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Announcements Operating Systems BSD

New OpenBSD Resource Site 5

Anonymous Coward writes "I have created an OpenBSD resource site that links to guides, tutorials, how-tos and other information for this great secure OS. Directed at new users, or those just after help on a particular topic. After searching the web I noticed there is not really a *complete* listing of OpenBSD resources anywhere. I also thought it would interest anyone wanting to learn a *BSD operating system - so why not OpenBSD?"
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New OpenBSD Resource Site

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    how is this different than THIS []?!
  • really good. Thanx for the effort!!!
  • Well, besides spelling "helpful" wrong, there are many people who use bsd on their firewalls, to secure their private networks. It is a good choice, after all, it has not had a remote security hole for the past three years. I know many people that need help with it, however.

    So please, don't make ignorant posts like this, it increases the noise to talk ratio.

  • forgot to say it is actually three years in the default install

  • Well, it's much better organized, for starters. And if the author continues to take interest in it, it will be more up-to-date than any search engine as well.

    Google sucks somewhat less than other search engines, but it still has problems with dead links or live links to stale pages. The pages it returns are organized by past popularity and not necessarily relevence to a particular issue. Someone involved in the OpenBSD community can update a page such as this immediately when new information appears, and prune out old links as needed. He can provide nested table-of-contents and succinct descriptions of the listed pages.

    Google can take weeks to spot a new resource, and even longer to forget about a once-popular resource that has been superceded or removed. The text excerpts provided by Google often are of little help in deciding whether a link is relevent. Humans, especially humans with knowledge and interest in a particular area, create much more useful lists.

    This page looks like a good start for someone wanting to learn about OpenBSD, complementing the site. I predict that it won't be too long before it's one of the first results returned from your Google query.


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