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The Internet Operating Systems BSD

IPv6 6to4 Tutorial 7

Anonymous Coward writes "I've put up a small tutorial on setting up 6to4 (on FreeBSD) and am keeping a list of public 6to4 relay routers (which 6to4 users use to get their traffic to non-6to4 sites). The list is way too short right now, so we need more folks to set up relays and/or let me know about them. The quicker IPv6 becomes popular, the easier the eventual transition will be. here's the URL."
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IPv6 6to4 Tutorial

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Is there any way to tunnel IPv6 in TCP or UDP connections? My school's firewall does not allow IPv6 through (it doesn't allow incoming TCP connections either).
  • I know, I shouldn't mention the word 'linux' here, but I do have a question concerning 6to4 that's related to linux.

    The tutorial says ' To set up 6to4, you start with a machine that has both IPv4 and IPv6. I will use FreeBSD 4.x as an example, mostly because it's the one I know best. FreeBSD has a special pseudo-device that can be used to set up 6to4 called stf. Make sure you put pseudo-device stf in your kernel configuration.....'
    Very nice, a complete tutorial how to set up 6to4 on a FreeBSD box, but this is not portable in any way to linux. I tried a search on '6to4' on the net, and I only got matches for the Microsoft ipv6 stack, none for other OS-ses.

    Can anyone point me to a generic 6to4 tutorial, with an explaination about the things to set up, WITHOUT a OS-specific example?

  • As all the OSs have a different way of setting up ip6 over ip4. You probably won't find a usefull generic how-to. There was I site I found in the past that had howto's for many OSs. I can't find the exact link, but start looking at www.freenet6.net [freenet6.net].

    For Linux specific try Linux: IPv6 [bieringer.de]

  • Yes. From what I hear, it's quite common in Japan.

    Here in North America, you'll have one heck of a hard time finding an ISP that's providing IPv6 service directly. Good luck.

  • Look into SIEMENS [siemens.com] over Nortel or Lucent. Their newer telephony products are based off of Solaris.
  • Are there any ISPs that are using something like this to provide dialup IPv6 access? I ask because no one is going to want to deploy IPv6 commercialy until a fair number of users are using IPv6.

    Are companies adding IPv6 to their RAS servers?

  • I'm not as interseted is finding one as I am in "starting" one. I work for an ISP in Colorado and am looking into the feasabliity (sp?) of cutting over to IPv6. I'm not worried about our servers since I run FreeBSD on them but I am worried about our Portmasters. Lucent doen't have anything (that I see) that can handle IPv6.


"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
