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Announcements Operating Systems BSD

Early Registration for European BSD Conference 2002 15

Walter Belgers writes "This year, the European BSD Conference will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Friday November 15 is a tutorial day, Saturday and Sunday are filled with interesting lectures about FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and MacOS X, and a keynote by Mike Karels. This is your chance to learn from BSD developers and see how other BSDs are doing. Early registration is open until October 18th. For more information, see the website."
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Early Registration for European BSD Conference 2002

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  • ..if Theo [theos.com] will be there?

    It would be interesting to see a a public discussion between the headhoncho's of the *BSD's.

    You probably would need to have police, the army and a large contingent of paramedics there to avoid major bloodshed...

It is much harder to find a job than to keep one.
