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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 29 declined, 51 accepted (80 total, 63.75% accepted)


Submission + - Russian Anti-Spam Advisor Accused of Spamming (

CmdrTaco writes: "Keith noted that Krebs has an interesting story on a businessman in Russia
being accused of
running a spam ring while serving as an anti-spam advisor to the Russian government. It's a strange tale including an investigation in 2007 that was abandoned when the Chief investigator was actually hired to work for the spammer."


Submission + - Why I Steal Movies (Even Ones I'm In) (

CmdrTaco writes: "Jamie found a link saying 'Like a billion other people, I download things illegally. I'm also an actor, writer and director whose income depends on revenue from DVDs, movies and books.This leads to many conflicts in my head, in my heart, and in bars.'"

Submission + - Rockstar Ships Max Payne 2 Cracked By Pirates (

CmdrTaco writes: "Jamie noticed a fairly amazing little story about Rockstar shipping a version of Max Payne 2 via steam that was actually>cracked by pirates to remove the DRM. The going theory was that it was easier for them to simply use the pirate group's crack then to actually remove their DRM themselves."

Submission + - Astronomers find 9 new planets and upset the theor (

CmdrTaco writes: "The discovery of nine new planets challenges the reigning theory of the formation of planets, according to new observations by astronomers. Two of the astronomers involved in the discoveries are based at the UC Santa Barbara-affiliated Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, based in Goleta, Calif., near UCSB."

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