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BSD Operating Systems

Downloadable Unofficial OpenBSD CDs 13

Attila Nagy writes: "The unofficial (made by the FSN project) OpenBSD 2.9 CDs can be downloaded from The set consists of two images, the first holds the necessary stuff for the installation (only for the i386 architecture, on which the CD is bootable), the second contains the binary packages. Please note that they are NOT the official OpenBSD CD-ROMs. The official bits can be ordered from the OpenBSD orders page. If you can afford the money, please buy the official set to help the OpenBSD project."
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Downloadable Unofficial OpenBSD CDs

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Check these out -
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    cereal shirt []
    Both available from the beerho [] online store!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's disgusting that this flamebait of a reply has been moderated a 4 for insightful.

    You are calling OBSD a recent splitoff? Theo split the source 6 years ago now. The BSDs have only been around, what, 11 years? How in the world is that "quite recent"? Are people in the other BSD and Linux camps that ignorant that they cannot even count the years a project has been around?

    The NetBSD and OpenBSD split was certainly NOT because of personal differences, as you suggest. It was a direct result of the NetBSD sparc maintainer not being competent enough to review and incorporate code changes submitted by Theo to the project. The NetBSD core group appeared willing to accept Theo's code changes, but did nothing to facilitate it even while it was clear mounds of code enhancements were being neglected. This is public knowledge. Unfortunately, many, as you have shown, depend largely on a reputation they've gained third hand knowledge of.

    How do you classify the IPF controversy an overreaction? You are fully aware that IPF still works with OBSD? You are clear on the fact that IPF's license is not a BSD license, and still is not, and that has been confirmed and promoted by IPF's author, Darren Reed? You are aware that Net and FreeBSD developers also took notice when Darren clarified his license?

    No one has stated someone who downloads another unoffical ISO is a freeloader. In fact, Theo is well aware of these ISOs. They were even available on cheapbytes. So don't be an ass and quote it like someone involved in the OBSD project stated it. In fact, if you even read the OBSD faq, the variety ways you can freely download OBSD is there, in clear, plain directions.

    Your attitude and misinformation is the direct reason why OBSD folks do not want to deal with NetBSD and FreeBSD users. It's really just not worth it. As soon as you feel your own choice os is threatened, you immediately jump to the nontechnical; you're more interested in pointing out the reputation of a lead developer rather than boosting your os on its own merits.

  • The ISO's are also available at [], which might be faster than the .hu site.

  • by cpeterso ( 19082 )

    I guess BSD truly is freer than Linux! BSD is about giving freedom to the developers.

  • by befletch ( 42204 ) on Friday June 08, 2001 @08:59PM (#167607)

    How does flamebait like this end up as +4 insightful?

    I don't know you, Baki, and you may be the nicest guy in the world, but I would bet a lot of money that Theo has given 10 times more free software to the world than you ever will, and he's still at it. Sure, you can dismiss OpenBSD as a personality-driven 'splitoff', but many people see it as an important product that fills a niche nobody else has really been willing to address.

    He is a difficult, undiplomatic person.

    The list of significant free software contributors this sentence could apply to is long and distinguished.

    Therefore, OpenBSD always generates a lot of news (just look at the overreaction w.r.t. ipfilter a week ago)

    Here we go again. ipf is not free software. Theo et al should have clarified that long ago, and I'm sure they are quite upset with themselves that they didn't. However, OpenBSD has clear goals which ipf plainly violates, and even if Darren had wanted to come to an understanding with Theo like he apparently has with the FreeBSD and NetBSD maintainers, OpenBSD's goals gave Theo no choice but to pull ipf out of the kernel. Sticking to your principles is not an overreaction. And I'm not flaming Darren here either as he is welcome to do whatever he wants with his copyrights.

    The other free BSD's, the two main ones, FreeBSD and NetBSD, are free for download, also in ISO form.

    From my perspective, the 'two main ones' are OpenBSD and FreeBSD, but my criteria don't include frequency of use. And I think it is great that FreeBSD and NetBSD have downloadable ISO's. That way, if you can't afford to buy the official OpenBSD CD, you don't have a friend to borrow the official CD from, you can't download a boot-floppy and install over the net, and you don't trust the unofficial ISO's, you can always choose one of these other excellent operating systems. Why not try Linux while you are at it? It isn't like OpenBSD's ISO policy is damaging the free software movement.

    You only need to get a CD one time, and for years and years you can track the whole project with minimum bandwidth requirements.

    That sounds exactly like OpenBSD. If you ignore the net-install method, which allows a 0 CD installation.

    Even so, the FreeBSD project would like support in the form of sold CD's. But if you don't want to, there is absolutely nothing to make your life as a "freeloader" harder, on the contrary.

    Very true, and very commendable of them. And if OpenBSD or NetBSD meet your needs the best, find a way to install them instead; you aren't going to save any time or money trying to recreate all that work by yourself.

  • by questionlp ( 58365 ) on Thursday June 07, 2001 @10:58AM (#167608) Homepage
    The reason why the ISO images cannot be made official is that Theo de Raadt has copyrighted the OpenBSD CD-ROM's ISO layout.

    Below is a snippet of the OpenBSD FAQ (which can be found here []:

    3.1.2 - Does OpenBSD provide an ISO image available for download? You can't. The official OpenBSD CD-ROM layout is copyright Theo de Raadt, as an incentive for people to buy the CD set. Note that only the layout is copyrighted, OpenBSD itself is free. Nothing precludes someone else to just grab OpenBSD and make their own CD.
  • by Baki ( 72515 )
    Don't take OpenBSD as an representative for BSD please.

    FreeBSD has a much larger userbase than NetBSD. FreeBSD is optimized for Intel, NetBSD is geared towards portability. OpenBSD is a quite recent splitoff from NetBSD, with an even smaller userbase as NetBSD. The split was because of personal differences between Theo de Raadt and the "rest of the world".

    He is a difficult, undiplomatic person. Therefore, OpenBSD always generates a lot of news (just look at the overreaction w.r.t. ipfilter a week ago) and people, alas, get the impression that OpenBSD somehow is representative for the whole BSD community. In reality, OpenBSD really is the exception, and also from number of users is quite insignificant.

    The other free BSD's, the two main ones, FreeBSD and NetBSD, are free for download, also in ISO form. Tracking FreeBSD is extremely easy, with various options (CVS, CTM - compressed patches by email, CVSUP - compressed online cvs-patch).

    You only need to get a CD one time, and for years and years you can track the whole project with minimum bandwidth requirements. Even 9600 baud dial-up users don't need to order a CD at all. You can download the patches to keep the source tree up-to-date, and create an original ISO from this source tree for local redistribution if you like.

    Even so, the FreeBSD project would like support in the form of sold CD's. But if you don't want to, there is absolutely nothing to make your life as a "freeloader" harder, on the contrary.

  • I was just in the directory listed in linkage of the article and I see alpha and sparc base in addition to i386 base, however the packages secondary CD is only listed availibility as i386.
  • ...and probably many others. You have to trust a third party with putting the packages and installation routines together (seeing as theo has the copyright on the official ISOs) and then you open yourself up (slightly more) to things like trojan horses etc.

    Most OBSD a super freaky security geeks, so why would they trust anything but an official ISO?

  • and theo isn't making a stink about this?

  • I'm not the first. But after two years of basic linux knowledge I got to know OpenBSD 2.9 now, today, after arrival of my CDs from Belgium.
    It seems as if Wim Vandeputte does not have problems which delay shipping any longer.
    And, setting up pppd as in linux (but without usepeerdns) was no problem. Just my PCMCIA NE2k hangs.
    Despite that I find 2.9 official very ok, and I could even call myself proud of donating so to the project.
    But it is as we always do e.g. with StarCraft(tm): first try, e.g. let burn CDs by a friend or buy unofficial, then test.
    If the game/OS/whatsoever works and fits you, as I only keep Windoze(tm) for playing SC, you buy it.
    Not to forget the CD-Key (SC) and those super-nice stickers (OBSD) - I nearly laughed me to death when I saw the comics on it...
    One of them yet has found its way to my laptop, and the rubbish bin sticker will renice my Windoze 1859(tm) CD.

    Anyone experience with StarCraft/WINE under OBSD?

  • create a porn directory and change sbin to shin. ^_^
  • This is a bad idea since the .iso's are 600MB's while you can get the same packages off of ftp for less than 100. waste of time, space, and bandwidth.

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. -- Albert Einstein
