a friendly installer in that sense that it uses english (which I can read) and that it asks me what I want to do. End of friendliness. Thanks to a semi-good linux how-to, I actually managed to get through the install on the Xth try, when I finally got working partitions in. Other Linuxes help you with this. Not this one.
When I finally got it up and running, I spent the next week:
* Learning how to edit XF86Config manually to get my language on the keyboard (was not available in slackware as an only), get my mouse working and get my monitor to go over 640x480.
* Recompiling the kernel to get the mouse to work. This is one of the things the home PC guy wants to try first of all. Not.
* Realizing that all Linux howtos are worthless because this is Sys-V. Have you noticed that Slackware guys does not write documentation?
* Giving up and throwing the crap out. All of the above is fun and good to know how to, but not to be able to use the system at all. Save that for later.
There's your home PC guy for ya.
Now, how is this better to someone without 10+ years of unix experience?
Debian is hard, but slackware is worse.
Or you have to put in that 10 years disclaimer.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
I thought installing Windows ME was shooting yourself in the foot.
Re:Why no easy installer? (Score:2)
Why pf sounds great (Score:5, Informative)
Excellent interview and responses, a very educational read for anyone who deals with firewalls and packet filtering. It should become part of the pf docs.
He is very modest, but I like the sounds of some of the things he is doing. Here are some solid, specific things pf is doing that I dont think other packet filters are doing, ask your vendor how they are handling these same types of issues.
This is why pf sounds like it will be very good (direct quotes from the article):
pF (Score:4, Funny)
Daniel Hartmeier' (Score:2)
The article is one of the best resumes I've ever seen.
Daniel Hartmeier's resume (Score:4, Funny)
The article is one of the best resumes I've ever seen.
Prospective employer: What have you done?
Daniel: I wrote the stateful firewall in OpenBSD. Here's a kerneltrap.org article.
Employer: (Silence while recovering from amazement.) What pay do you expect?
I hit a key accidentally, and Mozilla posted my comment above.
The most secure OS (Score:4, Informative)
This definition depends on what you call "secure".
Theo calls an OS with a very limited, trusted set of applications "secure" - however, running secure applications with root privileges has nothing to do with OS level security. That's application level security.
I'd call an OS secure, if you can only hack it by exploiting a bug inside the OS kernel. That means, there is no way of gaining 'root' privileges or something like that by hacking into some highly privileged daemon, provided that the system is configured properly.
To achieve this level of security, it is neccessary to have fine grained privilege and compartmentalization controls instead of the superuser/world distinction built into the OS kernel - and that's still missing in OpenBSD.
What means "secure"?
"[...] Put another way, "secure system" means safe enough to protect some real world information from some real world adversary that the information owner and/or user care about. [...]"
- SE Linux FAQ, NSA [nsa.gov]
There are mainly two types of secure Operating Systems.
a) Everything up to the C2 level of security
b) Everything from B1 up to A1 (never ever reached by any OS)
The difference is information labeling.
You only get a B1 security certificate, if your OS has mandatory access controls. It must be able to automatically prevent users from mixing secret data with public data. This is often called a "Trusted OS".
Most people don't need information labeling/mandatory access control, because all their data has the same level of sensivity.
TCSEC C2 does not say much about how the OS has to handle privileges, so a C2-level OS can still be very insecure, but it can also be very secure - almost impenetrable - and it still can't ever become certified at B1 or above, because it simply can't handle multiple levels of sensivity.
Let's look at NON-Trusted-OSs first, because most people don't need a Trusted OS:
OpenBSD lacks an uninterceptable audit trail and access control lists as required by TCSEC C2. It distinguishes between world and root privileges.
VMS has an audit trail, access control lists, and a privilege model.
AS/400s have an audit trail, access control lists, a privilege model, an object-based security model with type enforcement and hardware-supported pointer-in-memory-protection because of the single level storage address space, but that does not matter much (think about it as something which is similar to protect-mode on an x86, but based on objects and pointer to objects instead of segments and segment descriptors).
VMS is clearly superior to OpenBSD, mainly because of the privilege model. If a process does not have many privileges, then an attacker can't gain many privileges by hacking it. Simple, isn't it?
An AS/400 is (VMS users listen carefully) clearly superior to both, OpenBSD and VMS. It has a superset of the security features of VMS, and additionally it has object-based protection. Therefore, you can't write to a program object, and you can't execute a data file or things like that.
Now let's look at Trusted OSs:
SE-VMS has an audit trail, access control lists, a privilege model, information labeling and compartment mode.
Solaris with Argus Pitbull has an audit trail, access control lists, fine grained privilege controls plus inheritance rules (proxy privilege sets and so on), a trusted computing base, information labeling and compartment mode (mandatory access controls).
Both are clearly superior to the non-trusted OSs mentioned above, because applications can be totally separated from each other by putting them in separate compartments.
If someone hacks into an application in compartment A, then he/she still can't access an application in compartment B, so he/she is locked down into a jail.
Solaris with Pitbull is clearly superior to VMS, because of the much more sophisticated privilege model. It's more fine-grained and it has inheritance controls, so certain applications will only gain their privileges if they can inherit those privileges from another process. By default, executing another application always drops all privileges.
What I'd like to say is
1. What about "OpenBSD is the world's most secure OS"? It has a pretty good verified kernel, but it's security mechanisms are simply not powerful enough. A bug-free kernel does not help alot, when you have to run things as root, because the kernel does not have appropriate security mechanisms like privilege controls or compartment mode...
2. What about "Unix can't be secure"? I get really bored by VMS users comparing Standard-Linux with VMS; maybe compare the most secure setup of either Operating System and then let's talk about security again.
HERE [getronicsgov.com] is TCSEC B3 certified Unix (Linux-compatible, too).
Re:The most secure OS (Score:2, Informative)
b) Everything from B1 up to A1 (never ever reached by any OS).
There are several OS's rated B1 or above.
From Dynamoo [dynamoo.com]:
B - Mandatory Protection Division B specifies that the TCB protection systems should be mandatory, not discretionary. B1 - Labelled Security Protection As C2 plus:
Theo has a cold (Score:2)
Heh...just kidding. But really, we're too dependant on him, and his whims. We need a less ego in the BSD world. Theo DeRaadt, Darren Reed, Dan Bernstein et al can be fine programmers but what's the damn point if they can't get along. OpenBSD's development has too much power concentrated in the hands of too few people. This leads to all sorts of boo-boos and the inability to maintain older code (3.0 just died...ugh!).
I think that licenses are important. They need to be unconfusing. Project developers should find an existing, popular, and well understood license that most closely suit their needs and put their work under that license, rather than create their own. Here is where I fault DJB and Reed for their licensing quirks.
What license is irritating me the most right now is PINE's.
Mirror of the interview (Score:2)
Daniel has a mirror of the interview [benzedrine.cx] at his site [benzedrine.cx].
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:5, Informative)
I think its probably fairer to say something like, "OpenBSD truly IS among the most secure Unixes in the world". There are fundamental security flaws with Unixes that run very deep which prevent it from being really really secure. Look at an OS like Z-OS or Eros to see how much further security can go when you break from Unix security flaws like:
- The existence of a filesystem
- Having any individual have much real authority over the system
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2, Funny)
- The existence of a filesystem
- Having any individual have much real authority over the system
That sounds really bloody useful
If you don't mind, I'm off to assert my authority over some files now ( TieMeUp.Jpg doesn't know what is has coming!)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:3, Interesting)
You don't need a file system to have data -- for an example you are likely familiar with think of palm OS. Data is just stored in internal program specific data structures and "swapped" out of ram to disk. The important thing is that the disk is just a bunch of sectors with a zillion different data formats; but to understand the organization of the date requires running the system which imposes the security model...
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2, Interesting)
NO, that would simply be security through obscurity which does not work. Any modern capabilities based OS would have strong cryptography at its core so that you could not access those data items that you do not have a key to. In fact a cool way to do it (not sure if this is done in any real system) would be to have 2 keys, one for the runlevel and one your private key which is protected by your login, that way you could not access things outside your runlevel and you could not access other data in your runlevel unless it was explicitly given permission to you by using your public key (think ACL's but the creator of the data would have to add your key to the files encryption)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
OTOH if the app stores the key in memory and is always running (though possibly swapped out) then you don't have any problems with storing keys securely.
Remember capabilities are useful but you also have to secure the system against someone just taking the hard drive out.
As for your ideas with dual keys it is done (hate to mention this) but for example Palladium uses that strategy (though they don't call it run levels)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know about Z-OS, but I've read a little about EROS. EROS doesn't need a filesystem. That's because everything in EROS is persistent. The system saves a complete snapshot of its virtual memory to disk every couple of minutes. There is no "rebooting" of the OS. If you pull the plug, it comes back up exactly in the state of the last snapshot.
For me, it took a little while for that concept to sink in. They're saying that there's no need to redundantly keep information in permanent storage and volatile storage. Just make it all permanent, and you don't need the filesystem concept at all. In one step, you eliminate whole classes of bugs (parsing, file permissions, sharing files, filesystem namespace problems, etc.)
Their authority model also makes sense. Think of your system as a large building. Normal OSes treat security like doors with electronic badge readers; you're allowed to do things based on who you are. Naturally, a lot of doors must be programmed to let you through if you're going to get around the building to do your work. It's hard to ensure that each person is never able to get into a room that they shouldn't be in.
EROS is more like a building full of unique old-fashioned key locks. You have no automatic authority to go through any door. You must obtain the individual key for each door. You get these keys on an as-needed by the people in various rooms you interact with as you do your work. Each person with keys to hand out individually determines if you are worthy to go through the next door.
Reading up on EROS really expanded my view of how an OS could work. You can check it out at www.eros-os.org [eros-os.org].
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
Which sites are run off of these operating systems? Which organizations run these operating systems? Or are they merely theoretically secure, with little use under fire?
Having any individual have much real authority over the system
Back to real life, short of hard cryptography, one individual usually has complete access to everything on the system. If I can run another OS on the system, I can copy or change anything and everything. Without custom hardware or always having to have someone else with the admin in the computer room, sooner or later the admin will get the chance to boot into god mode and do as he wills.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
While it's true that one may not come across a Mainframe-based webserver on the internet, they still rule the datacenters, and are generally considered pretty secure.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
Anyway as for cryptography; cryptography itself doesn't solve your problem. Where are the keys stored? If they are stored on hardware you can pull the keys off pretty easily by just picking your data; if they are stored in a hardware / software mix then the software component can be taken off by a root user.
That's why no filesystem is important. Sure you can boot into god mode using some other OS but you won't be able to understand the data since the data itself is owned by applications the cryptograhy keys are mixed at multiple levels... In other words to get to the data you need to boot the OS and then you get the OS's security. The box in a raw form can't extract the application specific data, so god mode doesn't do you any good.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
In the only safe place: the users' head.
In other words to get to the data you need to boot the OS
You could have said that about NTFS, before the Linux NTFS filesystem. If software took it apart, then software can put it back together - if necessary, take the OS, remove all security code, and boot that.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
I have a
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
As for encryption stored away from the system; any data that the system itself can't access might as well be public you don't need security for that kind of data.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
Is what you are describing really true? Your talking got a little bit fast in the last paragraph. If I can boot in another operating system I can see all the data on the disk (Having no filesystem is just a red herring - the data is still there). The machine will bootstrap through normal BIOS procedures (at least in EROS which is i386 based). So I can follow all the code through.
The question then arises as to whether when the code wants to check for its first key, whether I can get that key or not. I'd wager that if booting EROS normally, someone has that key then I'd be able to get the same key when shadowing from a separate operating system
In other words what you say smacks of security through obscurity, though feel free to show me otherwise.
Re:so is there a packet filter or not? (Score:2)
I agree there is some obscurity involved but essentially this amounts to the computer equivelent of encryption + shredding. That's pretty yucky to deal with. Yes with infinite time and money you can beat it but...
Re:or VAX/VMS (Score:3, Funny)
Re:You don't need root (Score:3, Interesting)
You are missing all the bugs that might be in the code still running as uid 0. Your daemons, the kernel, all of them are vulnerable. I haven't seen many exploits that actually get root by doing "su" to it, so "disabling" that account will not achieve more than, for example, a good password.
A "secure" OS in this context means an OS with well-known "clean", stable code that has been reviewed for flaws etc etc. There isn't much you can do from an administration point of view if the services/daemons you have to use are flawed.
I think sprinkling setuids around is not a great idea at all. Especially custom-written ones. Beautiful things can happen accidentally linking against the wrong library in a chrooted dir :)
Chroot is *not* 100% secure. It is not a sandbox. You can still access ports, memory and processes and kernel functions, you can talk to daemons, starve the system of resources or convince the parent process to do things it will regret.
Plus if you chroot users you'd still have to give them most of the OS somewhere unless they login to not do any work, and that will soon get boring when you'll have to upgrade all of it.
A truly secure machine requires hardware support. A better CPU design. If the 8086 did not mix stack with code and data we would not have had so many problems today.
Re:You don't need root Plex86 is here now. (Score:2)
Re:You don't need root (Score:2)
If you have physical security, nobody will be able to actually login as root
What am I missing? [reordered by editor]
What you are missing is that the OSes I was mentioning assume an administrator might be in on the data theft. That is you don't have physical security; so you need to protect the system against someone simply copying the data directly from the harddrive.
What you list creates an OS which is very secure againt any sort of user attack. BTW openbsd is actually moving towards what you described with lots of the setuid processes chrooted.
Re:You don't need root (Score:2)
1 - Every program keeps its data in memory
2 - the virtual memory system uses encryption
3 - programs use a private encryption key when passing live ram to the virtual memory system
(so in effect data on the drive is double encrypted).
4 - there is no true "shutdown" just something that acts like NT hibernate
You shut the system down / hibernate. Remember there is no file system and the allocation blocks table in ram (like for a virtual memory system) so without restarting the OS all you have is double encrypted sectors of harddrive in no reasonable order without a clear key.
Re:OpenBSD is crap, heres why - vermillion (Score:5, Insightful)
I usually don't feed the trolls, but...
OpenBSD is fucking hype. The only good thing about it is SSH.
Yeah - SSH... and isakmpd, systrace, pf, altq, chrooted apache and whole-of-tree audits.
Re:OpenBSD is crap, heres why - vermillion (Score:2)
I didn't think so.
disclaimer for the humor impaired: I don't actually want to root this guy's box. I am not a terrorist, nor a member of al-qaeda.
Re:OpenBSD's Security is Overrated (Score:3, Funny)
Re:OpenBSD's Security is Overrated (Score:3, Insightful)
If usability is what you're looking for, try FreeBSD instead. One of OpenBSD's goals is to be Secure by Default. Whereas other BSD variants and most Linux distros take an approach of 'turn everything on and let the admin turn off what he doesn't need', OpenBSD takes the opposite approach. In my experience as an admin, theres no difference in effort between locking down, say, a Redhat install, or enabling what I need after install on OpenBSD. The difference is, the more clueless among us will be more protected by the default install of OpenBSD than by Redhat.
Re:OpenBSD's Security is Overrated (Score:2)
Re:pf? Mature? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:pf? Mature? (Score:2)
Re:pf? Mature? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't the Most Secure OS... It had recent explo (Score:2)
Cool Mac software that I found while looking for info: ssh and sftp for mac [macssh.com] with SSH2 support. License? Well, there's a GNU head on the website :)
Re:OpenBSD is so l33t... (Score:2, Informative)
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq8.html#wwwsolaris [openbsd.org]
8.18 - Why does www.openbsd.org run on Solaris?
www.openbsd.org and the main OpenBSD ftp site are hosted at a SunSITE at the University of Alberta, Canada. These sites are hosted on a large Sun system, which has access to lots of storage space and Internet bandwidth. The presence of the SunSITE gives the OpenBSD group access to this bandwidth. This is why the main site runs here. Many of the OpenBSD mirror sites run OpenBSD, but since they do not have guaranteed access to this large amount of bandwidth, the group has chosen to run the main site at the University of Alberta SunSITE.
Re:not ipfilter, ipfw (Score:3, Informative)
Re:not ipfilter, ipfw (Score:2)
Re: Unix sucks (Score:2)
Actually, I think OpenBSD/VMS/Solaris are all secure, but in different ways, for different things.
I don't think I need Xenix for my home system :)