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How Do You Participate In Black Friday?

Displaying poll results.
I don't
14580 votes / 70%
I'll wait for Cyber Monday
1421 votes / 6%
I'll shop from my computer
1973 votes / 9%
I'll go to a store if absolutely necessary
587 votes / 2%
I'll visit a few brick & mortar stores
352 votes / 1%
I'll wait in line to get the deal I want
94 votes / 0%
I'll trample children and the elderly
1094 votes / 5%
I'm employed at a store, please don't yell at me
447 votes / 2%
20548 total votes.

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How Do You Participate In Black Friday?

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Love may laugh at locksmiths, but he has a profound respect for money bags. -- Sidney Paternoster, "The Folly of the Wise"
