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OpenBSD 3.9 Released 130

An anonymous reader writes "OpenBSD 3.9 was released this morning and is now available for download from the OpenBSD mirror sites. Among the new features is integrated framework for monitoring hardware sensors, a BSD licensed driver for nvidia nforce ethernet, and loads of new drivers and bug fixes. Of course you can still purchase the CD-ROM set which includes support for five platforms: i386, amd64, macppc, sparc, sparc64, and also includes the complete blob free source tree and prebuilt packages for many architectures. As always your contributions help to continue the devlopment of this great opeating system."
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OpenBSD 3.9 Released

Comments Filter:
  • by Ohreally_factor ( 593551 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @06:59AM (#15236007) Journal
    BSD confirms it. Netcraft is dead.
  • As always your contributions [] help to continue the devlopment of this great opeating system."

    That sentence about should read:

    As always your contributions [] help to continue the devlopment of all opeating systems.

    Apple's security relies on openSSH, Microsoft service's for Unix are openBSD tools, there's traces of it all over linux. In short openBSD has made everyone's lives better - you should contribute to openBSD if you're a computer user of any sort!

    Thanks Theo - for releasing your work under a BSD license, you've allowed us all to benefit from it.
    • And don't forget the comma after "always".
  • Dodos rejoice (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:00AM (#15236015)
    which includes support for five platforms: i386, amd64, macppc, sparc, sparc64

    at least you'll be able to do something with your old mac when Apple is done switching and pulls the plug on ppc support for good...
    • which includes support for five platforms: i386, amd64, macppc, sparc, sparc64

      So, is this going to make OpenBSD a new target for viruses? Someone better tell Theo!

    • at least you'll be able to do something with your old mac when Apple is done switching and pulls the plug on ppc support for good...

      Why would your computer just stop working once it is no longer supported?
    • Re:Dodos rejoice (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      They said [] that OpenBSD 4.0 will support Intel based Macs too...
    • That is hardly going to happen any time soon. There is really no reason for them to stop supporting PPC, as there will be many PPC users still after 5 years. That being said, there will be a time when your PPC won't run the newest OS X anymore. Still, I am sure that the most recent version available will still be ahead of OpenBSD, when it comes to desktop use. If you are talking about servers, then you might have a point...

  • Rock Solid Already (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:02AM (#15236019)
    Actually the CDs have been shipped for those that preordered, I got mine a couple fo weeks ago. The best thing, it just installs like a dream. I tried setting it up inside a VMware Workstation, took all of about 5 minutes from the CD.

    I also made my first donation to OpenBSD for a long time, to keep it going, since I use OpenSSH every day, infact my job depends on it.
    • I tried setting it up inside a VMware Workstation, took all of about 5 minutes from the CD.
      Thanks for the informative post. I was wanting to put this version to the test, but didn't have a spare machine to use right now. With the free VMWare player, you always have a spare machine for testing purposes.
    • by pimpimpim ( 811140 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @03:03PM (#15239913)
      I've always had the easiest installs with openbsd, on a rather exotic motherboard with via C3 processor, I got my sound, video, IBM rapid access keyboard with all extra keys, etc working directly from install. I never had this with any linux version I tried. For the things I want to do: edit files, run a (web)server, listen to music, watch videos, OpenBSD gives me more than enough.

      So to me, OpenBSD is just a Good Thing (R) from a practical point of view. I don't bother to have the latest version of everything, but I'm happy when things "just work" ;) and you can trust that they are solid and safe.

  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:07AM (#15236036) Homepage Journal

    Installed on an AMD64X2-3800. zoom Had to compile -current for something but I'm in the minority.

    Order the CDs and make a donation today, you cheap bastards!
  • by jpellino ( 202698 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:14AM (#15236055)
    "help to continue the devlopment of this great opeating system."

    1. Spel checkr.
    2. Full LRF support.
    3. There is no third thing.
    4. Universal Binary.
  • .....what do we have to wait on now.
  • Torrents! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Gandalf360 ( 194169 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:31AM (#15236106) Homepage
    Before the weight of the collective slashdot effect kills the main BSD servers, check out the bit torrents that are located here: []
    • Re:Torrents! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by rbrito ( 37104 )

      First of all, I am not a user of *BSD, although I do appreciate their goals. I am a Debian [] user and have been one for quite some time now.

      One fact to appreciate about Debian is that it is loosing its ties to the Linux kernel [] and becoming more and more general, now including even BSD efforts (like the kfreebsd5 [] port).

      So, even though I am a Debian user, I have this secret appreciation for all the work that the BSD people have done and continue to do and I am downloading the OpenBSD release from the torren

  • architectures? (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by Gothmolly ( 148874 )
    sparc, as well as sparc64? I know it's über to have an old Sparcstation IPX running Sendmail under your desk, but seriously, isn't it time to let sparc die? If its ANY work at all to maintain outside of the sparc64 tree, let it go. Also, I for one, welcome our ppc overlords, as my G3 running YDL (at the moment) is an excellent combination. PPC is not nearly as dead as Sparc, or as *BSD, for that matter. (joke, not a troll!)
    • Re:architectures? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by The Tyrant ( 472050 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @07:47AM (#15236173)
      OpenBSD has excelent Sparc support, and I for one am very happy about it, Sparcs make excelent firewalls and servers for small environments, mine currently has a quad fast ethernet card in the back thus meaning I dont need an extra hub in the server cupboard (just the four rooms it connects to) and combined with OpenBSD's excelent packet filter and rock solid security (which is even stronger on sparc since it can take advantage of quirks of the archetecture to defend against some attacks better) it makes an ideal server for me, runs nicely and doesn't even push the sparc that hard.

      Joke or otherwise, Sparcs are awesome machines (for some roles), and OpenBSD is an awesome system.
      • Re:architectures? (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        rock solid security (which is even stronger on sparc since it can take advantage of quirks of the archetecture to defend against some attacks better)

        With sparc64 you can use the sparc quirks and also the security mechanisms intentionally built into the sparc64's, which the sparc's lack.

        sparc64 seems to be the best platform of all to employ the highest security with OpenBSD.

        What a shame Sun are such a bunch of a-holes with their pseudo "open source friendly" stance. They open up the specs and design to their

    • Keeping loads of various architectures 'live' helps the developers spot odd bugs in the common that may compile Just Fine on x86 but cause glitches on esoteric platforms. Thus weird bugs get cleaned up.
    • Re:architectures? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by TheRaven64 ( 641858 )
      Take a look at the OpenBSD rack [] in Theo's basement, and you will see how popular SPARC32 kit is with the devs - I counted 5 machines in total.
    • Re:architectures? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by sunwukong ( 412560 )
      What about Niagara []?

      Unfortunately, last I heard, Sun was being their usual selves and hiding key architectural details (e.g., chipset stuff) that are holding up the porting effort.

      That was about a month or so ago -- hopefully Sun have decided to open up by now ...
    • Re:architectures? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Spit ( 23158 )
      I'm glad they support Sparc, as Solaris is no longer supported and Linux has some serious problems on Sparc systems. The old Sparc hardware is very reliable and neat and OpenBSD makes a nice replacement for Solaris.
  • From OSNews:

    "Some unofficial (and of course unsupported by OpenBSD team) install ISOs: []"
    • by Anonymous Coward
      "Some unofficial (and of course unsupported by OpenBSD team) install ISOs:

      I have always been totally perplexed by people who download and use OpenBSD ISO's (besides the official OpenBSD installer-only ISO's). It completely goes against what OpenBSD is about and defeats the whole reason for using OpenBSD.

      You use OpenBSD because you are concerned about security and then go and run some random binary provided by some random people on the net who you know little about? People who don't have the long-term reputa
  • Anybody know if OpenBSD 3.9 supports 32 and 64 bit development on the x64/AMD64 platform? I installed OpenBSD 3.8 and it only seemed to support 32 bit development on the i386 distro and 64 bit development on the x64 distro... but not both on the x64 distro. Any ideas?
  • by dildo ( 250211 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @10:04AM (#15237058)
    After two weeks of attempting to get the various crappy beta-quality drivers to work on linux, I switched to OpenBSD to find that it supported my wireless card perfectly. (I have a PPC machine, so ndiswrapper was not an option.)

    Installing was also easy. If you have a little patience and are not afraid of a text-only install, starting OpenBSD was very easy.

    I like this operating system. The man files are comprehensive and well written, and even a person with limited technical experience (me) was able to get everything working fairly quickly.

    • Hear hear.

      I've had numerous similar experiences with it over the years, and its elegant simplicity is always what wins me over in the end. Linux casts a wide net, and tries to be all things to all people, with the consequence that with things like driver support, it so frequently ends up being an ugly hack. Whereas with OpenBSD, if the hardware is supported, it works beautifully - wireless is a particularly good example of this.

      I know that elsewhere on these pages I have likened OpenBSD (as a UNIX) to M
    • > The man files are comprehensive and well written

      I guess we are reading different manual files. I do have trouble understanding
      'man 3 setlocale' and info about blowfish crypt format. Blowfish crypt differs
      and setlocale does not work as documented.
      • See this article []:

        In OpenBSD, the UNIX manual pages are considered authoritative. If a program or function call does not behave exactly as the manual describes, this is considered a bug. This is reflected in the development process, which does not allow any code that result in a user-visible change to be committed to the tree without an accompanying update to the documentation.

        So if something in the base install does not work as documented, report it. Bug reporting instructions are here. []

    • IMHO, the best idea OpenBSD brings to the table is that drivers for ALL supported hardware are included, and will be automatically enabled on boot-up. That means you can take a hard drive with OpenBSD on it, from one system to another, and not need to do any reconfiguration at all. It will automatically use the highest ATA mode possible, probing the new USB2 card for devices, etc.

      The exceptions being X11 (if you're using it), and your IP addresses (if you aren't using DHCP, PPP, PPPoE, etc).

      Swap soundcard
      • Swap soundcards, and the new one will be working on boot-up, just like nothing ever happened. It doesn't need crazy and buggy hacks like many Linux distros use.

        Oh man, that's awesome! I've always wanted an OS that loaded drivers for every single peripheral ever made just in case I ever plugged one of them in.

        It must be great for security as well - imagine if someone found a really nasty security hole in an obscure and seldom used driver. On Linux that wouldn't get fixed because nobody would have it loaded a
        • I've always wanted an OS that loaded drivers for every single peripheral ever made just in case I ever plugged one of them in.

          Although they are part of the kernel, they really aren't loaded, in the Linux sense of the term.

          That's one of the main reasons why compiling your own kernel in Linux is a day-to-day thing, while it's almost never done in the BSD world, despite it being quicker, simpler, etc.

          But on OpenBSD it would get fixed a lot more quicky because everyone would potentially be vulnerable.

          No, that's

    • I wish it supported my D-Link DWL-G650. For some reason it's stuck in 802.11b mode and won't use 802.11g! Damned Atheros!
  • 3.9 adds Zaurus remote control (zrc) support.
    info: ektion=4&arch=zaurus []
  • Seems it's time for dumping # Sendmail 8.13.4, with libmilter
    and Bind 9.3.1 (+ patches) for qmail and djbdns :-)

    • RTFM, and tell DJB to offer a non-braindead licence.
      And then you might see what you want.
      Or, even better, ask DJB why he doesn't put his code to Free && Open.
    • 1) qmail and djbdns don't have licenses, they have rants
      2) the license rants are not free for openbsd to use
      3) there is nothing wrong with sendmail and bind
      4) nothing prevents you from downloading and installing qmail and djbdns
  • This article (and release) are excellent timing for me. My latest project is building a firewall to replace our SonicWALL with an OpenBSD system. I need to make a hardware recommendation for something that can:
    • Support at least four NICs (WAN, LAN, DMZ, wireless), with gig-eth between the LAN and DMZ.
    • Terminate three or four OpenVPN tunnels over a 3 Mbit connection.
    • Run Snort (not strictly necessary, but would be a nice bonus).
    • Ideally fit in 1U of rack.

    I'm having a hard time with this. This

    • eRacks [] and Hawk [] are two of the commonly-suggested vendors that sell machines with hardware specifically chosen for OpenBSD compat (and will even pre-install, if that's your thing). I'd suggest any 1U generic box built in the last 5 years with 512-1024MB of RAM. Good NICs are going to be more important than CPU (fxp(4) is a good choice; see the archives, since this question comes up regularly). Either of the above vendors (or others; check Google for "openbsd rackmount server") should be abl
      • oh, and you may also wish to check out Soekris [] gear - highly secure (run the OS from a RAM filesystem, set your CF media to read-only), very small, 12W power requirements, the net4801 (for example) ships with 3 fxp(4) interfaces and a miniPCI slot that can take either a wireless card or a hardware crypto accelerator (200Mbps AES-256 at line speed with near zero CPU overhead). Search the archives for Soekris and you'll get quite a few results.
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday May 01, 2006 @12:05PM (#15238217)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Can I finally use carp on a transparent bridge?

    The carp man page says something about not needing an IP anymore if you specify carpdev, but I haven't found any relevant examples. I'm in the middle of setting up two 3.9 boxes to try making it work.
  • damn I love this little os..

If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
