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BSD Operating Systems

Jordan Hubbard Resigns from FreeBSD Core 344

SteelX was one of many readers to cite this story in the Daily Daemon News which reports that "Jordan Hubbard is resigning from the FreeBSD core. Jordan is a founding member of the FreeBSD project." Note: According to this email, Hubbard is definitely not quitting FreeBSD; he's just changing the nature of his involvement with it.
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Jordan Hubbard Resigns from FreeBSD Core

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  • by Dirty Pickle ( 576372 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @08:15PM (#3433139)
    You've done me nothing but right.

    Thanks a million for all your hard work.
    • I agree! Without this man and all of the BSD crew where would computing be today? There is a reason Apple chose BSD to be the core of the greatest operating system to date. Thank you very much!
    • by juuri ( 7678 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @09:29PM (#3433509) Homepage
      If it wasn't for Jordan, FreeBSD would really be dead. Many of you don't remember because you weren't around but when jkh started working his ass off on FreeBSD it was a pile of stinking refuse. This was during the time of the rising linux kernel (around rev .99? or earlier?). Unix on peecees was not pretty and not in way reliable. I worked at one of the first small ISPs (this was when Gopher was king) and a coworker convinced us to migrate from linux to FreeBSD because of some really bad linux fs bugs at the time (INN+linux was asking for trouble).

      We never looked back. Over the years I've built at least 50 servers based on FreeBSD and at least that many based on linux. I've found them both to be reliable and good enough for commercial use but thanks to jkh and his pragmatic views on an OS distribution FreeBSD has been the more "stable" OS over the years.
      • by siliconinc.net ( 447486 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @11:13PM (#3433866) Homepage
        Over the last few years of contracts and ISP migrations, Ive built somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 fbsd machines. I still have maintenance retainers on a lot of them, and spend less time working on them than I do the handful of windows and redhat machines I have to deal with now. Its quite possibly the most stable OS (with the possible exception of IRIX) Ive ever dealt with. Big thanks for jkh for making it all possible, and saving me from a few late night support calls.

        Anyone know how we could send jkh a nice case of beer and a pizza in return for the great work?
      • Yes, FreeBSD is the most stable OS I ever used.
        Yesterday, our company's mail server ( a Redhat Linux ) sunddenly stopped working and crashed, when we power off it and power on again, we found that the system just can not auto recover from crash, it refused continue to mount other filesystemes, we later found that our five ext2 file systems are all corrupted, we must manually
        repair it, when finished the recover, we found mass file were lost.
        we also use FreeBSD as our CVS server, in two years, we never found FreeBSD crash, we never lost
        data even someone imprudencly power off it without shutdown system.

        FreeBSD is rock solid, it's true.

        Thanks Jordan and other FreeBSD hackers, you are my hero.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 29, 2002 @08:19PM (#3433155)
    1. BSD is NOT dying. Trolls are not even dying. Right now, *bsd has, due to apple, a larger install base than even linux. Both will grow; both are good.
    2. Read the article before posting. Read it. Did you read it? All of it? Really? OK, then take this article quiz:
      1. What is the "core team"?
      2. How long has JKH been on the core?
      3. Where does JKH currently work?
      4. Will JKH be replaced? Where on the net can you find procedures detailing this process?
      5. Do some research. How many people have been removed from the core? How many people have resigned from the core? What happens when a person quits the core team?
      If you got a 50% or better, then you've read the article, did a google search, read some more, and likely have something to say that is not a rumor, falsehood, or a profound misunderstanding.
    • Can you truly prove that the trolls aren't dying? I've had my faith tested before, but it would come as a shocking blow to know that these weenies might somehow achieve immortality. Certainly, they have to be vulnerable to everything the rest of us are... can they not be killed?

      Sooner or later, real life karma HAS TO catch up with them. We may never know for certain, but I for one, am looking for that strange little article on page 4 of the newspapers, describing how the most unbelievable set of circumstances managed to simultaneously drown, decapitate, burn, crush and and poison some pimply faced jerk of a teenager. This will be the one clue we have... that, and the slight S/N ratio increase here on /.
    • I dont remember the article saying where he worked. Maybe the Polish Parliment
    • I thought the installed base statistic with OS X/BSD was for desktops, not machines total. Is there another statistic that relates total BSD machines (I assume we're limiting ourselves to Open/Net/FreeBSD and OS X) to total GNU/Linux machines? The linux counter has 125,000 linux users and 95,000+ registered machines. They estimate 18 million total users (but don't say for machines). I've seen other estimates between, geez, I think it was 2 million and 60 million installed machines? Quite a range.

      While we're on that topic, it would be interesting to see something about the embedded market as well. It's always tough to guage these things because GNU/Linux has huge popularity compared to the *BSD operating systems.

      -Paul Komarek
      • The Linux Counter is about as inaccurate as you can get. I've registered three computers there, and no longer use linux anywhere. I've moved everything to OpenBSD and Windows XP.
        • And I've added three linux machines (ipaq, laptop, and old desktop) that aren't yet registered at the Linux Counter. I imagine that, for instance, embedded linux companies fail to register every embedded machine they use.

          Microsoft counts OEM Windows sales as equivalent to Windows usage. They could use registration numbers, but those would be too low. And then there is "piracy" in the case of Windows.

          I figure the Linux Counter isn't any worse than any other estimation method -- especially since we're not even being careful to define what we mean by "user". At any rate, they guy's estimate of 18 million linux users falls between the research companies' estimates of 2 million to 60 million. =-)

          -Paul Komarek
    • 1. What is the "core team"?
      2. How long has JKH been on the core?
      3. Where does JKH currently work?
      4. Will JKH be replaced? Where on the net can you find procedures detailing this process?
      5. Do some research. How many people have been removed from the core? How many people have resigned from the core? What happens when a person quits the core team?

      But what does any of that have to do with a rhetorical request to

      Imagine a beowulf cluster of Jordan Hubbards

    • And I'm confident that FreeBSD shall prove this.

      We FreeBSD users have always claimed that one of the big edges FreeBSD has over Linux, is that it is not a one man show. Linux will have a hard time and is in risk of fragmentation when Linus leaves Linux development. FreeBSD, much better organized, is not in such danger.

      The first test when JKH stepped down as president and became a mere core member has been very succesful. Now is the next stage where the original 'leader' kind of leaves the project. Now FreeBSD can show that it is indestructible and not in any way dependant on a single person.
    • Damn. Nobody told me there was going to be a quiz. Did you annouce this? I was up late studying for Mr. Burnttoast's Linux test this afternoon. I didn't even think about BSD. This is so unfair.
  • by ablair ( 318858 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @08:24PM (#3433185)
    I think it's actually good news for *BSD that Hubbard has quit core. Besides wasting his talents on administrative tasks, he obviously didn't like the squabbling anymore. Now someone with managerial enthusiasm can move into his core position, and Jordan can focus on what he does best for *BSD - contribute good code. A good deal all around.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 29, 2002 @08:26PM (#3433202)
    It has to be the most long-lasting troll (that still receives a hefty number of responses) of all time. The sheer cunning and craftmanship that has gone into the piece of work is clearly the product of an unsung genius.
  • Wasn't he going to work on OS X at Apple anyway? I seem to recall reading that somewhere.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hubbard has done a lot to make FreeBSD exist in the
    form he does today. The rest of the core team
    is really strong, but clearly his involvement
    will be missed. An interesting question for the
    Linux side of things will be how long some of their
    mainstays (Torvalds, Cox, et al) will hang in.
    Everyone needs a change of direction sometime--
    no one expects these people to want to do the same
    thing for the rest of their lives, and it would
    be unrealistic to do so.
  • Thanks for all the hard work and effort to date Jordan! Take all your time and energy and put it into Mac X -- the OS of my next computer!

    To all the "See BSD IS dying" trolls -- seems Jordan is leaving in a large part because of the bureaucracy and management overhead. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those signs of too much growth?

  • As Jordan Hubbard becomes more and more a MacOS X posession, I just imagine Hexley vs. Beastie in a Celebrity Deathmatch.

    It is sort of sad to see something like that happen, though. One could assume it was inevitable, though I suppose that would be hard without knowing what exactly he does at Apple.

  • here's a link [slashdot.org] to the /. story about Hubbard joining Apple . (not much of a read though...)
  • I wonder if those trolls had something to do with it? :P

    I switched my webserver from Linux to FreeBSD and haven't looked back.
    • Re:hmm... (Score:1, Offtopic)

      by totallygeek ( 263191 )
      [Your signature]
      rm -fr /bin/laden

      You don't want to watch? rm -frv /bin/laden

  • ...Does Jordan drink beer. Because I would really like to find a way to send him some Moose Drool [bigskybrew.com].

    I find that after a really hard semester during which I've done nothing but pound my head at school and work. A good beer is the best way to unwind and relax. Jordan most definitely deserves it.

    Best of luck to you Jordan, and thank you for all the really great work you've done for the world's best OS.


  • kind of strange (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Pierre ( 6251 )
    All the trolls are trolling for a troll.
  • I think that perhaps one day Jordan was asked by Apple executive types "Why are you still helping a BSD that is light years ahead of Apple's, which, by the way, we are trying to keep up with, when you could be spending more time helping Darwin play catch-up?"

    Seriously, though, FreeBSD 5 rocks and Darwin is stuck in the old 3.? days. Macs would rock even more if they had a more modern BSD.
    • There is some truth to this, but for the most part
      it's bogus. There's a lot to the Mac OS X kernel
      that's not BSD at all. For example, the SMP stuff
      is at the Mach layer, if I understand correctly.

      Not to be mean, but please don't shoot your mouth
      off like this, it's bad for everybody. It's ok to
      speculate, but mark it as speculation.
    • Not to mention there's a lot of synergy between both Apple and us BSD developers.

      Robert Watson and his TrustedBSD project has even got commit access on the Darwin tree.

      Scott Long and myself have for UDF some contact with some Apple people.

      Just because it is not visible to the general public doesn't mean that it is not there.
  • Thank you, Jordan (Score:3, Insightful)

    by benedict ( 9959 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @10:50PM (#3433807)
    I don't know if you're reading this, but if you are,
    I just want to say: thank you.
  • by ahde ( 95143 ) on Monday April 29, 2002 @11:08PM (#3433853) Homepage
    He's probably gone over to work with those commie satanists [slashdot.org]
  • I've come to respect the /. system of open moderation and I ask myself why these trolls are still at 0?

    As for *BSD, from what I gather OpenBSD is still the only OS that can claim no remote vulnerabilities with the standard distro over four years. If there was ever a reason to use it as a firewall/gateway/router this should be it. I don't know much about FreeBSD and NetBSD except for Theo de Raadt's rant's about IP, but I like the OpenBSD attitude: They don't seem to see themselves in competition with any OS, they take their time to review the code and release a solid OS. On top of this they have a definite plus in terms of not being developed in the US and therefore not being subject to US export restrictions.
  • Jordan hubbard resigns. Sounds like the work of the devil [slashdot.org] to me.
  • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <ed@membled.com> on Tuesday April 30, 2002 @05:12AM (#3434631) Homepage
    Obviously what will happen now is that Jordan Hubbard will purchase a fleet of ships, give himself the rank of commodore and set up a mysterious 'BSD Organization' sailing around the globe.

I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get any older.
