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BSD Operating Systems

Brand New Issue Of Daemon News 4

mikey wrote to us with the news that a new issue of DaemonNews has been released. Get your fill of the little devil there.
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Brand New Issue of Daemon News

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  • I hope the coverage will reflect all the major distros.
  • From:

    Mr. Suzuki is always looking for writers, especially for the OpenBSD area which are hard to find.

    If you feel OpenBSD writing isn't happening...step up to the plate.
  • What planet are you from? I know you're just a little troll trying to stir up the water, but you're smoking some really good crack if you believe this. Yeah, BSD is dying, it's worthless and will be a good riddance to see it go...

    ..which is why I see people migrating to it from Windows or Linux or any other OS..

    ..which is why it's a proven rock-solid server OS used on many huge production systems that can't afford to go down

    ...which is why I've personally helped several people avoid expensive Cisco equipment with a little BSD box doing everything a PIX could do and more. Hmm, $12K cisco box or $350 BSD box which has even more features - you decide.

    Sure, sometimes the BSD community is a bit rough on the edges (mostly because of the competition between the BSDs), but don't tell me that Linux people don't get into distro flamewars.

    And no, I'm not some anti-Linux freak either. It has its place, and I use it where I feel it really shines (this post brought to you by Netscape on Linux).
  • Someone should point out that subscriptions to the print edition are available through the DaemonNews website.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." -- Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards
