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BSD Operating Systems

OpenBSD's Todd Miller's BSDCon Slides Available 23

LiquidPC writes: "Todd Miller has made his BSDCon slide presentation available online. It's primarily focused on new features in 3.0, the pf filter, and what to look forward to in 3.0.1."
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OpenBSD's Todd Miller's BSDCon Slides Available

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  • Awesome (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 25, 2002 @06:08PM (#3067336)
    This is an offtopic post, so don't feel bad modding me down.

    This is exactly the type of story that belongs on Slashdot. It is cool and informative. It talks about technology that will exist and what is necessary to make it happen. It appeals to the software-loving hacked in all of us.

    It surely belongs on the front page, unlike that Linux story that precedes this one.

    Perhaps someone can resubmit it and get it published to the front page?
  • Looks like we're actually up to 1 post/hour on a BSD story. How's yer funding Theo? Ha ha!
  • Seems like some days old news and btw, next version of OBSD (OpenBSD, not BSOD:P) is 3.1, not 3.0.1 ;)
  • Interesting (Score:2, Interesting)

    by NWT ( 540003 )
    I fount this really sweet: Today's innocent bug is tomorrow's hole

    I think this is the right thing ... they try to prevent ANY bugs, harmful or not!
    Other software creators fix their bugs when they appear, but the openbsd developers try to avoid/prevent bugs, which is IMO the best thing to do!

Understanding is always the understanding of a smaller problem in relation to a bigger problem. -- P.D. Ouspensky
