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BSD Operating Systems

BSDi EMEA Closing Operations 8

Major Grubert writes "BSDi Europe, Middle East and Africa has closed operations. I found out after not getting any news from our local rep (in Barcelona) after I'd sent him some feedback about a new server they'd let us test. Nothing about this on their website... We adore FreeBSD, and this doesn't inspire much confidence in BSDi (soon to be known as iX Systems) as a *BSD supporting company - they were actually making some inroads in the Spanish market. I hope at least our support contracts with them will be honoured..."
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BSDi EMEA Closing Operations

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  • i was always under the impression that FreeBSD gets a lot more use outside of the united states when compared to other free OS's.You would think they would want to go into places that are just getting into the whole computing scene...
  • but they *support* freebsd. emerging markets for FreeBSD are emerging markets for BSDi. Read BSDi's homepage before you post. dolt.
  • Bah, they've sent a courier round to pick it up already... and send it back to the US. Not a bad little box, actually. 1U, half a rack deep, dual PIII, and with Apache and qmail preinstalled with a web GUI you can use to configure everything from DNS entries to mailboxes to webspace.
  • Remember that BSDi's Software Divisions were sold to Windriver a few weeks ago... http://slashdot.org/bsd/01/04/04/2053238.shtml [slashdot.org]
  • You missed my point... I use Windows while I'm at work myself (some of the time) but just because I'm working on a Windows machine doesn't change the fact that I'm a bg time BSD user.

    mainframe (mnfrm)
    n. Computer Science
    A large, powerful computer, often serving several connected terminals.

    I'd like to know how exactly you think I've used it incorrectly.
  • Not that I even believe you but.....

    BSDi has never been touted as a Desktop OS, it's main purpose has always been Servers and mainframes. Besides that, the employees are probably forced to use Windows as interoperability is constantly being worked on by BSDi.
  • You don't work at BSDi now do you?


    You probably don't even work in a unix-oriented shop,


    Nor is your job to convince VC's that they should buy into a unix system.

    Not usually,but occasionally, in fact, I do.

    If it was, you'd probably have the forsight to realize that making use of your own system MIGHT help your sales pitch.

    On workstations? I'm sure BSDi uses their own OS on their servers, which is what they are trying to convince people to use BSDi for.

    BSDi has never had a mainframe product

    BSDi is designed to (and does) run on everything from tiny embedded systems to the big iron.

    Bitch and complain all you want but you can't change the facts.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    BSDi is out of money. Closing these extra offices was a sure thing as of months ago. Blame the CEO, Gary Johnson. That guy is astondingly clueless. I mean, it's one thing for clueless linux-kiddie-dot-coms to go under, but BSDi? Come on here, we're talking about a company that employs Mike Karels and Paul Vixie. They are a far cry from linux-weazel.com hiring Joe CS Grad from CSU Chico. It took a real dope of a CEO to drag this company down. Not to mention the cluelessness of general upper management, and sales folk pushing in the wrong direction. BSDi tried to tell us that they were going to be a big player, all by themselves, in the embedded systems market for gawds sake! Hardly the low-cost, high-avail, high-performance server market that BSDi was successful in for years beforehand.

    Ironically enough, the marketdroids and upper-management-dopes had their embedded-systems wish come true with the Wind River purchase.

    For the sake of the engineers, I hope the Wind River deal makes BSDi into something big. This is a small company, but it has the engineering capacity of someone like Sun or IBM. Good engineers deserve money. BSDi engineers deserve lots of it.

Where there's a will, there's an Inheritance Tax.
