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Toys Operating Systems BSD

Beastie in Bronze 55

So it's pewter rather than bronze, but that didn't alliterate as well. The folks over at Linux Jewellery have this amazing statue of the beastie available. Much kudos to Patryk Zadarnowski and the folks at Eliza Design Studio.
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Beastie in Bronze

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Ya, it's called a Gateway.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I wish they'd have shown it in all the various metallic combinations that are available. I wouldn't want to shell out for this unless I had a rough idea what it was gonna look like.

    Obvious question I'm sure everyone's asking...

    When's the penguin gonna be available?
  • 5 Days? How, I can't get an order delivered from thinkgeek in less than 5 days and I am in the states!

    Try for linux stuff in Australia
  • So it's pewter rather than bronze, but that didn't alliterate as well.
    A penguin in pewter would alliterate just fine.
  • 5 second search:

    oak []
    pine (?) []
    more wood []
    legos []
    more crazy ones []

    I've seen more. There's that article about the gameboy in pine that was on /. not too long ago...

  • Probably a question of volume/scale (size of the run, not size of the model).

    I doubt they'll be making as many of these. Some of the little pewter model car makers churn out thousands of them...

  • I'm reading the whole 'trilogy', iot's taking more than 48 hours. And I've been taking breaks. Reading for more than a few hour gives me headaches.

  • I've seen all those before. They're all, well, nice. But I want antique looking, not Futuristic or just wooden.

    I'm thinking more of something MOSTLY bronze with wood bevels (would conduct heat better).

  • Yeah, that's it, something old looking. I was thinking mostly brass or bronze with some wood bevels and things, for practical reasons (it would conduct heat better).

    Maybe I'll just spraypaint my case bronze. Hehe.

  • by Jethro ( 14165 )
    Ok, it's cute, but I'd hardly call it News or "Mind Blowing".

    I want a computer case made of bronze and wood. You know, make it look like things used to look 100 years ago. A fake-antique computer case.

    I can visualize it, but unfortunetly have none of the technical skills required to make one. I know you can get a nice alluminum case at Thinkgeek, but that's not the same. I'm really tired of baige metal/translucent plastics.

    Actually I'm just tired. Been up for about 48 hours. I hate books. I start reading one and can't stop. Joe Haldeman is pretty darn good.

  • If you're interested, we may produce penguins (Tux) or other "beasties" made of wood and handpainted by professional artworkers.

    If many of you interested, I may ask how much it would cost massproducing them (probably a 6inch/15cm statuette will cost about 60 US$).


  • It's no more a penguin than it is bronze!
  • Someone from Canada is selling a Beastie statuette on eBay [] with an initial bid of $299.00. Personally, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm angry that he is trying to rip people off. On the other hand, he is not misrepresenting the item so if he sells it, the bidder deserves what he gets. Caveat Emptor!
  • I can't wait to get everyone of those beautiful items. They will come in handy when I need something that will induce vommitting when someone at my office has swallowed poison.
  • John F. Kennedy was anonymous? During his Inauguration Speech? Neat. :)
  • Something that looks a hundred years old, or so. Victorian
    Just to be pointlessly pedantic (after the use of a search engine ;), anything Victorian would have to be over a hundred years old. Queen Victoria died on the 22nd of January 1901; 100 years, 1 month and one day ago (at the time of writing).

    Just my -/-/2d,


  • I wouldn't like to see a demon holding an apache feather...

    Just stupid.
  • How come every BSD story sees you post this same crap over and over? Secretly you must have a big hard on for BSD.

    Besides which all you need do is visit somewhere like Netcraft to see your figures are total bullshit.

  • I've got a full color beastie that will on top of my wedding cake March 3rd.
  • ...that that is where all the neighborhood daemons have disappeared to. It started with one, named Fred, about 6 months ago and they have been disappearing at a steady rate ever since. It just shows you how brave the little guys are. Smiling in their last moments and all. *sniff* Makes me want to write a BSD Anthem.
  • $299!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?! item=1412265418
  • It's not a demon, it's a daemon. Anyway, look at [] for an even weirder mix of projects in one image :-)

    That said, I think this daemon is cool... Bit expensive, but... Where's that credit card... Zirconium plated, please... Hold the bun.

  • I was hoping it was a mini statue of either Mike D, MCA, or Adrock, I like them beasties.
  • Not news. Give them a banner.
  • Who are you to say what is art and what is not?

    Don't be so presumptuous.

  • Paint. That inexpensive oil base goop that some guy slopped all over a piece of canvas and called it "the mona lisa". Now he is attaching a dollar value to it#@$!! We must stop these pirates before they art-pirate everything we know and love.

  • From Kirk himself...

    Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999
    From: Kirk McKusick
    To: John Carson
    Subject: Re: beasties name..

    The daemon's name is NOT Chuck; that is a name cooked up by some advertising droid at Walnut Creek. He is very proud of the fact that he does not have a name, he is just the BSD daemon. If you
    insist on a name, call him beastie.

    Kirk McKusick

  • You are on the way to debt.
    You have no chance to afford.

    Seriously - is pewter really this expensive these days? I could get a _very_ detailed model car in pewter for a lot less than 70 dollars in the town centre here. Then again - it could give at least 70 dollarsworth of enjoyment when used as a weighty clue brick.

  • I find the whole idea of wearing jewlery odd anyway, but this is just disturbing. I could think of so many other ways of expressing your affinity for an OS. Oh well.
  • Well, I thought this was a very nice touch. I do agree with some of the postings that $70 is a bit much for a 3" figurine. However, I did like the flavor of the whole thing. For instance, this comment in the description: "With Apache, BSD looks even cuter and happier than ever. However, beware! There are rumours that the feather has been plucked from a certain penguin instead of an eagle." Not only is this on a site with Linux in the name but they are poking a little fun at the rivalry between the users of both OS flavors. I thought it was fun and lighthearted... a good break from some of the disparaging comments that go back and forth, which I admit to trading myself. Kind of reminds me why I love the open source community in general.
  • That has got to be the UGLIEST jewellery on the face of the planet, and I'm also including the insides of the mouths of many rap groups and the atrocious jewellery found in the "islands" in shopping malls; you know, the silver plated "dollah" signs and big ugly dragons?

    Heck, even some of the jewellery from the 70s (huge gold-plated chains with anchors, etc) have a certain cachet compared to these.

  • This "beastie" is really THE DEVIL mated with a smurf.
  • No, no, no. His name is not Chuck. Why don't you look at what Kirk McKusick, the creator of the daemon image has to say. []
  • by filz ( 222638 )
    am i the only one here that thinks it's a vile nasty bit of kitsh? bsd is clearly a groovy bit of software, the little daemon is (in graphical form) rather groovy too, but nasty little bronze statues of it??? (reminds me of them horrific 'wade wimsies'...)



  • Yeah, those are neat,.. But, after hearing from this guy, I'm picturing something in polished oak, with brass all about... Something that looks a hundred years old, or so. Victorian.
  • But, at a mere 3", I don't quite think that it's worth $70 USD. However, I do think that this would be a great thing to sneak into an expense report somewhere... AFter all, a little guardian statue really helps a machine. I still have the puppet of Yoda, patron saint of boxen, sitting atop my machine, and the uptimes have just soared...
  • Pewter. That inexpensive alloy you can by for nowt at a scrap yard. The work in these has gone into the design of the original model, and the time taken to polish them up after casting. I think the intrinsic value is more like $15, so $29.95 would be a fair price...
  • I wish this had been posted BEFORE valentine's day. This site makes the stuffed tux from thinkgeek that i got my boyfriend look pretty cheap now, doesn't it?
  • I kid you not, I ordered the two fridges on a wednessday and had them on the monday or tuesday next week. I paid a bit for the shipping (expectable) but, heck that was damn fine speed. All things arrived in good nick. A similar thing happened when I ordered a CPU crad for my mac .. it was even faster (or it would have been if it weren't for Aus. Customs, but that only added a day) In general I have received stuff from teh US faster then if I had orderd it here! (with the exception being which was fast as well =) Pleased Customer Alert)
  • BUT ..then I saw that these guys are actually in Australia (in fact they are located close to my ex gf =) ) .. *ANY* cool open source thingies are nice to have down under, we get so little cool linux stuff here (but thinkgeek does ship to us ..and fast too.. two deskfridges made their way my way in under 5 days.)
  • wtf? They could have at least used his proper name.

    His name is Chuck .
  • Well, this will likely be your only chance to have 0wn3d BSD - so go for it!!

  • Try actually casting some pewter beasties and then come back and tell us your time is worth nothing.
  • I always thought the Daemon was designed by John Lasseter (now head creative honcho at Pixar). Did he assign copyright to McKusick?

  • Wrong! According to McKusick he really doesn't have a name. But if a name must be given Beastie is preferred. Keep saying BSD aloud to yourself; it will sound like Beastie. Similar to the way Acadien became Cajun.
  • [] have some cool cases. They may be able to help you. How about using a beastie statue as a case? I wonder if futurecase do special requests...
  • Can you get "SWEATSHOP" engraved on the shoes?

    We're bought and sold for corporate gold
  • What Joe Haldeman book took you 48 hours? I finished both Forever Peace and Forever Free in well under that. About 24. If there is another longer one please let me know I'd like to read it. And you are right Joe rocks!
  • Hi! We're Linux Jewellery, so we sell BSD stuff. (???)
  • For people reading this story on the front page and loathe to follow a link, "the beastie" is the BSD Daemon.
    Non-meta-modded "Overrated" mods are killing Slashdot
  • This [] page from over at states:

    "The earliest (and most popular) renditions of the BSD Daemon were created by John Lasseter. [...] The copyright holder and creator of the daemon image is Marshall Kirk McKusick."
    (Emphasis mine.)

  • by Chuck Flynn ( 265247 ) on Thursday February 22, 2001 @11:29PM (#408474)
    For a very limited time, you can own the Beastie for only USÊ$69.95.
    I thought the whole point of the BSD liscense was that you got to keep stuff to yourself didn't have to give it back. What gives?
  • by _xeno_ ( 155264 ) on Thursday February 22, 2001 @11:46PM (#408475) Homepage Journal
    You mean these penguin statues []? They're shown on the main page of the Linux Jewllery [] site. These also show off the variety of metals, so those interested in a Beastie might wanna check them out also.
  • by ooze ( 307871 ) on Thursday February 22, 2001 @11:40PM (#408476)
    As cute as the Deamon is, this shouldn't become usual business. I just don't want to see "Penguin Geek Barbie®" and "BSD Zealot Ken®" with fixed sitting positions and, when pushing the head, saying "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" with RMS voice.

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
