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BSD Operating Systems

July Issue Of FreeBSD 'Zine Released 13

Fawking DSL writes "Issue #06 of the FreeBSD 'Zine is out. In this issue, the writers explain how to get the best of both worlds (FreeBSD and Windows) using Samba or VNC, how to convert files from Linux, and the collapse of a FreeBSD user group. Michelle Sutton reviews another Solitaire-type game known as PySol. The FreeBSD 'Zine is in great need of new articles, if you have any send them on in."
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July Isue of FreeBSD 'zine Released

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  • My point is, 'What's the point?' Please don't post this non-interesting garbage on slashdot!

    Well, it is BSD-related. It's also a few weeks late, since it's been out for quite some time. Much nicer would be a link from the /. BSD section to Daemon News, but what do I know?

  • /. is beginning to look awfully similar FreeBSD zine's news section [].
  • by mr ( 88570 ) on Thursday July 20, 2000 @12:48PM (#922943)
    You keep installing Linux. They provide a GREAT source of security consulting work when they get root-kitted.

    And the hours to re-install linux is a great make-work program! The make just works on BSD. You go into /usr/src and type make update and then make world.

    And, once one is configured, you can expect 800+ days of up-time...if that is what you look for in a box. (the 800+ days of uptime handled e-mail for 20,000+ users.)

    If you had problems, perhaps it is you and not BSD.
  • i hope youre just being sarcastic. i couldnt keep my freebsd box up for 4 hours let alone 800 days...and i wasnt even on the godamn box for 4 was just sitting idle doing nothing. i filed a bug report BTW, and make world also bombed on me after 30 minutes with ad0 errors and a compiler error. perhaps its me but since it was a standard install on a commonly used piece of hardware and since ive used various forms of UNIX since 1991 i should know what im doing and if i dont the system shouldnt bomb on me and crash hard regardless.
  • t the best of both worlds (FreeBSD and Windows)

    And then they go on the mention a solitaire game.
    There goes Microsoft's advantage.

    -- Floyd
  • Similarly, Linux isa code fork from Minix and Minix is more update including a license ensuring free redistribution, a very small, and easy to use system that can be understood by even an undergraduate and can run on even an 8086?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    it was my understanding that hotmail uses FreeBSD? I'd check your sources next time. Even your linked "evidence" says that hotmail uses FreeBSD. :) I'm running a Win98 / FreeBSD dual boot (need '98 for some software compatibility)...The FreeBSD install took me 30 min. *max*, and I haven't struck a bug yet. FreeBSD rules!! -M. Sebastian Comella "'They're not homeless, they're in a band...' 'It's the same thing!'" -The Bouncing Souls
  • Despite the fact that I am giving the troll above me some shit, this is true. Linux is a Minix fork. This is fairly well-documented. Linus evaded the license the same way Berkeley did. He just rewrote the entire mess from scratch.
  • yeah BSD bigots - mark me as a troll because i found a bug in your oh so wonderful OS.
  • Could we see some proof that FreeBSD is a code fork from Solaris?
  • Look out your window.
  • and thats what i did :
  • No, Solaris is based on SVR4 which was a combined 4.2BSD and AT&T System V kernel.

"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam
