FreeBSD 4.6 320
An Anonymous Coward writes "FreeBSD 4.6 is out! The announcement is out, and so are the release notes.
Have fun, and thanks to the FreeBSD team!" The announcement has all the mirror information, etc.
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
Great to hear it... (Score:5, Interesting)
Selected network drivers now implement a semi-polling mode, which makes systems much more resilient to attacks and overloads.
A partial defense against IP DoS attacks?
Another thing that looks really cool is that reboot now takes a flag to tell it which kernel to reboot to. Isn't this cool? Granted, most of the time on my Linux system I'm at the console when I do a reboot, so I can just pick it from GRUB, but for remote reboots this could be quite handy. And they've eliminated the deal with the odd legit TCP SYN packet from crashing the box to boot. In a nutshell, it's time to start downloading...
Re:Great to hear it... (Score:2, Informative)
semi-polling mode (Score:5, Informative)
Some of Donald Becker's linux driver have this feature.
This improves system stabillity and responsivenes under high nework loads, and avoides the so called 'livelock' where the system isn't hung but it is wasting so much time doing interupt handling that it can't do anything else.
This is a GOOD THING but it won't help much against DDOS
Re:semi-polling mode (Score:2)
Re:semi-polling mode (Score:3, Informative)
It always has. However the catch is that when there is no data to read polling still uses resources. So if 99% of the time there is data to read you are better off polling for it. If most of the time there is no data you are better off with the interupt overhead.
I know one product that gets around this by having the interupt handler never exit until there is no data, so if you are streaming data in they stay in the interupt handler, often for as much as 20 seconds at a time. Of course this means you can't do any other processing on the system, but that is okay for their application. There are many other ways around this, but you have to know your application to try them.
Lilo... (Score:3, Informative)
lilo -R
I have an "exp" config in my LILO, for experimental kernels before I move them off probation. So, when I have done my build and install, I just type
lilo -R exp && reboot
and there I go.
I don't know if Grub has anything similar.
Re:Lilo... (Score:2)
I see no reason to continue to use lilo. Except if you are in a very tight disk space situation such as embeded linux. In these cases every byte countes, and the ~150kB of grub might be a problem.
Alright, (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Alright, (Score:1)
Re:Alright, (Score:1)
GAAHH! (Score:1)
figures (Score:4, Funny)
Re:figures (Score:1)
make buildworld installworld buildkernel installkernel
Re:figures (Score:3, Informative)
then cd
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld
then optional: reboot again
Re:figures (Score:1, Funny)
Re:figures (Score:1)
make installkernel
I prefer to make installkernel, then dropping to single user mode, then make installworld. Then no rebooting at all is really necessary.
Re:figures (Score:2)
make update
mergemaster -C
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld
Although this is just a single user server. mergemaster -C is important with major changes because rc knobs can change occasionally; e.g. sendmail_enable has spawned a lot of friends for all the other daemons it runs.
Re:figures (Score:2)
Re:figures (Score:2)
Er....do not forget to run mergemaster before you reboot. It will help you adjust anything in /etc that needs changing without destroying everything you had altered before. Or better yet, as the previous poster suggests, read the upgrade part of the handbook.
Re:figures (Score:1)
figures (Score:2)
Re:figures (Score:1)
And I can't figure out how to mount a logical partition containing a FAT32 filesystem. But that's probably because I'm clueless
Re:figures (Score:1, Informative)
Where 'X' is one of the cvsup servers, like cvsup2.freebsd.org, cvsup3.freebsd.org, etc.
NOTE: READ what mergemaster has to say!!!
Where YOUR_MACHINE is your edited copy of
It's a snap to keep your bsd box updated. I even have a cron job to build it at 2 a.m. I then manually run mergemaster, and take the rest from there. It's that simple.
Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:4, Interesting)
My frustration grew last year proportionally with the time it took to make Linux 2.4 stable enough for production server use. It still makes me a bit nervous and I have decided to go for *BSD in future where possible.
However, since Linux got most of the hype, most *nix desktop stuff especially from commercial side like game companies is targeted for it. So it makes sense to use it on the desktop. Just keep your data on the servers
More experienced administrators: do you support this kind of dualism?
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:1)
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? - why not. (Score:2, Interesting)
I like linux, but if I can choose freely, there is nothing I would pick over a *bsd, most likely freebsd.
There is no linux distribution that is as mature and aimed for servers. Don't even start talking about the bloated linux 'server' editions... A minimal bsd install, the latest versions of the services you really need compiled by hand and optimized, and you're set.
Mind though: I really don't think there's such a big difference between freebsd and linux, each has its pro's and con's... It really doesn't matter that much. Just use the right tools for the job, it's all opensource anyway.
And you can build a very minimal Linux distro yourself too, if you want... It's all about freedom, if you want linux on workstations (because that's what most distro's aim at) and freebsd on servers, you do that. And it'll work.
I wish the 'x is better than y'-people would just shut up and use 'x' in silence. Or contribute, if they really have too much time and energy anyway.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? - why not. (Score:1)
Anyways, Debian is great on servers. Don't take me wrong, I'm a consultant/administrator for many companies and I admin various Linuxes (Debian, Slack, Mandrake, even RedHat) and various BSDs and even Solaris. I don't see a great difference here. There are differences however. *BSD and Debian-stable are very very very stable. If you need raw computing power and have multiprocessor system, don't use BSD.
But I'm not such liberal on desktop. I bought IBM Thinkpad and installed FreeBSD 4.5. It just sucked completely. No national keyboard support because of old XFree (this is gone in 4.6), very bad support for hardware (Linmodem, soundcard). IBM has great support for Linux and I'm happy with Debian here yet. BSD just is not for desktop (yet).
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? - why not. (Score:2)
Need to look past the FUD about any OS, and try it, make up your own mind.
The only problem I have with Bsd is broken ports, but I read on Openbsds site, they are going to do a full ports audit this year.
Not a BSD problem, but Nvidia only releases linux drivers, which are much faster than the stock bsd/linux drivers.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:3, Informative)
I think FreeBSD works fine on the desktop, but then again, I don't really play games. I use all the same software as linux folks such as galeon, gaim, enlightenment, kde, etc
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:1)
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:3, Informative)
I have about 15 years of experiance with BSD systems (I'm counting SunOS 3, SunOS 4, and AOS as BSD systems). That kind of made my shy away from Linux systems and their vaguely Sys5 flavor...but not forever. About a year ago I bought a machine to run Linux on. I used it as a desktop on and off for about 11 months, and then finally put FreeBSD on it. Now my only Linux is my TiVo (and...um...my emergency backup TiVo).
All of the desktop stuff I ever ran under Linux was already running on my older FreeBSD machines, and I never really liked the Linux package managment.
That's not to say Linux is crap, or FreeBSD is a better desktop machine...just that FreeBSD makes a fine desktop, and if you are talking about yourself, supporting one is easier then supporting both. I would say to everyone else out there that has only run BSD systems, give Linux a whirl sometime. The things I didn't like about it are definitly not the things I thought I would dislike. And to those of you that never gave BSD a shot? Go for it.
(besides if you want a real desktop Unix...we all know OSX is the way to go... plus, finally full hardware support for laptop Unix! and a sub-second unsusspend from sleep...)
I use to do Unix support for a University. We went from only having 68000 Suns to having SPARCs, DEC-MIPS, IBM RTs, and some other things while I was there (i.e. one of to four or five). Adding support for the second one is a giant pain...but if you do it right adding the next three isn't bad.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:1)
Er, yeah... I think it was around 150 to 200 Sun 3 machines, and one Sun 2. Later maybe 30 to 60 MIPS machines, maybe as many as 200 more SPARCs, the threat of 100s of RTs, which turned out to be...12 or so? 20 or 30 VAXStations which we turned into X terminls, so they don't count. It was a decade ago, I don't remember all the numbers! It was also a good crash corse in going from a "mere power user" to a network wide admin. Right on the cutting edge of Kerb 4, learned perl as it went from perl 3 to perl 4...and watched the PCs slowly catch up to the low end workstations.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
Benefits: easy upgradability, customization and optimization via source code.
Drawbacks: you have to wait until the bleeding stops before the bleeding edge stuff is ported over.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:5, Informative)
I find that the default install (without X) of both FreeBSD and OpenBSD has "everything I want in a server and nothing more." The ports system is there for the few extras you may want (like bash). Basically the defaults for the ports system and the install are sane. When I want a server I install *BSD get it running and forget about it. Usually I install OpenBSD as the install is easier, and it is slightly smaller.
No linux distro gives you this. I love Debian but it is suffereing from bloat. That and the default Debian install isen't good enough, because there isen't a true default. Something about giving the user choice. I don't need choice on my servers. I want an install that has been tested and works. Slackware dosen't have a ports/package system like FreeBSD. Again I want packages that has been tested and work. Slackware also has a hideous config. Editing all those files in
For the desktop I have been useing Debian. I don't care too much about the bloat on the desktop and 'apt-get install package-name' is great. When it came to a desktop shoot out between Debian and FreeBSD, Debian/Linux won becuase ALSA supports my Trident 4D-NX sound card better then FreeBSD. In my experience Linux often supports uncommon bits of hardware better then FreeBSD. There isen't a native Mozilla for OpenBSD, so I haven't really used OpenBSD on the desktop.
For firewalls I have not used FreeBSD, only OpenBSD. OpenBSD has one of the best packet filters out there. It is easy to configure, and works. FreeBSD has something very similar. Recently I have been useing Linux as a firewall due to some funky stuff you can do with equalcost routeing, QOS, and bandwidth shapeing. If you don't need these features then OpenBSD is best. Linux can do some packet bashing that rivals Cisco routers. Unfortunately these features are largely undocumented.
Lack of documentation is ofcourse the worst part of Linux. FreeBSD and OpenBSD have lots documentation that is kept up to date. Linux dosen't.
FreeBSD and OpenBSD are better then any Linux distrobution for servers. These *BSD systems are well thought out and mature products. OpenBSD has a slight edge due to its easier install. On the desktop I think it is a tie. FreeBSD is excellent, but lacks a few of the bells and wistles you will find on a Linux destop. In particular some hardware is better supported under Linux. On the other hand Linux distors suffer from bloat and are not as well thought out as FreeBSD. OpenBSD makes an excellent firewall. Linux makes a good hybrid firewall/router. If I had to choose just one I would install FreeBSD everywhere.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
Thanks, this was exactly the kind of first-person experience I was hoping to get.
(* goes off to put together some boxes and start learning *)
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
As for bloat: exim requires libldap. That is just one example. The Debian config has also become a little top heavy.
My main Debain complaint is the lack of a good useable default install. Instead Debian is the "linux for everyone." This is an admirable goal, but not very usefull for servers.
Use OpenBSD for a few months and you will understand
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
True enough. I just did a FreeBSD install and it was a little different then I remember. I guess most of what I have written only applies to OpenBSD now.
Also what do you mean by top heavy concerning the config files?
One of the beauties of OpenBSD is the
There are other options in
While I am thinking about it another irritation I had with Debian was that if I installed a server Debian would insist on running the server. In particular Portmap and NFSD. I wanted these installed on my firewall as sometimes it was convinient to mount some nfs shares. But in general I did not want to run these services. Yet every time they were upgraded dpkg would try to restart them. Very annoying.
As I stated above I do use Debian on the desktop (as in right now). I don't mind as much that there are some mystery processes running and that the config files are a little harder to manage. I have console access I can tweek things if needed. On a server I want a default install that is ready to go and just works. For those cases I am useing OpenBSD. Ofcourse if I had a dual proc machine I would run Debian/Linux.
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:2)
Re:Linux for desktop, *BSD for servers? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'd support it if the ISVs did.
I'm 1 of 8 admins that take care of appx 600 Linux boxes (projected to grow to 1,000 Linux boxes by the end of the year). We run software by BEA and Tibco on our machines (and probably other packages I'm not as familiar with, but those are the major two). We're interested in Oracle on top of Linux.
Unfortunately, there's no ISV support for FreeBSD and while I'd *LOVE* to choose FreeBSD over Linux I can't do it for business reasons. Unfortunately this also leads to choose me to avoid FreeBSD even for ISV-free machines at work. The pool of System Engineers that we've got is more familiar with Linux than FreeBSD, and there's no way to guarantee than an ISV product won't be needed on any given machine in the future.
And unfortunately when I'm talking about Linux ISV support I'm necessarily talking about RedHat ISV support. I really wish that either SuSE or FreeBSD would be supported by ISVs. RedHat is just flatly the worst Unix distribution in the world. They still insist on release kernels that have VMs which are substantially more fucked up than the vanilla one. Isn't it about time to simply recognize that the only guy in the Linux community who understands how to write a stable VM works for SuSE and move on?
Unfortunately, what I care about most in a Unix OS is (in order):
I can get this out of Solaris. The only Linux distribution which comes close to this is RedHat and they really need to work on the third point and don't even come close to the fourth point (Intel hardware makes testing matrices difficult...)
And I'd like to emphasize how important that third point is. With 1,000 machines and 8 people we can't handle upgrading all those machines every 6-9 months. "Release Early, Release Often" is an open source lie.
If you're just building basic infrastructure, I'd agree that FreeBSD is the way to go over Linux. The one caveat to that is if you're using heavy SMP machines like 6-way boxes (like we do). Then you need to wait for FreeBSD 5.x for the SMP support (and every indication is that it will cream Linux's SMP support after it gets stabilized).
Re:Mac OS X is not really BSD. (Score:2)
BSDi certainly wasn't free, but it sure was BSD and in some cases was well worth the price.
Thats like saying, "Thats not bread because it doesn't have a hard brown crust on it". You just haven't been paying attention to the breads which don't brown.
Re:Mac OS X is not really BSD. (Score:1, Interesting)
Do you have a point?
It's a pain in the [...] to add unofficial hardware support.
And this is different than Windows, The 190+ versions of GNU/Linux, BeOS etc la HOW?
There are problems with porting of Linux desktop software to Mac OS X. And it's not a multi-platform.
Talk to the bozos who write non-portable code. Writing code that is linux-only is different than writing code that is windows-only how?
If your goal it to be no better than Windows, writing non-portable code gets you there. Some people have higher goals in life.
Re: Linux is good enough (but are your admins?) (Score:1)
Well. If you run the same distribution of linux everywhere, you're gonna be seriously screwed if there's some security problem / stability problem / whatever
If you _don't_ run the same distro everywhere, your argument about 'zoo' and 'mix of different systems' doesn't really matter, because different linux distro's can be as different as some linux distro's and *bsd. Compare slackware with freebsd, for instance. If your admins need training to work with your linux systems, they'll need it for every other distribution just as for bsd, so you save nothing.
And having different systems and people who _understand_ them is much more beneficial to your company in many ways, than cheap click-monkey admins who need gui's.
Features? (Score:1, Funny)
Or is that version 5.0?
Bad day bad day! (Score:2)
And I was looking forward to adding a 486/66 to my RC5 efforts! :^) (Hey, I need something to plug all my old ISA cards into.)
Not trying to start a Holy War (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Not trying to start a Holy War (Score:1)
KDE (Score:1)
And looking at the changelog I see they updated ls. How many decades has this been around and we're still messing with ls? The change seems to be rather handy though...
Re:KDE (Score:1)
>theme on FreeBSD? I recall I gave it a half
>hearted attempt one day but something didn't
>work, and I got sidetracked and never bothered
make install clean
Wasn't too hard.
Sun Java (Score:2)
Re:Sun Java (Score:3, Informative)
- you need to build it yourself from src
- you need linux-jdk13 for that
- there's no hotspot
- the certification-process is a bit lengthy...
Combined, this means that for the foreseeable future, you can only get it by building it yourself and using a JIT like shujit or so.
And it's not blessed^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hcertified by SUN.
Re:Sun Java (Score:3, Informative)
Check http://www.freebsd.org/java/ for more info and http://www.freebsd.org/java/dists/13.html in particular for the latest release.
For some time, BSD folks were trying to stay away from non free software (JDK is released under Sun license), but finally gave up due to:
-lack of developers willing to develop a stable JVM from scratch compatible with latest Sun classes (Kaffe is not.)
- popularity of J2EE on the server side and growing number of people switching to Linux based systems just to be able to run Java.
Thanks ot Greg Lewis for doing mostly all the work and other people for spending cycles so we can all run Java on an awesome OS.
PPA, the girl next door.
Re:Sun Java (Score:1)
Sun Microsystems themselves probably would not ever release a JDK for FreeBSD...
However, though their Java Community, they have released the source code of their JDK.
There is an active porting effort which is showing fruits - we do have a JVM 1.3 which works well enough to run even complex Java applications such as JBuilder and JBoss.
However, Sun's Hotspot JIT is not ported yet (but the porter of that has some success stories). For now, performance isn't fantastic but you can use Shujit or OpenJIT.
There cannot be a binary distribution until the ported JDK passes the Java Compatibility Kit to Sun's satisfaction. This will take months...
Maybe for the FreeBSD 4.7 release...
IF my ISP (Score:3, Funny)
Re:IF my ISP (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder what happened to FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:2)
Re:I wonder what happened to FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I wonder what happened to FreeBSD 5.0 (Score:2)
That depends on where you come from. Of course, $39.95 isn't that expensive in North America, but in many other places in the world, $39.95 is a huge deal. For example, where I come from, $39.95 would be more than $150 in local currency.
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:2)
Darwin is an evolutionary OS... [cafepress.com]
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:2)
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:3, Funny)
Me too! Then I replaced the leather seats in my bmw with naugahyde.
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:1)
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:1)
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:1)
Re:Mach? (Score:2, Informative)
The Mac OS X kernel (also known as XNU) is a monolithic kernel (unlike Mach, but like Linux and xBSD) with Mach and BSD sitting side-by-side.
Mach handles memory management, IPC and device drivers. BSD handles users and permissions, the network stack, the virtual file system and POSIX.
Once outside the kernel it's much more BSD like, with a large dollop of NeXT-isms thrown in. Most of the CLI and utilities are BSD like. Mac OS X tends to use OpenBSD for networking. (As an aside, Mac OS 8-9's OpenTransport is streams based, like Solaris. In fact, written by Mentat who wrote the NetWare and Solaris stacks too).
The chief gotcha may be that Mach handles I/O. The BSD /dev tree is there, but putting devices into the tree is done dynamically by Mach. In other words, you can't make use of any BSD device drivers.
Re:*BSD is dying (Score:2, Informative)
# cd
# make install
# echo 'linux_enable="YES"' >>
Note that if you choose linux binary compatibility during installation, the above is done for you.
For some things (vmware) you may need to add linprocfs to
linux_base comes with rpm, et al. Rarely, you may need to copy some shared libraries from a linux box to the the appropriate directories under
Re:software for BSD (Score:1)
They're available with the release, I think, can't really remember correctly.
Re:software for BSD (Score:4, Informative)
Re:software for BSD (Score:4, Informative)
# cd
# make install
# echo 'linux_enable="YES"' >>
Note that if you choose linux binary compatibility during installation, the above is done for you.
For some things (vmware) you may need to add linprocfs to
linux_base comes with rpm, et al. Rarely, you may need to copy some shared libraries from a linux box to the the appropriate directories under
Really, its easy. The FreeBSD handbook does a good job of explaining [freebsd.org].
Re:Been there... (Score:2)
Re:Been there... (Score:1)
just because you don't know how it's done, doesn't mean it's not possible.
Re:Been there... (Score:2)
Re:Been there... (Score:2)
At least we aren't fighting over BSD dying
Re:Been there... (Score:2, Interesting)
The fact that the mini iso as already there doesn't mean it had been officially released. A new version of FreeBSD is not officially out until the announcement is made. This is necessary because isos and files need to be mirrored before the load spike comes. For the rest of us, we just cvsup and don't really worry when it comes :-)
flynn@kajsa# uname -a
FreeBSD kajsa.energyhq.tk 4.6-STABLE FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE #0: Sun Jun 16 14:08:54 CEST 2002 root@kajsa.energyhq.tk:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KAJSA i386
Re:Great! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:*BSD IS DYING (Score:1)
There's a release engineering information page: http://www.freebsd.org/releng/index.html [freebsd.org]
The information can be update and revised, though. Just to give you an idea.
Re:It's a titty (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:FreeBSD sucks (Score:2)
Re:FreeBSD sucks (Score:1)
Remove the keyboard, plug it in again, and it doesn't work any more, wow.
hardware issue. btw, i've seen this done a lot of times at one workplace on freebsd boxes -- no problems.
And no, FreeBSD isn't fast. The filesystem is damn slow, and unreliable, even with softupdates. And don't expect to have a
lot of files in the same directory, you would hurt it.
i hope that speed problem isn't the same old 'linux mounts filesystems async' issue. that's been beaten to death. and freebsd 4.6 has no problems with large numbers of files in a directory.
Re:Off-topic (well, sort of) — The BSD Daemo (Score:1)
I like the one the AntiOffline crew [antioffline.com] made.
Re:My experiences with Windows XP Professional (Score:1, Offtopic)
You mean the OpenBSD that doesn't do SMP yet??
Is this a cut and paste? Because I think I remember a story similar to this where again someone madeup a bunch of crap, and then stupidly said OpenBSd was running on their big SMP boxes.
And yes I am aware of the side project to try to bring smp to openbsd but that barely complies.
hu, I didn't know there was a sever version of XP (Score:2)
Re:warning: corrupt ISOs --[FIX]-- (Score:2, Informative)
At the bootloader prompt (Hit enter to continue or any other key for prompt), type:
set hw.ata.atapi_dma=1
and it should install fine. Also, once installed and booted to it, before you try to read from a cd, add the line without 'set' to the
btw, do you have a AOpen 52x also?
Re:Warning: buggy kernel (Score:2)
*sigh* oh well
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:3, Insightful)
Lets see... your bootloader sucks ass, you have zero support for multi-booting, your installer is a joke (#!/bin/sh && tar xvfz OPENBSD.tar.gz), your ports tree is a sad subset of FreeBSD, your man-pages are neglected, your only SMP goal is to use a second CPU dedicated for frickin encryption (because you encrypt too much trivial shit), and your developers and most of your user base tell new users to fuck off and die if they don't understand your cryptic bullshit methods and design right from the get-go. OpenBSD is a bare ass naked version of NetBSD with an outdated security audit. Your reputation of superior security over FreeBSD is mere FUD. An actual comparison of recent FreeBSD vs OpenBSD security problems shows a very trivial difference.
But hey, what am I saying? You guys do have an ENCRYPTED FUCKING SWAP FILE. In the name of Christ almighty, when my CPU has a page fault and needs to pull a page from disk or when I malloc and it has to swap some pages to disk, I sure as shit want it working on something like the blowfish algorithm while I'm waiting for my malloc to return. Better than getting nailed by all those swap file exploits right?
What I'd really like to see in OpenBSD is encrypted memory. I mean, what if someone finds a way to 'sploit your memory and read your passwords and information? If all memory were encrypted, this would not be possible! Of course, when the memory needs to be used you're not going to have any safe place to put the decrypted values, but that's a design issue I'm sure we could work out over time. Perhaps we could have a second bank of RAM that wasn't encrypted. It could be managed by our second CPU which is going to be dedicated to encryption anyway!
A "real BSD" ? Please. FreeBSD makes OpenBSD look like a paranoid joke. OpenBSD is just a retreat for k-r4d 31337 guys who are bothered by the fact that FreeBSD is popular and easier to use. If every newb uses FreeBSD, it's obviously 31336... just not leet enough.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:3, Insightful)
It would be nice to have SMP support in OpenBSD, but I don't know that it is terribly important in real world terms. OpenBSD is largely used on firewalls and other dedicated systems that implement security features, rather than on actual server systems. SMP benefits environments that multitask heavy duty programs and a firewall isn't doing anything like that usually.
I don't know about you, but I get really sick of the Linux vs. *BSD vs. Windows vs. Solaris vs. you name it bullshit that goes on. People act like immature children bashing one another over something that is about as important as which baseball team is better. Want to know? Watch them play and let all arguments be settled on the field. Even worse is the computers as religion nonesense, of which Mac users seem to be the worst, although there are some open source/free software zealots who just might have them beat. I have friends who are violently opposed to using Windows for any purpose. They're also underemployed but any connection between this fact and their sour attitude seems to be lost upon them. I use Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Solaris, Irix, OpenBSD, and yes I use Windows too. I choose tools for the job based upon technical merit, or the hardware available to run it on, not upon some half baked ideology or hatred of Microsoft. An ideology itself is literally a system of BELIEFS. I don't know about you, but my beliefs change every day as I learn new things.
Anyway I just wanted to give you some kudo's for your long work on OpenBSD. It's shaped up to be a very good operating system, secure, stable, and lacking unnecessary bloat. I've tested out NetBSD and found that at least on x86 hardware OpenBSD has it beat in terms of stability. I truly question the wisdom of their trying to support EVERY platform under the sun. I was given a Quadra 700 about six months ago. It's a 68040-25 with 20Mb of ram and a 500 mb hard drive. I wanted to see if it was possible to install a "real" operating system on it and so I tried out NetBSD 1.5.2. It was SO SLOW that I just couldn't use it. I was flabbergasted to learn that there are actually developers out there still working on supporting NetBSD on these 68k macs. The computers haven't been produced in almost a decade and the OS is so slow on them that they're utterly useless except as an academic exercise. I think that continued development on utterly useless platforms is what accounts for NetBSD's instability compared to OpenBSD or Linux. Of course being an open source project there is no way to force developers to only work on certain things. As long as there are developers willing to support things like the Qudra's or the HP-300's then these platforms will continue to be worked on. In the long run the problem will solve itself as older hardware simply breaks down or people get fed up waiting a day and a half for a kernel recompile.
Anyway....good job and keep up the good work
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:3, Informative)
Okay, you just made yourself look like a complete jackass. Your whole point that "continued development on utterly useless platforms is what accounts for NetBSD's instability compared to OpenBSD and Linux." You identify Mac68k as a "useless platform." Why don't you check out http://www.linux-m68k.org/ and http://www.openbsd.org/mac68k.html
I actually have a Mac SE/30 running OpenBSD, which Theo saw at last year's DefCon. I have a few bitchy points to complain about OpenBSD, but most of what I said before was just flamebait so that some OpenBSD users could make some points, and here I get a bonus jackass such as yourself contributing to the mess.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
I've seen the websites you mentioned. I've played the unix on 68k mac game. What I discovered is what I said before, too old and too slow to be worthwhile as anything but an academic exercise. If you don't agree I invite you to begin using this SE/30 you mention as your primary system. If that is too hard I invite you to use it for anything at all other than a coffee table conversation piece. I had Apache running on my Qudra 700, but that doesn't mean I'm going to actually USE it for a webserver.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
The point is, your entire statement is stupid. Yes, mac68k ports of most Unix clones are very slow. My Mac SE/30 is slower than shit. So what? That has nothing to do with your fucked up "why NetBSD is instable" point.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
OpenBSD: 10 platforms as listed on their own website
Linux: main development done on x86, Sparc, PPC, itanium, alpha, S390. Development also done on other platforms as well including 68k. Exactly how many platforms total is anyone's guess.
The difference between these other than the obvious abundance of platforms NetBSD claims to support is that Linux has a vast number of developers working on it. NetBSD does not. If for some strange reason a group of Linux developers wanted to cobble together a crippleware kernel for the 80286 they could do so without having any real impact on the number of developers pursuing worthwhile platforms. Linux has the resources to waste, NetBSD does not. Also Linus himself might have something to say about merging these changes in. Chances are they would create a fork. When NetBSD coders chase after a platform like the 68k Mac, they're doing so at the expense of other platforms that actually have a future instead of just a past. If the NetBSD project were to consolidate their efforts down to those platforms that people are actually USING, as opposed to those platforms that 3 diehards and a pauper are keeping in service somplace they would be making much better use of their resources. But like I said, NetBSD is a volunteer effort. No one can force anyone to stop developing for the 68k mac, the HP-300, 68k sun boxes, Decstations, or anything else that they decide they want to pursue. Only time and the death of already decrepit old hardware will do that.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
And thus you negate your own argument, since it doesn't really apply to a volunteer, open source project.
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
I don't understand what you are talking about. Could you possibly restate your point?
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2, Informative)
You misjudged NetBSD, it infact runs quite well on a 68040, we have NetBSD 1.5.2 currently on a Mac 68040-25 currently running a webserver, an eggdrop for a netbsd channel, and a few other things. the 68k port of netbsd is best optimized when installing software with a -mcpu=68040 in the gcc environment. Then again, expect an old 68k to be slower than your 1.2GHz AMD. And NetBSD has been stable in all the years I've been using it.
As for SMP, it is usually not needed in most cases. Also getting SMP to work full-time in OpenBSD and NetBSD is going to take ALOT of work since there is no user-level threading, NetBSD has already introduced kernel-level threading which is still pretty useless.
PS- nice to know someone else out there that uses those multiple platforms such as HP/UX, AIX, *BSD, Solaris/SunOS, OS/2, MacOS, Linux, SCO (I'm well known as "the OS whore"
Re:Use a real BSD (Score:2)
* the OpenBSD developers (Theo, DugSong, jnathan, *@#!w00w00,
* their crappy memcpy implementation that makes this 32-bit impossibility
* very easy to accomplish. This vulnerability was recently rediscovered by a slew
* of researchers.
Time to hax0r us some OpenBSD boxen!!! (Score:2)
OpenBSD/Apache remote root exploit [dualcpus.com]
Good thing billions of dollars are relying on the security of communications systems like OpenBSD. Better stop riding your bike and start patching your memcpy implementation.
Not to be stupid and say that it isn't the fault of Apache primarily, but OpenBSD's memcpy certainly didn't contribute to the situation.
Re:a real BSD (Score:3, Funny)
Wow! One is for cheap servers, one is for junk servers, and the other is for mission-critical servers and embedded apps! It's pretty clear which one is best; I can tell it's not worth my time to bother with those first two crappy ones. That's what I like about Slashdot: some unbiased guy who seems to know what he's talking about, clears all the confusion up! Thank you, stranger!
Re:a real BSD (Score:2)
I wish you hadn't posted AC, I'd get someone to bump your karma up for that one.
Re:Theo... (Score:2)
All you are admitting with that statement is that you know nothing about the "real Theo."