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BSD Operating Systems

FreeBSD Ports Collection Reaches 7000 56

An Anonymous Coward writes: "The FreeBSD ports collection has just had the 7000th port committed. The original message can be read in Kris Kennaway's post to freebsd-ports."
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FreeBSD Ports Collection Reaches 7000

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 25, 2002 @12:05PM (#3584299)
    Debian is currently around 9,500 and has the most ports of any Linux distribution.

    FreeBSD is catching up fast. Hopefully soon we'll have two spectacularly complete UNIX distributions to choose from!

    • Debian is currently around 9,500 and has the most ports of any Linux distribution.
      Yeah, but we all know [] how they managed that...
    • True, but that number is over-inflated. Debian counts ports for different parts of the same package, such as openssl, libopenssl, and libopenssl-devel for OpenSSL. These are all one OpenSSL port in FreeBSD, as it is with any library. I'd be surprised if Debian had a number close to equal to FreeBSD's ports if they were counted the same way.
      • Dear Clue4All:

        Curious about your sig, and where your figure of less than 3% comes from. Do you have a program which actually sorts / categorizes the software on your machine by license? That sounds like an interesting statistic, I wonder what various populations's result curves would look like in that case ...

        • The 3% is an approximation based on disk space usage of my distribution's components. It's not precise and is little more than my opinion on what I think of people who shout about how it should be called GNU/Linux when I have things that I find much more essential than GNU software taking up more space on my system (and now's definitely not the time to debate it, for anyone else that's reading). Sorry, I don't have anything that interesting besides counting up the disk space of GNU packages, though it would be an interesting thing to find out the statistics on.
      • I noticed that too about Debian. The "atomicity" of the packages under Debian is far lower than that under FreeBSD. One port in FreeBSD might equate to up to four packages on Debian.

        It's silly to claim that one or the other has the most packages. I'll still root for FreeBSD though...
    • Soon? FreeBSD is already rock solid. I've never had it fail me. I suggest you give it another chance if this is based on an opinion of past experiences. The new release engineering is incredible, its much more open that it was a few years ago and as such much more bugs gets squished during the release process.

  • Just in time (Score:3, Interesting)

    by __past__ ( 542467 ) on Saturday May 25, 2002 @12:10PM (#3584325)
    ... given there is a freeze for the ports tree scheduled friday, due to the upcoming 4.6 release.

    Imagine how many it could be if it wouldn't take so darn long until ports made by non-commiters make it in CVS. There are a lot of open "New Port:" pr's in GNATS, and I strongly doubt that they are all problematic in any way, problably nobody found the time to look at them in most cases. This is quite annoying, if you created a port and it sits there uncommited for months.

    However, congrats to all porters! Keep on the good work.

    • Do what I do: "Dear Mr. Committer, I noticed that my port has been languishing in GNATS for a month now. Is there a problem with this port? Is it failing to build? Is it breaking hier(7)? Please let me know so I can fix it."

      I get the response: "Nothing's wrong with it, we're just backlogged. Here, I'll commit it right now... Thanks for your patience."

      (of course, right before the 4.6 freeze, they REALLY are backlogged)
  • usable with the ports system out there ?
    If you are at a slow internet connection you cannot afford to download all the sources.
    I think this is the main flaw of the ports system and the reason why *BSD is not used of stand alone desktops very often.
    Yes, I know that there are binary packages out there now.

    BTW: a search in the posts package for "bsd is dying" returns "Sorry, nothing found. You may look for other FreeBSD Search Services."
    It seems that there is still much to do for them.

  • Ports schmorts, don't be girly grab the source and compile. If it doesn't work it's not worth trying.

    Anyways, who's going to count them all to make sure no-one's telling fibs?

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
