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BSD Operating Systems News

Bluetooth stack for FreeBSD 20

Dan writes "Maksim Yevmenkin announces that another "bluetooth" engineering release is available for download. This release features several major changes and includes support for H4 UART and H2 USB transport layers, Host Controller Interface (HCI), Link Layer Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP), Bluetooth sockets layer and more. Maksim has subsequently provided followup patches for this release."
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Bluetooth stack for FreeBSD

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  • What about IRComm? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by glenstar ( 569572 )
    Bluetooth is great and all... if you happen to have a Bluetooth machine and Bluetooth peripherals. What I want to know is: when (if it doesn't already exist in CVS somewhere) can we see a fully functional IR stack? Part of the reason that I had to switch my corporate laptop away from FreeBSD is that I was not able to use the IR port on my phone while on the road.
    • by jquirke ( 473496 )
      That's odd. I've been able to make data calls, send SMS etc, with my Nokia 8210 mobile phone over InfraRed with FreeBSD 4.x. Actually that's very odd for an OS without IR support.


      Use the user-land software "birda" available in the package and ports collection.

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
