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BSD Operating Systems Businesses Apple

Darwin/Mac OS X: The Fifth BSD 64

LiquidPC writes: "Lance M. Westerhoff from AppleLust has written a superb article on the history of BSD. The article talks about the first versions of BSD and continues with the stories of NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, BSDi, and it finishes off with Darwin/MacOSX."
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Darwin/Mac OS X: The Fifth BSD

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  • wierd (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jacobb ( 93907 ) on Sunday April 14, 2002 @05:30PM (#3340443) Homepage
    Funny, how he writes a whole long lengthy article on bsd, and misspells it EVERY time. It's Berk e ley.

    Makes me wonder

  • by BSDGeek ( 528577 )
    What about ClosedBSD?
  • Does that mean that JUNOS [] is the sixth BSD?

Two percent of zero is almost nothing.
