FreeBSD VM Design 101
Over at DaemonNews is an
excellent explanation of
the FreeBSD VM design, from Matt Dillon, who's been doing a great
deal of work on it recently. It's rare to see good descriptions of the internals (or parts of the internals) of any OS OS (that's "Open Source Operating System") so this is particularly welcome. As is customary, there are a number of
other excellent articles over at DaemonNews, including a new Darby Daemon adventure.
Re:Hard to know much about closed-source NT! (Score:2)
Nice article (Score:1)
Re:annoying part II (Score:1)
Well, that's your opinion. I admit I'm not well-qualified to talk on NT or BSD system internals, so I won't. But, from the little I remember about Linux, both fork() and thread spawning were implemented with the clone system call, the difference being that fork() also has to set up a separate memory space for the data. There are cases where this would be useful, and then you would use fork() for them. There are cases where it would not, and then you would use threads.
Frankly, it doesn't matter what you think a modern OS should or should not do: until there are no situations where using fork() would still be useful, a modern OS should still use it. I don't think it has outlived its usefulness yet.
And yes, NT focuses on threads more than processes. But if you wanted to implement it correctly, one approach would be to write the best threading model possible, and implement processes on top of that.
(I know NT does some "weird" stuff because of the VMS baggage, but I don't remember enough, really. Believe me, none of us would complain about NT if it also shared the *advantages* of VMS, such as wonderful clustering, great stability, low system requirements, the ability to stick it in a closet and forget its there, and an adventure game on every machine.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
DaemonNews link spelled wrong (Score:1)
The link to daemonnews.org is spelled 'dea...'
The story link is fine, but the link to the site is misspelled. Not a big deal, and probably mentioned at a lower score, but I tend to skim at a score of 4, and was confused for a moment...but just a moment.
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
It was probably a Virtual Machine (VM) the previous poster talked about. Seems like he didn't read the article at all.
What a legend... (Score:3)
Re:PLus: services don't need a gui. (Score:2)
I.e., Windows Terminal Server is "a UNIX way to approach the design of NT"?
Re:Page Coloring (Score:1)
Matt Dillon wrote DICE? (Score:1)
Solaris VM White Paper (Score:3)
I read up on the Solaris VM model a few days ago while trying to debug some Solaris boxen at work. It's an interesting read and covers the basic VM model and system diagnostic tools, including helpful detail of vmstat(1). Not as straightforward as Mr. Dillon's excellent FreeBSD VM article, but worth the look for comparison purposes.
The link to the PDF file is the first one on this page; check out the others as well if you're interested in finding out about more Solaris internals:
http://www.sun.com/sun-on-net/perfo rmance/ [sun.com]
Jack of all trades, master of none: http://whole.net/~pup/ [whole.net]
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
Re:Win64 != VaporWare. (Score:1)
Win64 is not vaporware. It will be released exactly when Microsoft has been saying all along. The year 2064.
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:2)
Re:Page Coloring (Score:1)
See? The bars on the BSD pages are all red, and followed links are black.
Linux has page coloring too, but the colors are *different.*
Just an observation (Score:1)
It's rare to see good descriptions of the internals
There's a reason for this, and it's pretty obvious - it's precisely because they're Open Source. If you want to learn how the internals work, you can go to the ultimate description - the source code.
Don't get me wrong, though, higher level descriptions are good and neccessary. It's just that they're not essential when dealing with Open Source Operating Systems. The reason there are so many "Windows Internals" type books is because those systems are closed, and worse, those higher level descriptions are often the only ones you can get of the system.
Such is yet another beauty of Open Source and Free software.
Good explanation of page-coloring (Score:2)
Although some elements could have been a bit clearer (you have to figure out just what "BSS" is from context unless you already know the appropriate Unixese), Matt has the most lucid explanation of page coloring I've ever read. Skip down to the bottom of the article to read it. It's a good example of why even wholly compute-bound programs can differ in performance under different OSes with the exact same hardware and compiler.
Re:FreeBSD SMP scalability? (Score:1)
I like OpenBSD alot, but nobody will give me a real answer...
Is OpenBSD ever going to go SMP in the near future, like within a few years? I'd rather not see OpenBSD be passed over as an option in a few years when multiprocessor servers are used more frequently.
Re:FreeBSD SMP scalability? (Score:1)
(just friendly questions, I like OpenBSD alot and even run around giving them free advertisment wearing their T-shirts.)
Re:Just an observation (Score:2)
The only documentation worth starting therefore is in-line source code comments because future programmers can be made to update the comments as they go along. And even then in some cases the project manager has to beat them with a stick to make them do it.
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Re:Just an observation (Score:2)
Ha! Not at all - when I can get it. Or when I'm allowed the time to produce any. But in my experience, although a brand new project will usually be written up with the best of intentions, *very* few software development shops will allocate enough time&resources to keep documentation up to date and in step with bugfixes and enhancements. It's a bit of a vicious circle because the argument can always be made that no-one ever has time to read it anyway...you have to just jump straight into the code and get on with it.
What about documention embedded in the source, like kdoc, javadoc, perl pod, and the like? Do those solve your synchronisation complaints?
This is what I was trying to get at. The cost of maintaining in-line source code comments is far lower as the text is only ever a "Page Up" key away from the code you're working on. Plus then the documentation is right where it's needed when you or another programmer needs to refer to it.
I'm not familiar with the specific examples you named but I'm guessing they are kind of implementations of Donald Knuth's "Literate Programming" concept, where the master copy of the code is actually embedded in the formatted text document which describes its function in natural language. To compile the code you first have to strip it out from the document.
IMHO this is a very good idea...with just one proviso; programmers spend enough time prettying up their code (and reformatting other peoples!). The last thing you'd want is for them to be farting about reformatting paragraphs, selecting heading styles etc. for the comments sections.
Plain unformatted text suitable for viewing on an 80-col-wide dumb terminal is plenty good enough and doesn't waste time. I admit that the ability to add the odd illustration without resorting to "ASCII art" could be useful but this too can be a waste of time and shouldn't be overused.
Finally, apart from source comments there is only one type of application documentation that should ALWAYS be produced for applications, a User/Operations Guide.
Anything else, such as API documentation for programmers can always be most economically done in the body of the source code.
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Re:PLus: services don't need a gui. (Score:1)
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
Re:Which mistakes: (Score:1)
(Perhaps after IBM had it's ass dragged through antitrust court for 15 years, they shaped up and enjoyed throwing FUD label at Microsoft. But "FUD" seems so un-IBMish, so I think it mostly the Team Warp vulgarians that enjoyed that term.)
As a side note, FUD is usually defined as "Fear, Uncertaintly, Doubt", but the original definition I read was "Flaming User Demand" (by preannouncing products to defuse competittors).
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:2)
The 68000 could not use an MMU or FPU
The 68020 could use an external MMU and FPU
The 68030 had an integrated MMU and could use and external FPU
The 68040 integrated both, with the exception of
The 68LC040 had no FPU but a working MMU.
Back then amiga's were around, which could take advantage of MMU's, but I think most people saw them in Apple's machines. Their first ones were called 32-bit dirt, meaning that there were errors in the ROMs that didn't permit them to use 32 bit addressing, until (it think) connectix released Mode32. The result of that was the system SAW the memory above 8 MB, but wouldn't let you use it. It would just report all the extra memory as being allocated to the system.
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
But it's a big pain for guys like me who have filenames like "~/DOS" and "~/devel". Why? Filename completion. To change to "~/DOS" I type "~/D[TAB]" and for "~/devel" I type "~/d[TAB]". The shell does the rest.
If "D" and "d" were the same, not only would I have to type an extra letter, I would have to remember which of the directories in my home directory, ("~/" for those of you not familiar with Unix), required one letter and which reqired two to complete.
Re:Just an observation (Score:1)
For a properly maintained, fully staffed project, there's no reason that docs cannot be kept up-to-date with the current release code.
The problem is that open source projects aren't "staffed" at all, usually. People just do what they can, and need to get done.
Am I mis-reading you, ralphclark or are you actually oppsed to documentation? What about documention embedded in the source, like kdoc, javadoc, perl pod, and the like? Do those solve your synchronisation complaints?
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
in filenames, for example all posix programs have
this behaviour. But the designers made the
decision that Windows programs would be
case insensitive. Doubtless one could argue
whether it was a good decision or not, but it
is a feature not a bug.
Dave Cutler still works at Microsoft. (Score:2)
Re:GLR is irrelevant (Score:2)
Herr Rockwell is irrelevant. Period.
Please, some perspective. (Score:1)
The fact that he does not choose to elaborate on his opinion is his choice to make, and it should be respected (again, on the strength of his standing as a pillar of the BSD development community). As he wrote at the end of the piece, it was really much longer than he intended it to be.
Now, regarding your quibble: Many kernel architects are convinced that a MK-based design is not fit for a server architecture (which is what MS is trying to pass NT as). Particularly a poorly-implemented one such as the NT microkernel and its bloated set of services. Mr. Dillon may have other complaints about the basic NT architecture, but had he stated only that, it would not be enough for you - you'd demand examples, bring up BeOS etc.
It is a fact that MS has had to modify NT's structure to make it up to scratch in the performance department, however even these changes had been poorly architected (video subsystem in the kernel, anyone?). Hopefully Win2K will be a worthy server platform (it seems to be a decent desktop system, at least). Unless MS have gotten their act together, the clean (if extremely slow) basic design of NT will have been further turned into an insecure hodgepodge of services.
So, the next time you start flaming, take a deep breath and try to see just what you're doing. Unless, that is, it was your intention to divert attention from the discussion, in which case I am sorry I wasted my breath on you.
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
Like UNIX, which means you can create the BAD situation of a file name that's the same except for capitalization. Why the hell would one WANT this? Filenames are supposed to provide context about the file's contents, and this does NOT serve that purpose.
I prefer the Unix approach. The whole idea of upper and lower case turns into a tar pit when you have to deal with internationalization. Some languages don't have cases and others have quirky rules that vary by country. It is much simpler to treat a file name as a sequence of character codes, preferably Unicode.
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
Re:Hardware and VM technology (Score:1)
Re:NetBSD virtual memory (Score:1)
Brett Taylor
Editor in Chief - DaemonNews
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
Case Forgetting
Like DOS, you can type the filename however you want (oscillating CAPS LOCK if you like), but it's always gonna show up as uppercase in a DIR.
Case Preserving/Case Sensitive
Like UNIX, which means you can create the BAD situation of a file name that's the same except for capitalization. Why the hell would one WANT this? Filenames are supposed to provide context about the file's contents, and this does NOT serve that purpose.
Case Preserving/Case Insensitive
Like NT and 9x... sort of. I've noticed that on FAT filesystems, windows will assume that you want filenames that fit 8.3 to be displayed with an uppercase first letter and all lower after that. Annoying. But (true) Case Preserving/Case Insensitive file systems makes the most sense to me: you don't have to worry if you're opening "REAMDE" or "readme", it just works. This is probably my biggest beef with using UNIX-based systems!
Whoa (Score:1)
Re:FreeBSD SMP not that good (Score:1)
Re:Eat it ( was Re:Oooh... bitchy ain't ya) (Score:1)
Re:Onan's News Service (Score:1)
Also, slashdot quickly created a side-bar box for DDNs. If you have an account, just add it.
Re:Kernel-mode GUI is single-user only. (Score:1)
NT has a single-user, kernel mode GUI.
Not true. NT has a kernel mode GUI. Kernel mode (by definition) does not run in the context of any user. The NT GUI actually supports as many users as you want - Terminal Server, Win2000, PC Anywhere, WinFrame and others are great proofs of this.
Since nearly everything you can do in NT needs the GUI...
Again, not true. Most user oriented things require the GUI. Server oriented things can't use a GUI because when running as an NT service you don't have a valid Windows Station or Desktop to draw on to.
In Windows 2000 you can right click any program and 'Run As' any user you want. That very effectively shows there is no problem in NT itself with multiple users simultaneously.
The real problem is named objects created by applications for synchronisation. These cause all sorts of havoc because programmers assumed the single user scenario and never imagined the named objects (event, semaphores etc) may be accessed by multiple users running the same application. Hence the incredibly ugly hack that allows NT to have a different named object space for each user on Terminal Server and Terminal Services in 2000.
Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
This can be problematic if you want to copy files from a unix machine, e.g. mirroring a web page, where there may be two different files called CONTENT.html and content.html, because one of them will get overwritten.
Hard to know much about closed-source NT! (Score:1)
Kernel-mode GUI is single-user only. (Score:2)
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
So, it's not just that MacOS spills its RAM onto disk when it runs out. This is why even Mac systems with a couple hundred Megs of RAM perform better with VM on.
Re:Just an observation (Score:5)
Don't get me wrong, though, higher level descriptions are good and neccessary. It's just that they're not essential when dealing with Open Source Operating Systems. The reason there are so many "Windows Internals" type books is because those systems are closed, and worse, those higher level descriptions are often the only ones you can get of the system.
This comes perilously close to saying "we don't need documentation, that's what the code is for!" A truly dangerous path to stray down.
The code is good at one thing: telling the machine what to do. It is often a pretty poor mechanism for documenting what you wanted it to do. It is also a poor mechanism for documenting what your concerns were, what you tried but found didn't work very well, what used to be implemented here, where your inspiration came from, etc... etc....
Unfortunately, many projects (open source projects included, but of course not exclusively) suffer from a combination of snobbery (if you really knew what you were doing you'd read the code and figure it out) or worse yet, a lack of design itself (it just works okay). It's too easy to hide lack of design and poor design in this way.
The FreeBSD VM article was exactly the kind of article that open source authors should be working toward. Document what you think. Document what you try. Document what the code does. There is more to programming than just knowing what C programs do.
Re:Matt Dillon wrote DICE? (Score:1)
Free source for DICE, compilable on Amiga, FreeBSD & Linux.
Sort of off-topic (shamless plug) (Score:1)
Discription: A FreeBSD distribution that is aimed for the desktop user,
Novice and power users that are used to a Windows or Macintosh enviroment.
Base: FreeBSD 3.4
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Windows Manager - QVWM (http://www.qvwm.org)
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Advanced (like adobe) - GIMP (http://www.gimp.org)
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Scandisk (fsck gui front end) -
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Compression (like winzip) -
PPP Dialer -
News Reader -
Clock -
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FTP Client -
Misc - Powertweak (http://linux.powertweak.com)
KDE packages (http://www.kde.org/)
Gnome packages (http://www.gnome.org/)
Seti@Home Client (http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/)
Windows - Wine (http://www.winehq.com)
Mac -
Re:FreeBSD SMP scalability? (Score:1)
Re:FreeBSD SMP scalability? (Score:1)
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
I think the old Mac processor cannot generate page fault exception or address remapping...
The MC68000 couldn't, but IIRC the 68020 was capable of using a MMU. I might be wrong about that, but certainly the 030 and 040 were available in combination with an MMU (built in to the processor I seem to recall).
There were plenty of other machines using these processors properly, like the Apollo workstations (running HP-UX).
There were many very good features of the MacOS, and the memory model was definately not one of them.
-- Steve
NetBSD virtual memory (Score:4)
Hardware and VM technology (Score:1)
The old segmentation hardware in Intel processors embodies some fantastic concepts but is a horrible implementation. Worse still, it was not fixed when the 32-bit i386 came out. So, it sits idle most of the time and does the VM system in FreeBSD no good. What should be there instead?
--Brett Glass
Re:Hardware and VM technology (Score:1)
I'm not saying that the code should be hardware-dependent, but rather that it's ripe for a few hardware assists.
Re:Hardware and VM technology (Score:1)
Hardware could help with such things as COW (having to keep several layers of information around after a fork is painful and resource-intensive) and page coloring. In fact, one could do much better than the current page coloring algorithms -- which are speculative -- if the hardware gave better information about the caching scheme. Currently, caching is a "black box" to the OS. The associativity, etc. of the cache may even depend on the amount of RAM installed.
In general, anything that allows the software to avoid marking a page invalid to "catch" an access is a big improvement.
Re:Kernel-mode GUI is single-user only. (Score:2)
Re:Sort of off-topic (shamless plug) (Score:1)
The neat thing about UNIX is the ability to use existing tools to do the job instead of re-inventing the wheel.
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:2)
ditto plus more (Score:2)
Erroneous or out-dated documentation is even worse than no documentation.
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
Uh, this is a feature of a lot of VM systems. What do you think a Linux swap partition, or the Windows swapfile, are for?
But yeah, System 7 had a pretty lousy VM implementation, from what I've read. If I understand correctly (and I could be way off), the third-party utility 'RamDoubler' was basically a replacement for the OS's built-in VM system.
Re:annoying (Score:1)
i think "annoying" is an even more appropriate label for the moderation of this post. by my count, it is one of approximately 3 on topic posts out of 58 total, and yet, some helpful moderator went to the trouble of knocking it down to zero.
i mean, whuhhhh?
[Off-Topic] To the /. staff (Score:1)
Could someone from the staff *please* fix the HTML from this news? The last anchor ("Darby Daemon Adventure") is not closed, what makes the first page on /. unusable if you're using Mozilla.
Marcelo Vanzin
annoying (Score:1)
The NT folk, on the other hand, repeatedly make the same mistakes solved by UNIX decades ago and then spend years fixing them. Over and over again. They have a severe case of 'not designed here' and 'we are always right because our marketing department says so'. I have little tolerance for anyone who cannot learn from history.
Ok, enough of this. Over and over again I have to wade through OR crap like: NT is based on VMS, it's just VMS in a new jacket, OR crap like: NT is not mature, it makes mistakes solved in Unix millions of years ago, over and over again . WHICH mistakes??? the 27 TCP/IP stack bugs, all solved a decade ago? I can't think of any other 'bugs' or 'mistakes' made... but what's really annoying is that the article, with a title that looks really interesting, dives into the same pile of FUD spread over and over again by people who know a LOT about Unix OS-es but seem to know a very LITTLE about NT.
Does the article need this kind of craptalk? no. Do the readers feel the NEED to learn from Mr. Dillon how the world works? no. The article is about VM's. FreeBSD's vision on VM's. So talk about THAT instead of pumping up the anti-fire. It's not amusing. It's annoying.
Re:Lower-case / capital letters for filenames (Score:1)
Re:Kernel-mode GUI is single-user only. (Score:1)
THe multiuser aspect of NT is already discussed a lot of times at this site: try to telnet with several people at once to an NT system. possible? of course it's possible.
PLus: services don't need a gui. (Score:1)
Re:annoying part II (Score:1)
He chose the 3rd option: throw mud and hope for the right audience who will love him for that mudthrowing. Well, some will, other won't. And that's sad.
Because what would have been REALLY interesting is: the NT model of threads attaching to loadable libraries in core and how NT solves the problem mapped on how FreeBSD solves the problem with processes, not threads, because he focussed the reader on the NT topic as being crappy because it has flaws that were solved decades ago in Unixland.
. I read you ask for respect for mr. dillon and for not being immature. Well, I can only answer: I don't respect people who throw mud at others without pointing to the reasons why. That means: you MAY throw mud on others, but explain why. If you don't, you are just the same as the people you describe, a teenage male looking for yet another venue to release their now trendy, "geek angst".
The article itself was pretty straightforward and insightful. Insightful because it let you look into the kitchen of FreeBSD without you have to crawl through lots of code. That's a Good Thing (tm). It wasn't really 'new' or '21st century tech' to me. Because IMHO a process fork() is something a modern OS shouldn't do, but instead spawn threads.
Re:Hard to know much about closed-source NT! (Score:2)
do these things relate? Back to the topic: if NT is packed with errors solved in Unix a decade ago, relating this to the actual topic of the article, are there designflaws in NT's VM handling? Don't come out now with the words 'we don't know! we don't have the source!!', because that's bollocks. There are numerous documents written by a lot of people about NT's internal structure and also about the VM handling and specifically connected with threads (the buildingblocks of NT's multitasking, Unix uses processes as building blocks). So, in the light of the article, what is so incredibly wrong? Mr. Dillon makes the, IMHO not so clever, remark that NT contains flaws unix doesn't have. So I say: which? because he MAKES the remark, he KNOWS what's wrong, right? otherwise how can he say THAT there is something wrong... that was my point. Perhaps offtopic, whatever, and already moderated down because it's perhaps hurting for the OS OS people here, but I just want to know.
Ah well....
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
Bullshit (Score:1)
I really don't get it - the guy writes a lucid and solid technical article and people are flaming him for it.
You want to know why? Because none of you here even has a goddam clue as to what he is talking about, but you just want to put in your own 2 cents.
Try flaming the facts next time (Score:1)
Just fess up and admit it - you couldn't understand any of the technical details, but you felt compelled to contribute some comment, so you lay in with this garbage.
If you're not going to contribute to the discussion constructively, don't post. I know this rule may apply to my own post, but I'm just overwhelmed by your idiotic response to a purely technical article.
Re:NOT VMS (Score:1)
Re:NOT VMS (Score:1)
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:1)
Re:VM design is old technology... (Score:2)
Virtual memory (VM) is how you implement processes with separate memory spaces; with a page table, and a page fault handler in the kernel. It's how your swap space gets used on Linux.
Certainly you could have protection without paging; there were machines in the 60's that did that if I recall correctly. It's kind of silly, though, because you have to either always use position-independent code, or have a loader which relocates your code on the fly. Or you can do weird segment register things. A page table (and hardware assist via a TLB) is a much more flexible solution, considering it lets you do things like paging to disk (instead of swapping entire processes to disk, which you had to do before you had VM).
Are there any mainstream OSes out there which don't do virtual memory? I think MacOS is weird this way somehow, but I'm not sure exactly what it does and doesn't do (just wait for MacOS X.)
Re:Page Coloring (Score:1)
I didn't say "unreasonable"... although there is hard evidence that some applications benefit considerably from page coloring on the 21164.
Linus is correct in saying that the 21164 is one of the last architectures to use a direct-mapped L1 cache. That alone may make it not worthwhile for the kernel distribution. Making it a kernel option may be viable... I admit I don't know enough about VM internals to attempt it.
Page Coloring (Score:3)
Interesting notes about page coloring... I didn't know FreeBSD had this capability.
Linus has stated [deja.com] that he probably will never add page coloring to the Linux kernel. Apparently he doesn't believe it will benefit enough architectures to be worthwhile.
On an Alpha 21164 many binaries run faster on Tru64 Unix than on Linux. Static linking rules out differences in the compilers or libraries. Page coloring (a feature of Tru64) is almost certainly the reason.
At last I feel compelled to go try FreeBSD...