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Security Operating Systems BSD

OpenBSD 3.0 Ready for Pre-Orders 37

osiris writes: "Theo de Raadt has just announced that OpenBSD 3.0 is now accepting pre-orders. 3.0 will now be shipping with 3 cds supporting booting from cd for 6 architectures. Plus there is a bonus audio track on the cd :) Plus the all new pf firewall, which replaces Darren Reed's ipf. I hear pf is pretty rock solid with quite a few new features."
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OpenBSD 3.0 Ready for Pre-Orders

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  • The release page (Score:3, Informative)

    by osiris ( 30004 ) on Wednesday October 31, 2001 @10:28AM (#2502520) Homepage
    here [openbsd.org] is the release page as well. and here [openbsd.org] is the coverart.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of work has gone into pf, but I just don't trust a 6-month-old (and not even that) firewall. I plan on sticking with 2.9 for a few more releases while everything gets ironed out.
  • license audit (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by JDizzy ( 85499 )
    This is the fruit of the lisence audit OBSD went thru a while back. As many of you remember this was started when Theo elegantly let the world know abotu certain software not being intelectually free... so he simply yanked things out of the official ports tree, and reverse-engineered everything displaced by the vacume. Well now that the dramma is over, it is now safe to relase new features.

    I guess Theo really can piss further than anybody else in a pissing match.
    • I guess Theo really can piss further than anybody else in a pissing match.

      I agree, and I think it's cool. Theo really puts his money where his mouth is. Say what you like about his social "skills," at least you know where he stands, and that he's certainly willing to follow through with what he believes in. Good guy to have on our side. :-)

"Money is the root of all money." -- the moving finger
