Debian NetBSD 346
bXTr writes "Interesting project over at SourceForge. Quoting from the website, 'Debian NetBSD is a port of the Debian Operating System to the NetBSD kernel. It is currently in an early stage of development and cannot currently be installed from scratch. Instead, a tarball of the current envionment is available and can be extracted into a handy directory on a NetBSD system.' Check out the reasons why they're doing it and some interesting commentary at DailyDaemonNews on this."
kaboom (Score:1)
Re:kaboom (Score:3, Insightful)
Eh... why not? (Score:1)
debian netbsd port (Score:1)
Disclaimer: Yes, yes, I know what they did and it's not porting an OS. I just found it sort of funny, in a 'tables-have-been-turned' sort of way.
I would prefer the other way around (Score:5, Informative)
I just installed FreeBSD recently and have to say i was blown away with how professional the installer was, very simple and powerful - not to mention the ports system.
debian is nice, apt-get is a great program and the net install is awesome, but I can't say I have much love for dselect. I think debian shows the most promise of any linux distro right now, but in terms of polish, I have to give it to FreeBSD so far.
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:1)
I have been in no situation where the linux kernel is better than the FreeBSD kernel.
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm new to FreeBSD, so I might be wrong, but it seems like linux gets more of the new 'sexier' things. sambafs was on linux first, numa, IBM s/390 port - those kinds of things. not to mention binary support, which ok, there's linux emulation in FreeBSD, but it's easier to do it straight on linux.
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2, Informative)
binary support means I can run jdk1.3 natively without any emulation layer.
more drivers (like nvidia) are things that I do use on linux, and as for the rest, no they are not things that I need, but a possible reason why some one would choose linux over FreeBSD.
there is no need to start a flame fest here - both BSD and linux have their respective advantages.
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
Of course I'm not going to spend the time to make it. Talk is cheap
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:3, Insightful)
FreeBSD doesn't have as many drivers for esoteric hardware. Not a technical advantage for Linux so much as a side effect of the greater market penetration.
But that's the way it is, nevertheless.
Gentoo linux (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Gentoo linux (Score:1)
Re:Gentoo linux (Score:1, Informative)
Its a good idea though, I also would love to see BSD-like distro based on a Linux kernel.
Re:Gentoo linux (Score:2)
Re:Gentoo linux (Score:4, Informative)
Every couple days I use cvsup to suck down the modifications to the ports tree to my FreeBSD box. Then I happen to use a relatively new tool not in the base system (portupgrade, written in ruby) to check if my currently installed packages are up to date. If they aren't, I can instruct portupgrade to upgrade them or go to each directory individually and do a "make install". Oh yeah, each directory has a Makefile
It's sort of like why distribute the source code if it is just going to get out of date (plus you'll be getting the source for all kinds of crap you never end up using). Of course now each application must be compiled but if you don't want to do that you can use the packages (precompiled binaries that can be added with pkg_add, etc).
Another benefit is ports can be on any version of the operating system because it is independent of the base system. Look at RedHat and you'll see compiled packages for RedHat 6.2, 7.2, etc (of course, before someone knee jerks a reply, RPMS are out there but I'm trying to make a point here). Ports avoids this. The price is compilation. A trade off. You make the call.
Hope that helps. Here is the FreeBSD handbook section for ports: ports-using.html [freebsd.org] (it contains a better description of what files are in a ports directory).
FreeBSD ports and Sorcerer (Score:2, Insightful)
ports (Score:5, Insightful)
More like, what are rpm users missing out on? With rpm -i package.rpm the user may or may not be able to install the intended software. There could be real dependency problems, as in kde2 needs qt2. There could also be bogus dependency problems since you may have compiled qt2 from source but rpm wouldn't know about it.
Enter FreeBSD and ports. A typical FreeBSD install creates a directory called
But you don't have to take my word for it. Check this [freebsd.org] out.
My experience is limited to Mandrake, Slackware, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, but when I need to get sh*t done, BSD, espescially FreeBSD is my first choice just because the ports tree contains nearly any software I'd want to run, eliminating the bottleneck that software installation sometimes turns into and letting me get to the task at hand.
As an aside, it seems like everything that Mandrake tries to be to "joe sixpack" who is just getting into trying linux on the desktop, BSD is to the sysadmin or programmer who needs to get a *nix platform up and running for a certain task. Compiling a custom kernel, installing software, modifying the init process, etc are at least as easy for the sysadmin on BSD as adjusting the screen fonts and changing the wallpaper are for a newbie in Mandrake.
Re:ports (Score:2)
Personally I find that I rely on the installed RPMS of most everything (and once in a while upgrade my distro to get the newer X, KDE etc), and simply compile from tarballs anything that I really care about and want to be up-to-date with, which basically means development libraries and a few cutting edge utilities. It works for me.
Re:ports (Score:4, Insightful)
Because ports does not require packages. Example, if I want to install a KDE app, it does not require that I have the qt package installed. It searches for libqt.so. If it's a gtk package, it runs gtk-config, if it's apache, it runs apxs, and so forth. Now debian's a little better than RPM, which ends up making you force-install just about everything (defeating dependency checking) because you installed something from source, but you still have to intervene when a dependent package isn't present. Ports assumes you know what you're doing, and if the lib is there, it's there, it doesn't need a package manifest to tell you. It does check for the package first, and ports does build a package, so you get a package-based system that degrades gracefully when you don't religiously use the package system.
THAT is why I use ports. Because no sysadmin I know of takes the builds out of the box, they keep their source trees around to tweak and recompile as needed. Oh, and ports lets me do that doo, I just "make get" the port, cd work/packagename, and there's the source tree as if I'd untarred it myself. I can configure && make install it from there, or cd
Re:ports (Score:2)
Binaries are great for quickly getting a system up and running. But once you've got the system up and running, switch to source code.
Re:ports (Score:2)
This works well for a full time sysadmin, on a well resourced system, but on this Thinkpad I've got far better uses for the 2GB hard drive, and far better uses for my time. There's nothing to stop me doing a bit of source hacking on the bits I'm really interested in, of course.
Re:ports (Score:2)
Try these (Score:4, Informative)
Gentoo, a newcomer, to oversimplify a little the idea seems to be Slack+Ports. Haven't used it yet, heard some great things, sure looks promising. http://www.gentoo.org
Also another similar project that was just recently reported here - sorcerer linux. Don't know enough about it to differentiate it from gentoo, the ideas seem very similar unless I'm missing something (quite possible, haven't had the time to try either.) http://sorcerer.wox.org/
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:3, Funny)
Me too, but only to annoy the FSF zealots who keep insisting on GNU/this and GNU/that :) LinuxBSD would be funny--nothing GNU except for the toolchain and a few other utilities. I don't actually see a real advantage of a system like that over a standard Linux distro, but the idea amuses me :)
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
David Parsons created a distro a few years ago with pretty much exactly this in mind. Parsons on the GNU utilities: "Unfortunately, these tools come with a few albatrosses around their neck: FSF bloat, FSF philosophy, and Richard Stallman." One of his goals was to minimise the amount of GPL code in his distro.
It's called Mastodon Linux [portland.or.us].
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
Quite. Many of us use Linux despite the GNU userland, not because of it.
Apart from bash, that is. That beats [t]csh any day. The rest I can lose in favour of BSD.
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:3, Interesting)
I agree. Although I think the BSD kernel is arguably superior, having a Linux kernel would allow the rapidly increasing number of commercial applications that run on Linux to work.
The big, ugly, problem for me (and almost anyone else that's really worked with and appreciated the real power of *real* Unix, as opposed to Linux) has always been the GNU utilities. They're acceptable, but just barely. GNU Documentation stinks when iut's there at all, at least partly because even most FSF-backers recognize that man pages are the expected form of OS docs and info pages are a hoppeless GNU-ism.
The GNU utilities insist on using their own hopelessly convoluted syntax, (especially the hideous "--" options, another perversity enforced by the gnazis that intentionally creates a gulf between the GNU wasteland and the civilization of the Unix/BSD world.
The BSD utilities are one of the best reasons to run BSD - they are orders of magnitude more stable and standard than their GNU hack counterparts. The code for many of these utilities is indeed old, but has not remained static: The BSD utilities provide a level of maturity that GNU will probably never reach, simply because structure and gols of their organization forces the BSD folks care about such things, while that of GNU seems to ensure that that level of care and attention will not be lavished on the code. In my mind, this is a distinction that is far too often overlooked.
Re:the kernel? my god man (Score:4, Informative)
Ever heard of Linus Torvalds? Oh, and for the v2.4 kernel it's Marcelo Tosatti, for v2.2 it's Alan Cox. For v2.0, it's yours truly. It's hardly like anyone can get their code into the kernel. Anyone is free to submit patches though. That doesn't mean it'll get in.
As for the VM, yes, there have been problems (mostly with corner-cases, though), but v2.0.xx has a stable VM, v2.2.xx has a stable VM now, v2.4.xx has a stable, if somewhat unoptimal VM now, and v2.6 will hopefully have Rik van Riel's VM, which shares a lot of similarities with the VM from FreeBSD, but with some Linux-specific adaptments.
So please, don't spread FUD.
Re:ROFL (Score:2)
Yes, and your point? Timothy McVeigh (whatever) was a Christian, Oliver North was is a Republican and John Locke was an Anarcho-Syndicalist.
Re:the kernel? my god man (Score:3, Insightful)
This is true of the kernel, but the kernel is not the whole deal. One of the major problems with Linux is *that* it's every yahoo for himself -- Cox and Torvalds and a few others do the kernel, the glibc people are a different bunch, the X consortium [x.org], the ISC [isc.org], Apache Foundation [apache.org], plus all those assorted little libraries, you know the type, it's a kinda neat library, but you've only found 1 app that needs it
So, where the BSD team is some 10-20 people who can all get in a room and hash out details and come out with a coherent ports system, or a standard place to put software (apache goes in
This is a weakness in the Linux system of cooperation. It's also a strength. Just as no one can take control of the whole thing and fix it, also nobody can break the whole thing. Even if Linux and Cox between them decided to sabotage Linux, they couldn't, whereas one guy with cvs commit privileges on cvsup.freebsd.org could give himself a root shell on every BSD box on the planet. (Okay I exaggerate -- he'd get caught, probably, but that's only because most of the people working on BSD are good guys.)
Re:the kernel? my god man (Score:2)
As the saying goes :
two great things come from Berkley, LSD and BSD
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
Uh... Hrm... Mind trying to justify such a position? If it is worthless why is there such an effort in the FreeBSD community to make SMP priority for 5.0? Argue the point if you must but at least make sense
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2, Insightful)
SMPng project is not only about improving SMP performance of FreeBSD. It is also about making kernel fully preemtable, which has its advantages for real-time tasks, responsiveness in desktop and multgimedia environments. Besides, with an upcoming PPC and UltraSPARC ports having better SMP support kinda starts making more sense
Re:I would prefer the other way around (Score:2)
Well... (Score:1, Flamebait)
Cooperation (Score:3, Insightful)
Debian is not Linux (Score:5, Informative)
Well I agree with you that it's promising, but do remember that the Debian project is not Linux, but a GNU operating system. There is Debian GNU Linux, and there is Debian GNU HURD, and now (apparently) Debian GNU BSD.
Re:Debian is not Linux (Score:2)
Re:Debian is not Linux (Score:2)
Bullhockey! The name of the operating system is "Linux". The name of the distribution is "Debian". As the distributor, Debian could call the OS any damn thing they want. They could have called it "Fred", but they chose "GNU/Linux" because that involved the least amount of bloodshed on the Debian mailing lists.
A few definitions are in order:
Operating system: "software that controls the operation of a computer and directs the processing of programs (as by assigning storage space in memory and controlling input and output functions)" [Merriam Webster [m-w.com]]. This specifies a kernel and some bits of surrounding infrastructure (such as a filesystem, init scripts, etc). Everything else is extra. They are not part of the operating system.
The GNU System: An operating system created as part of the GNU Project. The FSF very clearly refers to GNU as "an operating system". Unfortunately, the FSF doesn't really know what an operating system is. They talk about games and mail clients and all sorts of stuff that aren't part of operating systems. It really seems that they aren't describing an operating system, but an overall collection of software that just happens to include an operating system.
Until Debian releases "Debian GNU/Hurd" in a finished state, there will be no GNU System.
Re:They're not cooperating... (Score:4, Insightful)
Don't have to install from source... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Don't have to install from source... (Score:2)
Re:Don't have to install from source... (Score:2)
Re:Don't have to install from source... (Score:2, Informative)
For NetBSD (and I'm pretty sure for OpenBSD as well) there's no need to make seperate sets of precompiled packages for -current and RELEASE since packages made for RELEASE run on -current as well.
(There's no NetBSD -STABLE tree, just -current and RELEASE.)
Re:They're not cooperating... (Score:2)
Really? We've got some BSD developers happily working with us. Nobody has yet actually made their displeasure at the situation known, other than some bitching on Slashdot-alikes. If they are annoyed, they're not annoyed enough to actually do anything about it.
I personally don't see the reasons for this project, other than political
That's why I went to the bother of writing this page [sourceforge.net].
Since 1999 (Score:2, Informative)
So how long... (Score:1)
So how long before they declare that we have to start calling it GNU/NetBSD?
Re:So how long... (Score:2)
yeah but,,, (Score:2, Funny)
Mac OS X will unify the *BSDs (Score:2, Interesting)
Really, the convergence of Debian package management, GNU utils and NetBSD kernel isn't all that special and WILL NOT create a stronger, unified, easy-to-use UNIX variant.
Please, try Mac OS X; there's every advantage to it without all the traditional UNIX disadvantages.
My hope is that OS X will unify the BSDs into its proper place - at the top of the OS food chain. Many Free/Open/NetBSD users are coming to that conclusion as are many Linux users, beset with flaky kernels and horrible OS packaging.
Apple OS X and the *BSDs will be our answer to WinTel/Linux obsolescence.
Re:Mac OS X will unify the *BSDs (Score:2)
I don't know where you get your hardware from, but it is my experience that the cheapest powerful kit around is Intel-compatible. I'd love one of these Mac boxes, but I just cannot afford one.
And as for the alpha, it was originally designed by Digital to run its VMS operating system, not Windows, which was at that time a 16-bit shell running on top of MS-DOS.
There is a huge need for something like this (Score:2, Interesting)
If you don't need third party application support or kernel threads, however, FreeBSD has a much more solid, reliable kernel.
It would be excellent if you could maintain different machines with different kernels as needed, but have everything on top of that be Debian (both because Debian is excellent, and because supporting a heterogenous OS environment is a pain best avoided if possible).
I shoulda seen this one coming... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I shoulda seen this one coming... (Score:5, Funny)
Gnu's not Unix...except when it is.
I don't like it (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I don't like it (Score:2, Interesting)
Giving choice has never been a problem in the Open source world, and the good ol' argument about "all those people are wasting their energy, they should team up !" doesn't take into account the way people work.
If anyone likes a project, he will join it. But if he doesn't, he will start hims. Is this a problem ? There is no such think as a best solution for the environment/distro/kernel choice ; being able to take whatever best fits your need is hence a big plus.
Re:I don't like it (Score:2)
In a way this is standardization, just of a different kind. In the past, if I wanted to use both Linux and NetBSD I was forced to use too completely different operating systems. Different packaging systems, different user environments, etc. Now I can use the Linux, NetBSD, and Hurd kernels while sticking with my 'standard' Debian operating system.
I, for one, welcome the idea. It makes it far more likely that I'll consider using the NetBSD kernel at some point in the future.
Re:I don't like it (Score:2)
Re:I don't like it (Score:2)
That's entirely a matter of definition. I think saying that the operating system consists of only the kernel (which is arguably the least visible component) is a bit of a stretch. The Microsoft position that the operating system is everything that's shipped on the CD is a little extreme as well.
Re:I don't like it (Score:2)
GNOME controls input and output functions (along with X). That would make it part of the operating system according to the M-W definition.
This is so shortsighted! (Score:3, Interesting)
With Microsoft we get a monoculture.
Are you suggesting the same for all other OSes?
If nothing else this project encourages and explores compatibility issues, source examination, bug catching, performance tuning, and a bunch of other things, if only because a new, fresh, set of eyes (Debian) is looking at old things (BSD), and the other way around, BSD people looking at Debian things.
This cross pollination can have so many surprising and unexpected benefits too. Like the fact that if the kernal is BSD and the userland is Debian... it means you could, besides a little project called Fink, place an entire Debian OS layer on top of Apple's Darwin or Apple's OS X.
Then there is the ports system, which sounds very good to me. It's currently a BSD thing, but there's nothing stopping it from running on top of the Debian-netBSD distro, with work, and therefore stopping it from working on GNU-Debian with just a little more work, with 'work' and 'little more work' being subjective here.
These are just obvious speculations on my part. Many more advantages can be found, I'm sure, of this type of project.
I support it as a server over debian linux (Score:2, Troll)
What does FreeBSD have to do with anything? (Score:2, Informative)
Windowmaker is not BSD. If you have a problem with Windowmaker, go complain to them.
Which parts of tuning require five years of experience and/or a CS degree? I switched from Linux to NetBSD after I'd been using computers for about two years altogether, and have always found it easier to work with. Why? Because it's a whole operating system. If stuff goes into the kernel, it's released with userland support, all at the same time.
NetBSD is, IMO, the cleanest system out there today. Everything works, and moving forward is easy. Doesn't come with bash? So what? I don't use bash, so I'm pretty happy to not see it. I do like the standard bourne shell it comes with for running my scripts. I do use tcsh, so it's typically one of the first things I install from pkgsrc on a new machine.
``But pkgsrc is hard! You have to build the stuff yourself,'' you say? A ``make package'' at the top level will create binary packages for the current platform for all packages your configuration suggests you're licensed for. Port maintainers typically do this and provide binary packages for most things people would want. In fact, when NetBSD releases ISOs, they release pre-built package ISOs for i386, just to make it a bit quicker (it certainly can't be any easier).
Re:I support it as a server over debian linux (Score:2)
That's the way it is supposed to be. Windowmaker is not FreeBSD and FreeBSD is not Windowmaker. They are separate projects. For FreeBSD to come along and decide what entries you must have in your wm menu would be the height of arrogance.
I used a Linux distro once that kept modifying my Windowmaker menu. It drove me nuts. I kept removing stuff and Redbutt kept putting it back in. So I tried another distro and it did the same damn thing, but went several steps further by removing every manual configuration I made every time it booted.
Dammit! Leave my configuration alone! If some distro wants to ship with default configs for the newbies, more power to them. But don't touch my configs after I do. That's more than rude, it's Evil.
Unless you have 5 years expereince or a cs degree you can not really tune it or highly configure it. In Windows you can just point and click and all the items are in the start menu by default.
Since when did you need a 5 year degree to add items to a menu?
I believe Linux took off because the distro's configure everything for you.
Linux took off long before the hand-holding distros should up. Go use Redhat 4.2 and see how easy it is. It was a nightmare of unusability. But it was the most popular distro at the time the world begin to discover that there was such a thing as Linux.
how different (from standard netbsd) is it? (Score:3, Insightful)
If its just a different package system, its pointless. Less work, and more immediately useful results, would be modifying apt to work with the current binary package system (which actually does support dependencies, etc.), and the large number of binaries in this format already available.
If not, its a more questionable proposition. Arguably, its not really BSD anymore...it runs NetBSD binaries and uses that kernel, but the userland is basically Debian, ie, just like any Linux distribution. And most people who want that should just assume use Debian with the Linux kernel, which is a far more mature combination. Yes, for VAXen, toasters, slide rules and other more arcane platforms this won't exactly work, but Debian-NetBSD doesn't seem to have package for these platforms anyway.
Re:how different (from standard netbsd) is it? (Score:2, Informative)
This would be a pretty big step backwards. The NetBSD startup stuff is far superior to SysV. They wanted to move to a similar model for a while, but anyone who's ever used SysV startup on a real system understands the problems.
Their current system allows you to drop files in a directory for startup that contain no special file names. They may list internally what service they provide, and what service they require and they will be sequenced properly. If you run two things that require network and don't provide anything that anything else requires, they'll get run after the network portion of the startup runs. There is no special shell scripting based on requested command (i.e. how many SysV startup scripts have you seen that implement ``start'' but not ``stop?''). Best thing is they're tiny, and they grow with the system. You define a couple variables and then do ``run_rc_command "$1"''
I think it's cool that people are trying different things, and I don't care as long as it's not wasting me money, but they'd probably be better off learning from a system rather than trying to assimilate the kernel while throwing away the other good stuff.
Re:how different (from standard netbsd) is it? (Score:3, Informative)
Less work, and more immediately useful results, would be modifying apt to work with the current binary package system
I'd argue with the "less work", but anyway. Connectiva have ported apt to work with RPMs - that doesn't make it Debian. We're not trying to produce a NetBSD varient using Debian packaging tools. We're trying to produce Debian running on top of the NetBSD kernel.
Arguably, its not really BSD anymore
By some values, this is probably true.
Debian-NetBSD doesn't seem to have package for these platforms anyway
Yet. Once we're running on one architecture, this ought to happen.
Do you care about your kernel? (Score:2, Interesting)
Now, Linux is rock solid, and I get to laugh at my friends who cant X setup on thier freebsd boxes. But then, by the time a good bsd distro will be out, newer and better linux kernels will be out, with new vm's and more features.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny
Re:Do you care about your kernel? (Score:2)
Does netbsd support SMP yet? Valid points.
Transition (Score:4, Insightful)
Mandrake/RedHat -> Debian/Slackware -> *BSD
It seems that Debian is going to make that last transition a little easier.
Re: I actually have seen the pattern.... (Score:3, Funny)
Mandrake/RedHat -> Debian/Slackware -> *BSD -> Debian
Re:Transition (Score:4, Interesting)
RedHat -> Slackware -> FreeBSD -> Debian
For desktop OS I find Debian Linux more convient than FreeBSD for two reasons:
Re:Transition (Score:2)
That's a hell of a lot of software. It's a hell of a lot more than Debian -stable (3950). But I here you cry that Debian -unstable is really stable so I should consider that instead, even though Debian still calls it -unstable. Trouble is, there's no official count of the number of packages in -unstable (and I'm not about to count them by hand).
So I did an unofficial, by the seat of my pants, survey of Debian packages. It turns out that Debian has a very high atomicity for it's packages. In other words, what is one package on FreeBSD might be two or more packages on Debian. Examples include splitting a library up into base, development and examples packages, a greater preponderance of "meta" packages (like koffice being split up into nine packages, plus the "development" package), and duplicate packages differing only in their build options (dia, fluxbox). Other oddities include dozens of kernel versions and dozens more kernel patches, splitting the KDE wallpaper out into it's own package (huh?).
Going by package count is definitely NOT the way to compare FreeBSD and Debian.
So far I haven't found any software that I wanted that was in Debian but wasn't in FreeBSD. But what if I did? Well then, I would simply turn on FreeBSD's Linux compatibility Mode!
Original idea was Debian OpenBSD (Score:3, Interesting)
Debian OpenBSD topic [abul.org]
Debian OpenBSD txt [abul.org]
What came first, the GNU kernel or linux? (Score:2)
I'm confused because the listy of reasons seem to suggest that it was in accepting the Hurd that states Debian is open to other kernels.
And even the Hurd is open to different micro-kernels! Mach and L4 are current micro kernel use efforts.
Re:What came first, the GNU kernel or linux? (Score:2, Informative)
My history is a bit shaky here, but I think it was the Slackware team which first made the unholy alliance of the GNU tools and Linus's kernel, and released it as a Unix distibution. I think Linus may have coined the name "Linux" a bit earlier for the combination of his kernel and a small set of GNU tools.
I think that Debian is more of a Linux distribution than a GNU project - even though the GNU project is what make Linux possible, they've never actually put out distributions of their OS themselves. But of course Stallman would like them to get credit for the fact that the only part of Linux that is Linus's is the kernel (a miniscule part of what's in a "Linux" distribution).. hence the GNU/Linux and GNU/HURD pedantry which is quite reasonable apart from Stallman's initially obnoxious way of handling it.
Re:What came first, the GNU kernel or linux? (Score:3, Informative)
Perhaps Slackware did indeed release the first distribution; but from the start, GNU was used on Linux. I imagine that the 0.1 release had some mention of "BTW, if you want to actually DO anything, go get the GNU stuff..."
What next? (Score:2, Funny)
my thoughts on a distribution (Score:2)
So I am wondering, what about porting something like BSD ports or Gentoo's portage or Debian's apt to MinGW? They're all ostensibly architecture-neutral, right? Personally I am leaning toward ports, because it uses the right language for dependency checking (make), it doesn't require packages (great for embryonic distros that don't have everything in packages). Portage OTOH looks like it has transactional features ports does not. I don't want to get mired in trying to design The Package System To End All Package Systems
Noooooooo! Stay away! (Score:2, Troll)
Re:Noooooooo! Stay away! (Score:3, Insightful)
How quickly we forget that stability is how many of us have sold Linux and *BSD to our employers, and that sudden rash changes and stability problems can leave those who require stability out in a lurch.
I see Debian's methodical approach to "current" as a good thing. Debian is about choice: if you want to be on the bleeding edge, please run unstable, we need the beta testers. If that's not your game, here's the stable tree. If you're really anal (or demented), here's the last version with security patches.
Sounds like a win for everybody. NetBSD gains more users (those who happen to get off on apt-get), Debian gets to work on porting to other kernels (a major cornerstone of the Debian project's defined goals), and everybody gets more choice.
Stay away from system administrators who think that the "latest" is always the "greatest."
Re:Noooooooo! Stay away! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:That is why Microsoft gets all the customer bas (Score:1)
That is why Microsoft loses a customer base. Flexability.
Its also what's great about various *NIX distros. If there's something you don't like about, say Suse (just as an example, I liked Suse) - but like some other things about it. Now someone else comes along with a Suse-based distro, or just another distro altogether, which has more of what you want. Switch. Simple as that. Use whatever you want, however you want. But if you make changes, especially really cool ones, let other people use them, too. That's just being nice.
how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:1)
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:2)
The beauty of the Debian approach is that sits a GNU system on top of a kernel. Source packages developed for Debian should build and run on any Debian system. The kernel is just a way of getting to the metal.
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:2)
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:3, Informative)
That's perfectly correct--the Debian system is aiming to independent of the kernel, so it seems to be developing into a portable userland (not a word I had encountered before, but suddenly everybody seems to be using it!) on top of whatever kernel you like.
Incidentally I notice that there was some debate on the Debian-BSD list as to whether to use the GNU name here, since unlike HURD they don't have libc6, and it's been argued that many essential parts of Debian aren't GNU anyway. And they might want to give the sysadmin the option of building a more BSD-like system (since the BSD userland is there for that kernel). The consensus so far seems to be Debian NetBSD.
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:2)
The glibc library provides the userland interface to the kernel.
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:2)
Re:how is it GNU-based if it has a _BSD_ kernel? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Mirror of wonderful post (Score:1)
I know this from experience. They probably have set it down to a lower level because the system can't handle a higher queue level.
Re:BSD + MySQL + PHP = Crap (Score:2)
Re:BSD + MySQL + PHP = Crap (Score:2)
You don't understand. (Score:1)
Re:Debian is an OS? (Score:2)
GNU OS (Score:2)
Re:Debian is an OS? (Score:2)
No, we're porting Debian to NetBSD. A distribution isn't just its installer and package management. There's the way the filesystem is laid out, the way the tools are configured by default and the philosophy behind the development.
Re:*BSD More Secure? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Splintering (Score:2)
How is the BSD license more restrictive? It allows for free and non-free use. It is actually more open than the GPL and probably better for students as it allows them the freedom to carry their work away from school. Does the GPL do this?