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The Internet Operating Systems BSD

Setting Up IPv6 On BSD 5

by by writes "O'Reillynet's OpenBSD Explained column recently explained how to setup IPv6 on OpenBSD. Interesting glimpse into the future of the Internet." True enough. It was my impression that the BSDs all got IPv6 at the same time though, courtesy of the work carried out by the KAME group. On a very much related note, Jim O'Gorman has written an IPv6 Behind a NAT article for this month's Daemon News, which also makes getting involved in IPv6 easier.
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Setting Up IPv6 On OpenBSD

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  • I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but I've read in a few places that if we were going to invent a planet sized network, TCP/IP is a terrible way to do it. I'm not sure what they had in mind to replace it.

    Isn't IPv6 still TCP/IP? Does this still suffer from the problems of IPv4, just with a lot more address space? Or am I missing something?

    I'm not knocking anything that's being done, but instead of going towards IPv6, wouldn't we be better moving towards a new structure, the one that will eventually replace what we are using now? Will we still be using TCP/IP in the distant future (50 years)? Or will it be stuck with us, and we just keep coming up with kludges to get around it (tunneling anyone?).

    Just random thoughts of a VERY tired person!

  • I think your first sentence was correct :-)

    The TCP part of TCP/IP works pretty well, the
    problems are with the IP(v4) part which is running out of address space etc. Those are the issues IPv6 addresses.

    Like it or not, TCP and UDP are goign to be
    around for a very long time, so the layer 3 protocol they run over damn well better support them.
  • I probably don't know what I'm talking about ... Just random thoughts of a VERY tired person! I think your first sentence was correct :-) I've got to stop posting late a night! Night time is for writting code, not trying to make sensible comments :)
  • This story, while it has some new links, is basically a duplicate of the story I posted back in May on the same subject. The ORA story on OpenBSD (in fact, the whole series) is pretty good, as would be expected from ORA. However, it's not much new information in comparison to the earlier story, and the howto at
  • If you were not just typing, I may add, that IPv6 is all about more security, and stablity in IP. The poor thing is, as we eventualy move on with IPv6, all those people who fear the Net, because it was designed without security considerations, may jam the Net even worse than they do now, if Ipv6 gets in place :(

    Hmm, why get a hard copy of this 6TB DB, just do a query over the net ech time a customer logs in... *argl*

One person's error is another person's data.
