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BSD Operating Systems

New Dutch *BSD portal 30

Kees writes "Since this weekend there's a new *BSD portal site. You can find it at: nedbsd.be (the nedbsd.nl domain is coming too, but DNS works so slowly :-( ). This site is pretty unique, since it is the first portal site for *BSD users in The Netherlands, and the second one in Dutch. This site really looks like it's going to be a real community. Every Dutch/Belgian *BSD lover should give it a chance! The site is going to contain a huge pile of documentation, written by and for visitors. Just like the bsdvault.net. Everyone is welcome, everything is welcome."
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New Dutch *BSD portal

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  • But, why couldn't all of these language specific sites pool their resources and create 1 site (write it in English...it seems to be the most common language on the internet) and have translators...much like RivaStation [rivastation.com].

    RivaStation is written in German, but it gets translated to English...overall, that would be a much more interesting site...and lets face it, it would definately get more hits by being translated to so many other languages.

    I'm sure there are better ways of doing this, but it's just a thought...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The guys behind this site try to make BSD more common for a broad range of people in the netherlands. Therefore, their main goal is to persuade people to install BSD by translating the Documentation from english to Dutch.

    Great job!
  • De site statistieken zijn wel weer interessant te noemen: minder dan 10% v/d visitors bezoekt met *BSD, 45% met Linux en 38% Windows. T'is niet echt een desktop winnaar te noemen;

    I don't get the need to convert things into Dutch. an OS without apps is nothing, and most if not all apps aren't in Dutch, and they won't translate that. It's like writing C in the middle of a Java program. It's fine that you know C, but you still won't understand the program unless you also know Java.

    • http://nedbsd.nl/stats.php Ik heb de bovenstaande pagina 6 keer gereload met de konqueror , en nog staat die er niet bij. Jammer dat de statistieken niet zo betrouwbaar zijn. Toch is elke nederlandse portal welkom.. ---- I just want to say : "Of course it runs in Dutch"
  • Nice to see portals for the BSD OS's
    I still find real documentation for say FreeBSD too scarse (besides the handbook).

    Besides, there is another portal already in Dutch language:

Programmers do it bit by bit.
